What Was Blackwater’s Involvement at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics?


Why am I posting a video about Blackwater (now known as Xe)? Because, they are an evil company. But, also because they were hired to provide security services at the 2012 Olympics in Vancouver!

Curious to know if they also worked with the Council of Canadians, Harsha Walia and David Eby as they rounded-up the useful idiots of the Black Bloc for the “Heart Attack” incident that ended the Olympic protest movement. Or, perhaps they just watched it happening and giggled with joy…

Blackwater Worldwide's new company logo--refer...

Blackwater Worldwide's new company logo--referred to as Xe.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/03/29/what-was-blackwaters-involvement-at-the-2012-vancouver-olympics/

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