Curtis Brick Fountain: We may be on the path to a success!

When there is something important I want done- I can often be relentless. Many of you know I’ve had a lot of criticism about that because of my pursuit to rid Occupy Vancouver of its Black Bloc problem. Often, this relentlessness pays off…

I’ve approached many people in our city to try and get the Curtis Brick fountain running again- from the city Engineering department, to Mayor Gregor (who didn’t even answer when I warned about a potential death at OV), and Penny Ballem (I marched her over to the fountain on the night she was blocking OV from setting-up camp at Grandview Park.) All of these pursuits proved to be fruitless.

So, when I saw Sarah Blyth posting on Twitter after she had won her new position on the Park’s Board, I couldn’t resist sending her a message. She and Aaron Jasper have discussed a solution and it seems hopeful they may be able to close this issue for us!

I will, of course, keep you all updated. And, if the fountain is finally repaired due to Sarah’s help- I will be sending her a (modest) Christmas gift as a token of my appreciation. Because, after all the negativity I’ve felt from our city over the past couple of months- this would be a wonderful way to move on into a new year!

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News Flash: Ninjas Have Infiltrated Occupy Vancouver Today! (not an official OV event!)

The Vancouver Police Department have just published a press release about an incident where the ninjas have, once again, infiltrated Occupy Vancouver! There has been one arrest.

People of Vancouver, please take note that the vast majority of people at Occupy Vancouver are not ninjas, nor do they support their actions. David Eby of the BCCLA (and a former NDP candidate who ran against Christy Clark) is supposedly an anti-ninja, and pro-OV, but he still refuses to speak- out against their actions. It pains me that he refuses to help.

It was only yesterday that Harsha Walia’s  No One Is Illegal was distributing pro-ninja propaganda

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Provocateurs In Occupy Vancouver?

Betty Krawczyk, a former Green Party Candidate, seems to also have concerns that there are people involved in Occupy Vancouver who distributed misinformation and tried to incite violence. Betty has been involved in demonstrations for many years- so probably has a good idea about what she is discussing here.

So, I’m not the only one who believes the Black Bloc presence has been problematic. It leaves me wondering why David Eby still refuses to speak out on this issue. Is he scared of being hit with another pie, or is there more to the story?

If you have information, or any leads, please don’t hesitate to get in contact….

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Occupy Bearspray: Or, why do people think bad things about the VPD?

Occupying in Calgary Is Truly Courageous- fighting cold & nutcases!

I just ran across a story about an incident at Occupy Calgary where some idiot (probably one of Alberta’s many neocon redneck’s) sprayed pepper/bear spray into their Information/Library tent!

Occupy Vancouver had some threats back in October- some highly disturbed individual was trying to round-up a posse to ‘de-occupy’ OV. One of the occupiers met and labelled the guy “most likely to be a lone gunman”. But, with the invention if the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog.

When the threat was brought to my attention, I contacted Sargent Argent and he arranged for an investigation and for extra VPD on-site the night he was threatening to attack us.

A small number of people at Occupy Vancouver have anger with the VPD for our eviction. This seems rather misguided to me because the real culprit is Judge Anne MacKenzie who passed the injunction to have OV removed. The most that the VPD did to us was to politely ask that we leave after she made the ruling. And, of course, they arrested a couple of people who decided to resist the order a week later. (that said, I believe they gave them the option to walk away first…)

So, in reality, I’d estimate that about 99% of VPD (wo)man hours at OV were spent protecting us from the outside world! They helped keep dangerous people out, and did little things like make sure we weren’t hit by traffic while people decided to march and block traffic. Hardly oppressors…

But, still Chief Chu, you haven’t answered any of my questions I mailed, emailed and tweeted to you- not even a quick note to say you’d rather not answer. What’s up with that? Do you not think that this sort of attitude is why some of the 99% are so fixated on 1% of your activities at OV?

Time to engage with us- rebuild trust with the people. You owe it to us, and you owe it to your officers- because they don’t deserve that 99% of their efforts are overshadowed because of your petty politicking…

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A list of “dirty hippies” who support the Occupy movement…

Next time you read the SunVince spreading hate against my beloved movement, keep this list of esteemed supporters in mind.

Then, write your MP about Canada’s immoral media ownership laws…


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