January 2013 archive

[Updated] Andy Lehrer Has Made A Very Ominous Threat Towards Me… (And how I caught him)

Update: Lehrer has started having a temper tantrum, denies that he was there, and is threatening to sue me. If you read what Causepimps.ca have to say about him, this appears to be par for the course. I saw the guy with my own two eyes, and I talked with him. So, officially, it’s my …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/17/andy-lehrer-has-made-a-very-ominous-threat-towards-me-and-how-i-caught-him/

Violent Anarchist Arrested At Ryerson University Stakeout! (feat. Alex “Flagpole” Balch)

I walked into the Ryerson University Student Union building this afternoon and was welcomed with a shocking surprise. I was only half-way through the front door when I recognized someone who I’ve been looking for since we last met. His name is Alex Balch, and he’s the anarchist who came charging after me and attacked …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/16/violent-anarchist-arrested-at-ryerson-university-stakeout-feat-alex-flagpole-balch/

Are Ontario’s Court And Police Hurdles Providing A Tactical Advantage For #IdleNoMore?

One of the most fascinating parts of attending a ‘militant’ demonstration is watching the interaction between the militants and the police. This varies a lot by country- generally, the more repressive the nation, the more repressive are the police and the more responsive are the protesters. I’ve watched police officers pulverize protesters in Russia, and listened to sound …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/15/are-ontarios-court-and-police-hurdles-idlenomores-tactical-advantage/

[Update 3] Linda Solomon’s Faux Pulitzer “Nomination” (Or, Look What TIDES Canada Brought In…)

Update 3: The Observer has now re-posted Solomon’s book on their website– only, they have cropped the image of the book cover to hide the fact she claims to be Pulitzer nominated. They’ve also added a disclaimer about the book saying “Out of print since 2010”. And, still, no public apologies have been issued for the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/09/linda-solomons-faux-pulitzer-nomination-or-look-what-the-tides-brought-us/

Attawapiskat’s Problematic Investment Portfolio- And how it conflicts with #IdleNoMore’s values…

There’s been a lot of discussion this week about Attawapiskat’s investment portfolio. Investments are made in the name of the Attawapiskat Trust- a fund that was setup in 2007 to receive payments from De Beer’s for income from the Victor Diamond Mine. The trust’s documentation is available for download from Attawapiskat website, it’s an interesting read. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/06/attawapiskats-problematic-investment-portfolio-and-how-it-conflicts-with-idlenomores-values/

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