Alex Hundert Is Going To Jail Tomorrow

Before anyone decides to canonize Alex tomorrow, I thought I’d post this I recorded the night he tried to block me from accessing an Occupy Toronto general assembly. I believe his saying “I don’t give a f##k about the law” says it all. He’s a criminal- pure & simple…

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    • bonnibrai on June 27, 2012 at 08:46
    • Reply Thought you would like this !!

    1. Haha! That is friggin funny! Thanks for sharing! Blazing Cat Fur always finds the most hilarious stuff!

    • Seriously? on June 27, 2012 at 15:35
    • Reply

    That’s Why Wilfrid Laurier tossed him from LSPIRIG and pulled his funding. An inability to obery the law…llke every other criminal that struggles with that :)

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