138 results for council of canadians

Harm Reduction Gurus Donate To Violent Extremist Camp! (Feat. Gabor Maté, Bruce Alexander)

The Unist’ot’en Camp is a protest site in northern BC, not too far from the town of Houston. The camp is a collaboration between a couple of First Nations activists and radical violence promoting anarchists from Vancouver and Victoria. Camp spokespeople claim that they’re positioned at the exact junction of several planned pipelines. They’ve warned …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/04/29/harm-reduction-gurus-donate-to-violent-extremist-camp-feat-gabor-mate-bruce-alexander/

Moron Attack: Swarmed By Anti-Harper Drones On Easter Sunday! (Feat. Antonia Zerbisias, Brigette DePape)

I was surfing through Facebook on Saturday afternoon when I saw the above posted meme. If you’re not familiar with Brigette DePape, her claim-to-fame is the day she interrupted the Senate carrying a sign reading “Stop Harper”. The meme gave me a bit of a giggle, so I hit the “share” button on my phone …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/04/06/swarmed-by-anti-harper-morons-on-easter-sunday-feat-antonia-zerbisias-brigette-depape/

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip Hoodwinks The Vancouver Sun (Feat. Peter O’Neill, Harsha Walia)

Earlier this week Vancouver Sun reporter Peter O’Neill wrote the naïvely titled story RCMP claim of B.C. anti-pipeline extremists shocks native, environmental leaders. From one perspective the story was gut-bustingly funny, blatant misinformation so poorly researched it could have come from the Vancouver Observer. But it was also profoundly disturbing- dangerously sloppy reporting that could potentially get people hurt.The story was …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/02/28/grand-chief-phillip-stewart-hoodwinks-the-vancouver-sun-feat-peter-oneill-harsha-walia/

CRA Audited Quebec Charity Promotes Fundraiser For RCMP Monitored Extremist Camp (Feat. Équiterre)

Équiterre is a Quebec based environmental charity whose founders claim to have been inspired after a transcontinental flight to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development’s 1992 Earth Summit in Rio Janeiro. The first sentence in their mission statement claims their goal is to “build a social movement”, encouraging society “to make ecological and equitable choices”. Some …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/01/24/audited-quebec-charity-promotes-fundraiser-for-rcmp-monitored-extremist-camp-feat-equiterre/

#BurnabyMountain Unmasked Part III: Preview, ForestEthics & WaterWealth Charts

#BurnabyMountain Unmasked Part III will focus on NGOs involved in the mayhem, with a special focus on ForestEthics, the Council of Canadians, and the WaterWealth Project. The above chart is for ForestEthics, and is a work in progress. It will continue to be updated over the next few days- watch it live!ForestEthics already seems to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/12/10/burnabymountain-unmasked-part-iii-preview-forestethics-waterwealth-charts/

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