Tag: Occupy Toronto

A Drive-By Report On Today’s (Sad) Line 9 Protest (Feat. Usual Suspects)

Update: This report initially said that the Line 9 spokesperson claimed this dig would fix 400 defects, that was inaccurate, and has been fixed. If you read my story Yawn, Another Line 9 Pipeline Occupation, then you probably don’t need to bother reading any further, today’s 12-hour ‘blockade’ of a Line 9 site is pretty …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/05/20/a-drive-by-report-on-todays-sad-line-9-protest-feat-usual-suspects-adam-carter-cbc/

LeadNow’s Anti-Social Climate Rallies Leave Vandalistic Legacy! (And what we can do about it)

Last weekend LeadNow.ca organized their Defend Our Climate, Defend Our Communities rallies across the country. LeadNow claimed they had events in over 100 locations (some possibly in people’s living rooms), and that many thousands of people showed up in support. The two largest gatherings were in Vancouver and Toronto- many of the usual suspects appeared, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/05/19/leadnows-anti-social-climate-rallies-leave-vandalistic-legacy-feat-lana-goldberg/

Will The Unist’ot’en Camp Be This Summer’s Clayoquot Sound? (And which NGOs are taking the money?)

Last December when a joint review panel recommended that the government approves Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline project, it didn’t take long for the activist community to declare war; promising a long hot summer of protests, blockades, and (potentially) sabotage and violence. Ben West of Forest Ethics encapsulated the mood well, telling the CBC: “If these …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/05/02/will-the-unistoten-camp-be-this-summers-clayoquot-sound-and-which-ngos-are-taking-the-money/

Union/NDP Front Group Slaps Harper With Teleportation Con-Artist! (Feat. Operation Maple)

Have you ever wondered to yourself how deep Canada’s public service unions are willing to sink into depravity in their quest attack Stephen Harper? If so then today is your lucky day- after three years of tracking and reporting on anarcho-syndicalist bedlam, Your Humble Narrator has identified an example so absurdly dark and idiotic it would …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/18/unionndp-front-group-slaps-harper-with-teleportation-con-artist-feat-operation-maple/

Dear Roseanne Barr: Please Stop Promoting Kevin Annett, He’s A Monster

Dear Roseanne, It’s been over two years since we last spoke during Occupy. I appreciated back then how you helped stand-up against the people who were promoting violence in the movement. Ever since that incident I’ve only had good feelings about you- so, please understand, I come in peace. Today I learned some deeply disturbing …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/17/dear-roseanne-barr-stop-promoting-kevin-annett-hes-a-monster/

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