Tag: Con Artist

[Satire] Breaking News From Kevin Annett And The ITCCS! (Feat. Stromboli)

BREAKING NEWS Disney star STROMBOLI is found guilty of the murder of 24 marionettes Kevin D Annett Assistant to the Prosecutors Office ITCCS Brussels.In the Matter of The People v Stromboli (Case Docket No. 18072014-236)The Judgement of the Magistrates of the Court, including the majority decision with with one dissenting opinion

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/07/23/satire-breaking-news-from-kevin-annett-and-the-itccs-feat-stromboli/

Kevin Annett Bedazzles South Dakota Hicks! (Feat. Eugene Richard Hidalgo & The Antichrist!)

Twenty-five months have passed since Your Humble Narrator began debunking Kevin Annett’s con-artistry- and, albeit slowly, the truth about his misdeeds has spread to all corners of the globe (well, over 125 countries so far). There was a time, at the height of his fraud, when Annett lived a high-flying lifestyle: Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Rome. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/08/kevin-annett-bedazzles-south-dakota-hicks-feat-eugene-richard-hidalgo-the-antichrist/

Dear Roseanne Barr: Please Stop Promoting Kevin Annett, He’s A Monster

Dear Roseanne,It’s been over two years since we last spoke during Occupy. I appreciated back then how you helped stand-up against the people who were promoting violence in the movement. Ever since that incident I’ve only had good feelings about you- so, please understand, I come in peace.Today I learned some deeply disturbing information that …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/17/dear-roseanne-barr-stop-promoting-kevin-annett-hes-a-monster/

Occupy Toronto Promotes Indigenous Abusing Con-Artist (feat. Kevin Annett, Carrie Lester & Judy Rebick)

It’s widely known that the remaining hangers-on at Occupy Toronto are a clueless bunch, as I described them yesterday, they’re a lot like the Japanese soldiers who were found hiding away a couple decades after WWII who didn’t know that the war was over. If you’ve ever wondered how stupid (or corrupt) OT’s remaining members …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/12/occupy-toronto-promotes-indigenous-abusing-con-artist-feat-kevin-annett-carrie-lester-judy-rebick/

Two Penny Philanthropist: The Annett Family’s Great Indian Residential School & Tax Fraud Adventure!

If there’s anything that Kevin Annett has proven in his career appropriating the voices of Canada’s residential school survivors it’s that there’s a sucker born every minute. Despite the depth of research done on Annett, repeated denouncements of his fraud by residential school survivors and even a feature length expose by the Aboriginal People’s Television Network- there …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/03/26/two-penny-philanthropist-kevin-bill-annetts-great-indian-residential-school-and-tax-fraud-adventure/

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