Robocall “Scandal”: An Insider’s View Of The Left’s Embarrassing Fraud (Feat.

Libby Davies: "I think what we should most be concerned about is that American dirty politics has now come to Canada"

Libby Davies: “What we should most be concerned about is that American dirty politics has now come to Canada”

UPDATE: I’ve made some changes to the chart, adding the TIDES Foundation and their New Age plastic shaman centre Hollyhock. I also added the Ottawa event, where Brigette DePape spoke. The results were quite telling…


When I first read about the Robocall scandal in February, 2012, the allegations shocked me. If it was true that the Conservative Party was using auto-diallers to guide voters en-masse to the wrong polling locations, it would have been an affront to our country’s democracy. There wasn’t much information available back then, but I did my best to dig-in and see what I could find.

A couple of days later I saw an event posted on Facebook by a man named Jon Allan, a meeting to plan a protest. Wanting to learn more about the Robocall issue I figured this could be a good place to start. I also had an idea I wanted to share- that, rather than using all of the scandal’s energy to complain about the past, why not use this as an opportunity to get more people to vote in the future! I’d led US voter registration drives back when I was in university, and thought we could replicate the idea by setting-up a table and a laptop.

Walking into the meeting, one would never had expected it was anything but grassroots. We sat in the basement of Trinity-St Paul’s United Church, in a room used for teaching small children- it was almost too grassroots. Then as time passed and the first protest came to fruition, it quickly became obvious I was observing an AstroTurf fraud.

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Why Should Toronto Care About Denzil Minnan-Wong’s Foreign Travel Funding? (Feat. Rob Ford)

Denzil Minnan-Wong

Denzil Minnan-Wong: Thumbs down to chairs, thumbs up to foreign travel expenses!

City Council’s executive committee recommended today that councillors who receive external funding for trips outside the country should provide financial details. It’s a logical request, one often requested of people in businesses, universities, or virtually any organization with sensible governance. There are important reasons to do this; partly to keep the bean counters happy, but also to ensure there aren’t conflict of interest problems.

Rob Ford tore into councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong today for a trip he took to Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam in 2013. Ford said that Minnan-Wong claimed $1,265 for ‘meals and incidentals’ over 18 days- what wasn’t exposed was how much the Canada-Vietnam Friendship Association paid for his hotel and airfare (nor who paid for his visa service).

In an interview with the Toronto Star Minnan-Wong stated that only 7 days of the trip were expensed, and the rest of the time was personal travel. He then kicked into spin mode saying:

“Is the mayor complaining because taxpayers didn’t pay for expenses paid by the organizing group? If he’s complaining that a third party is paying for it, doesn’t that save the taxpayers money?”

Okay, so nothing to see here, right?

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Letter To Kristyn Wong-Tam About The Cost Of Policing Toronto’s Events (Feat. Christopher Hume & QUAIA)

Kristyn Wong-Tam is not amused (neither is Your Humble Narrator)

Kristyn Wong-Tam is not amused (neither is Your Humble Narrator)

Hi Kristyn,

I was (begrudgingly) reading the Toronto Star this afternoon when I came across Christopher Hume’s article about how Toronto Police officers Make Out Like Bandits when working to provide security at our city’s events. I don’t agree with you very often, but I must say that I’m absolutely on the same page. I’ve covered dozens of our city’s events, and have always been uncomfortable with the amount of money that’s been spent on policing- that said, there have also been disturbing incidents where the police failed to show up and left dangerous people free to wreak havoc.

Unfortunately, though we both agree that the costing of policing the city’s events is often egregious, it appears that there’s a big gap between us when it comes to analysing the root causes. While it’s most certainly true that the payoffs of all that event-related overtime are a great way for Chief Bill Blair to keep his troops happy (Ontario’s Sunshine List says it all), it’s incredibly naïve to write-off the fact that city events face some clear and present dangers.

Of course, I’m being incredibly generous using the word ‘naïve’- your history indicates you know a lot more about what’s going on than you claim…

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Kevin Annett Over-Celebrates 4/20, Declares He’s Dissolved the Catholic Church! (Feat. Henry Makow)

Kevin Annett: Davin Ouimet's "bud"dy & mentor

Kevin Annett: Davin Ouimet’s “bud”dy & mentor

In a week where the world has been captivated by the intersection of the earth and the moon, there’s been another intersection this week. Sunday was not only the Christian holiday of Easter, but it was also 4/20- a date when marijuana enthusiasts around the world gather to light-up a joint at 4:20pm. Tens of thousands of pot smokers around the world gathered (after church, presumably) to imbibe their beloved Mary Jane- and, inevitably, some individuals made fools of themselves. Some idiots went as far as to set a palm tree on fire in Victoria, BC.

There’s no better proof of the old adage that “the world is full of idiots” than BC’s homegrown con-artist extraordinaire Kevin Annett. Not that he’s an idiot, far from it, the man has been able to get 100’s of people around the world to believe he’s the one man who can save the earth from the evils of the Catholic Church. The real idiots are Annett’s followers- people so desperate to see change in the world (or so corrupt) that they’re willing to believe his tall tales without demanding some sort of evidence.

There’s a sucker born every minute…

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TDSB Administration Cancels Anarchist Field Trip! (And The Failure Of Their Safe Space Policy)


Sakura Saunders: Role model for The Student School

Last Friday this site broke the story of how pupils at Toronto’s Student School planned to join a group of anarchists at their annual protest against Barrick Gold’s AGM. Led by American professional protester Sakura Saunders, the anti-Barrick protests are perfect example of how Toronto’s union affiliated activist community has evolved into a distasteful self-parody.

Many readers were alarmed to hear that a school in the Toronto District School Board had approved their students to engage in illegal activities (side-by-side with a convicted and imprisoned ringleader of the violence during the 2010 G20). That said, people who have been following the antics of the TDSB weren’t really surprised at all- our city’s school system has become highly politicised.

The word started to get out about the Student School’s plans, the story got linked by a couple other websites, people started to speak up- and, today, Your Humble Narrator has some great news to share…

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