Tag: Harsha Walia

(Updated!) The Story Of My Stalker, Alex Hundert (featuring Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus)

UPDATE:Krystalline Kraus, of Rabble.ca decided to make my case a bit stronger today- in retaliation for this article, she decided to tweet out Alex Hundert’s website and get it more publicity. Thank you Krystalline, this shows us the quality of journalism at Rabble.ca (meaning, it’s non-existent).———————————–November 12th, 2011 was the first day I met my …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/the-story-of-my-stalker-alex-hundert-featuring-judy-rebick/

Why Eco-Terrorism Is A Real, And Present, Danger to British Columbia…

There’s been a lot of debate about eco-terrorism this past week. It all came out of an RCMP report that was released on a freedom of information request. Greenpeace was mentioned in this report, and they fought back against it this week– albeit poorly. As usual with the left-right paradigm- both sides of the argument …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/02/why-eco-terrorism-is-a-real-and-present-danger-to-british-columbia/

MediaWatch: Joshua Blakeney, Robyn Heaslip And Patricia Kelly’s Stó:lo Nation Fish Story on PressTV

 The more I dig into Professor Anthony James Hall’s fish story on Iranian PressTV, the more interesting and tangled the web becomes. Today we introduce a new character, Robyn Heaslip- someone who I learned today I have a relationship with (and I didn’t even know it until now!). This story also includes Joshua Blakeney of PressTV/Veterans …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/29/media-watch-joshua-blakeney-robyn-heaslip-and-patricia-kellys-stolo-nation-fish-story-on-presstv/

Dark Knight Rises: View From An Occupy Dissident…

 I went to see The Dark Knight with a friend, and another former Occupier analyst last night. Patrick Ross suggested I go see the movie and write a review from the perspective of an Occupy Dissident. I’m glad I did, the movie was great- it was entertaining, and had great special effects. It wasn’t Oscar …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/25/dark-knight-rises-view-from-an-occupy-dissident/

Kevin Annett’s (Bad) Relationship With The Squamish Nation (He’s caught lying again!)

I was practising my ‘Google-Fu’ skills this afternoon when I found a very interesting letter from the Squamish Nation. It seems that the Squamish are another nation who Kevin Annett have tried to get his bush turkey claws into- but, luckily, the Squamish were sensible enough to push Annett out of their garden.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/23/kevin-annetts-bad-relationship-with-the-squamish-nation-hes-caught-lying-again/

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