Update: Convicted G20 ringleader Alex Hundert liked this story so much he re-tweeted it for all of his friends!
A statement was released yesterday on an anarchist website by a group identifying themselves as “some anarchists”. In it they not only claim to have sabotaged a train line, but have also given simple instructions on how to do it. If true, this is a dangerous progression (and matches some of the organizer’s Ruckus Society training).
The online representative for the pipeline occupiers responded cheering…
When explaining why they sabotaged the train line, the person posting the statement said:
“We choose to disrupt freight traffic after hearing of the occupation, and wanted to show our complicity with their struggle. The occupation was served an injunction on Tuesday, and we hope our actions let those occupiers know they are not alone. today they were arrested and removed.
Our actions are linked by their anti-capitalist nature, and freight traffic is an easy target for our resistance.”
This has not yet been confirmed with CP or CN, will keep you updated as more information becomes available. Until then, enjoy this video of some of the hijackers (including Sakura Saunders and Dave Vasey) blocking Toronto traffic…
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How much pollution are they putting into our air by making all those cars idle for longer than the 3 minute legal limit in the city?
That’s a very good question…
there’s something very strange about blockades and train disruptions, they mostly interrupt the people who live in the city, not helping the process of having a populous side with you on your issue as you’re annoying them with the disruption. mobbing together spells disaster. but getting together in an individually productive and strategic way, especially when fighting tyranny, I find is much more effective, as the higher weapons technology my mob control have some pretty handy weaponry. am I going on again???
So what would happen if a train derailed while carrying chemicals?
The baby anarchos would blame capitalism, of course, for making them use such tactics because they are disenfranchised, and that you have to break some eggs to make an anarchist paradise…
Lac Megantic would happen !
These people are not protesters, they are terrorists, plain and simple. They don’t care about the safety of others an dare only interested in their own twisted agendas. Hammer, you make a great point that validates what i just said. I really think is about time that the cops and other law enforcement agencies put the screws to these scum bags once and for all . Suzy , your question is awesome, These scum bags claim to all for the environment but their actions are in fact actually causing MORE harm to it. Well, never let it be said that they were intelligent and smart. All you have to do is look at witless Trey Winney think he is superman and trying to stop a pickup truck by holding onto it. More Kool Aid anyone ?
Any word on when your blog will be back up?
You can reach undercoverkity’s temporary site at: http://www.genuinewitty.com/undercoverkity
[…] supports tampering with rail lines and endorses convicted G20 violent protestors (as reported here) as part of it’s […]