Heart Attack: A tale of Olympian ninjas…

One of the more controversial moments during the Olympics was an incident known inside the ‘professional protester’ circles as “Heart Attack”. You’ve all heard of this incident- a bunch of malcontents wearing ninja costumes smashed the windows of the Hudson Bay Company on Georgia Street.

There is something almost poetic about their choice of victim. The Bay was the tool used by the British monarchy to rape & pillage the original inhabitants of our country.  And the “Anarchist Intelligentsia” have adopted a pro First Nations stance. This is made clear by the incident I mention in the letter I wrote the day after OV’s first planning meeting: Yellow card.

It was also somewhat ironic that The Bay was owned by an American company, NRDC Equity Partners, who were also the owners of Lord & Taylor. So, if they were after the Monarchy, they were a day late and a dollar short. That said, violent ninjas have never been accused of being too intelligent…

Or, are they?

If there is one thing that most people can agree on about Heart Attack, it is that it marked the official peak of anti-Olympic protests. The violence, and ninja costumes, made for very bad PR. The result was that it was acceptable to send police stormtroopers to eradicate the Olympic tent city.

I spoke last night with a couple of the ninjas who had attended Heart Attack. In retrospect, they understood the result of the shenanigans and hooliganism attacking an American retail company. Do you?

More to come…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/18/olympic-glor/

The Occupation Documentary: Coming soon, 2012

If there is one thing anyone could look forward to in 2012, it will be the release of The Occupation Documentary by Rafferty Baker and Matthew VanDeventer.

I’ve seen them both at #OccupyVancouver just about every time I’ve been there. Their camera has already helped clear some of  the ambiguity about the presence of the #BlackBlok at OV when they filmed a ninja hitting a police officer in the face with a ‘wooden dowel’

I haven’t been so excited about a movie release since Star Wars! Thanks guys!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/18/276/

Saxmaniac Announces Occupy Resolution!

Saxmaniac, Darrell Zimmerman, has made a cryptic announcement saying he has “single-handedly” resolved the  Occupy Resolution for Occupy Vancouver!

Saturday Evening, 8PM- be there! (or be uninformed)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/18/saxmaniac-announces-occupy-resolution/

A Message From Butch Cassidy- Shut your traps!

We had a coincidental visitor over the past week- Robert Redford had been filming something next to the VAG, and he stepped over to share a message with us. His message was simple: Can you guys shut up for the next hour and a half so I can film something here?

Now, if you check out Wikipedia’s entry on Mr. Redford’s Political Activity you’ll read the following:

“Redford is politically liberal, and has supported environmentalism, Native American rights, and the arts…..has been a vocal critic of Barack Obama for his lack of follow through on environmental policies. He wrote, “One reason I supported President Obama is because he said we must protect clean air, water and lands. But what good is it to say the right thing unless you act on it?” 

Wow! That’s quite the resume! So, what the hell happened? Why didn’t he ask for a Mic Check, wave over the media, and make a statement backing the Occupy movement? Why didn’t he use his star power to give power to the people?

Why?  Because he was filming a commercial enterprise on behalf of the propaganda arm of the 1%! That’s why!

Robert Redford, you are a hack- Butch Cassidy would have bitch-slapped you if he was watching! More evidence that the Hollywood intelligentsia  are a complete waste of our movement’s time.

From now on, when I think of Mr. Redford, I will call him : “The Horses’ Ass Whisperer”

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/18/a-message-from-butch-cassidy-shut-your-traps/

A Twitter Conversation About Violence…

So, I’m on Twitter, trying to catch-up with what is going on in the world, and I am accosted by a tweet from Harsha Walia- this time, she was trying to include a reporter from the Globe & Mail:

Oh no, I think I need a lawyer! Harsha is going to sue me for asking her a question! So, I told her I wasn’t afraid to a question about herr position on violence after she took a pro-violence stance on Youtube. Her response was quite funny:

Wait, Harsha is a lawyer! Why does this statement remind me of being in elementary school?

Then she came through with a defense for the day the people came prancing into OV wearing ninja costumes:

I had call her on this one, as I knew it wasn’t true:

Then, a brave soul jumped-in to ask Harsha to answer the question on her position on violence at OV:

So, I jumped-in and asked her a very specific question about her stand on violence:

I guess she missed my blog entry on advice from Ian Hanomansing:

Then, finally, Harsha makes a statement on violence!

And it is so incredibly ambiguous that it would have made Bill Clinton blush! So, I asked once more:

And then — crickets chirping — we still haven’t got a straightforward answer on Harsha’s stand on violence…

Here’s the video in case you missed it:

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/18/tweeting-about-violence/

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