Nina Wilson is one of the more interesting people who came out of the Idle No More movement. Wilson and the other three founders worked with the Suzuki Foundation to help bring the movement to public attention in late 2012. In 2013 the four founders were recognized by Foreign Policy Magazine on their annual Global …
Tag: Occupy Movement
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Jan 03
Idle No More Unmasked Part I: What Didn’t The Suzuki Foundation Disclose In Their Letter To Stephen Harper?
Introduction: Idle No More, so the legend tells us, is a grassroots movement started by four indigenous women from Saskatchewan who were unhappy with parts of the federal government budget bill C-45. The movement’s message inspired protests across the country- most were peaceful, but there were incidents where militants took advantage leading blockades, and tampering …
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Nov 07
Astroturf Environmentalists Hijack Grassroots At CPC Convention Protest (Feat Suzuki, Levant DePape & Alinsky)
This week the Conservative party held its convention in Calgary. It was a good choice, the Prime Minister’s riding is there and it’s an easy city for the CPC to round up a nice sized crowd. There’s also an added benefit- Alberta’s a lot less left-leaning than the rest of the country, so it’s more …
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Aug 18
Saskatchewan Green Party Executive Promotes Train Sabotage! (feat. Daniel Johnson)
Daniel Johnson is a Regina based radical who took leadership during the Occupy movement. He’s a scruffy, unshaven, guy who has a nice home- but spends a lot of time on the streets radicalising the homeless. Your Humble Narrator met him last summer while he was here in Toronto- he’s incredibly personable, but you can …
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