As readers of this site already know, the Vancouver Observer was founded based on a deception. When their editor Linda Solomon (sister of Joel Solomon, the head of TIDES Canada) arrived in Canada the first thing she did to garner favour with the city was to write a book called “Why I Love Vancouver”. The …
December 2013 archive
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Dec 17
[Updated] Anarchists Light Queen Street Fire, Firefighters Attacked, Toronto Police AWOL, Media Duped?
UPDATE: The story originally identified the person in the beige jacket feeding the fire as Chelsea Flook of the Sierra Club. Flook has written and said that it was not here. Your Humble Narrator apologizes for any misconceptions as a result of this error, but still points out that Flook promoted this event- behaviour that’s …
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Dec 03
Yawn, Another Line 9 Pipeline Occupation… (Feat. The Usual Suspects)
A group of the usual suspects occupied an Enbridge construction site in north Toronto today. Protesting the Line 9 reversal project, the protesters claimed that Enbridge was jumping the gun on construction. Enbridge claims this was a maintenance project- something anti-pipeline protesters often complain the company doesn’t do enough of. Are we confused yet? …
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