Category: #OccupyCondos

A Brilliant Idea From Occupy Bellingham!

Bellingham has always been a special place for me- as someone who grew up in British Columbia, it was the city we would drive to for inexpensive stores with a wider selection of goods. Canada is a great country, but most everything seems to be overpriced- our retailers are really taking advantage of us.

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Welcome Media Co-Op Readers! (Do they receive Government Funding?)

It appears that Media Co-Op has linked to my site! This organization is one of Canada’s foremost producer of violence inciting media. Something to be proud of! (if you are a Black Bloc terrorist…)Media Co-Op is most famous for filming Harsha Walia’s racist & sexist hate video a filmed at Irwin Oostende’s  rave club/media centre …

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Need I say more???

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OccupyPBX: Emergency Announcement! A call to the 99% to call our leaders!

About a week ago I met a very nice woman who was campaigning for #HeritageNotCondos (okay, I made up the name). She told me that the city was planning to approve one of the West End’s remaining heritage buildings to build a nasty condo! Mayor Plasticman loves to make the 1% richer- right TIDES Foundation?I …

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#OccupyCondos: With Naomi Klein

I arrived to the site of the demonstration a bit early. My favorite mayoral candidate Saxmaniac and a couple of other demonstrators were visible from across the street, as were Vancouver’s finest, and a reporter from the SunVince. Lisa Johnson from the CBC must have been busy covering some other story- we missed you Lisa!A …

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