100 results for Ruiter

Professor David McNally On Marxisms (feat. Zach Ruiter & The Occupy Hijackers…)

In my very long article on the ruckus at the University of Toronto, I mentioned a professor from York University professor David McNally. In the article I called for him, and others, to take leadership in helping fix Toronto’s problem with group political bullying. Well, less than 24 hours later- anti-nuclear anarchist Zach Ruiter released …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/12/16/professor-david-mcnally-on-marxisms-feat-zach-ruiter-the-occupy-hijackers/

GE-Hitachi: University of Toronto Professor Jim Deutsch Defends G20 Anarchists! (feat. Zach Ruiter)

I see a lot of disturbing videos in my research. Today I saw one of the more disturbing videos I’ve seen in a while- it’s always a challenge observing people in positions of power supporting violent anarchists. The first time I saw this phenomenon it blew my mind- how could Vancouver’s David Eby, a candidate for …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/11/21/ge-hitachi-university-of-toronto-professor-jim-deutsch-defends-g20-anarchists-feat-zach-ruiter/

MediaWatch: Rabble.ca Says F**K The Troops! (feat. Julian Ichim, Zach Ruiter & Flagpole Alex!)

As most of my readers know by now- Rabble.ca is one of the most disgustingly vile publications in all of Canada. They promote G20 vandals as ‘political prisioners’, they publish slanderous lies about people who disagree with the radical left, and they were founded by Judy Rebick- one of the most hideous leaders of Canada’s …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/11/18/mediawatch-rabble-ca-says-fk-the-troops-feat-julian-ichim-zach-ruiter-flagpole-alex/

How Anarchists Are Spoiling Environmental & Social Justice Movements (feat. Zoe Blunt & Zach Ruiter)

After a year of investigating, it has become obvious to me that the Canadian environmental movement has been deeply infiltrated by anarchists. Contrary to what one would expect of anarchists, they are incredibly well-organized- on a national scale. They’re also backed (and often financed) by some high-profile people and organizations who have made this infiltration …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/11/12/how-anarchists-are-spoiling-environmental-social-justice-movements-feat-zoe-blunt-zach-ruiter/

MediaWatch: Zach Ruiter, Toronto Media Co-Op & BannockGate!

 Update: Zach Ruiter is no longer working with the TMC, but he did produce this video while with them.An intrepid young reporter for the Toronto Media Co-Op (TMC) put together an interesting video titled Bannock Canadian Comfort Food? Devouring Culture. It’s a story about natives, anarchists, YouTube, political correctness and Scottish flat breads. And, just for some spice, I’ll …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/26/mediawatch-zach-ruiter-toronto-media-co-op-bannockgate/

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