News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray)

Brandon Gray practising negative PR on the last day of Occupy Toronto

I noticed this last night, but didn’t post until I could get confirmation. It has been confirmed this morning that Brandon Gray (not his real name, to be released later) was on-sight at Occupy Montreal’s Jail Solidarity event I wrote about in my last article. No wonder it was such a PR negative event!

Brandon Gray practising negative PR for Occupy Montreal!

So, not only is this PR genius screwing-up the good name of Occupy Toronto, now he has to go to Montreal and do the same idiotic stuff! What’s wrong with these people- don’t they want the Occupy movement to succeed?

When my source was asked how could a poor anarchist afford such a trip, his answer was quite a surprise. Apparently his wife, ‘Anarchist Ashley’ comes from quite wealthy stock! Here’s a picture of the lovely couple.

Anarchist Ashley & Brandon Gray At Occupy Toronto's Demonstration against police violence at the 52 Division Police station

So, we have the husband of an alleged ‘trust-fund kiddie’ (both are prominent Black Bloc anarchists) who is out there deliberately screwing-up demonstrations in both Occupy Toronto & Occupy Montreal. What the hell is their intention?

Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

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