Tag: Judy Rebick

Why It’s Wrong To Support The Enbridge Pipeline Hijackers (Especially if you’re an environmentalist…)

Some breaking news on the pipeline hijacking in Flamborough. New videos were released by the Hamilton Spectator that give more insight into the hijackers and their lack of respect for civil society- things are getting very interesting. But equally, things are looking potentially dangerous- some of Ontario’s most notorious militant cop haters now have control of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/21/why-its-wrong-to-support-the-enbridge-pipeline-hijackers-even-if-youre-an-environmentalist/

MediaWatch: Rabble’s Krystalline Kraus Misleads The Public On Renaming Of A Vancouver Island Park…

I was reading Rabble.ca on Thursday (I read it so you don’t have to) when I came across an interesting article by Krystalline Kraus. As my regular readers will already know, Krause is far from being a reliable journalist- often it seems she writes more lies than truth. My favourite example of her ineptitude was …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/05/27/mediawatch-rabbles-krystalline-kraus-misleads-the-public-on-renaming-of-a-vancouver-island-park/

[Updated] Kevin Annett, The Pope, The Media Co-Op, Anonymous, The CAW, Lies And Appropriation of Indigenous Voices…

Kevin Annett was one of the worst disasters to hit Canada’s indigenous communities in the past 20 years. He’s a former United Church minister who was defrocked after losing his cool and refusing to meet with a church psychiatrist. Once he left the church he began his long-con- appropriating the voices of Indian Residential School …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/02/13/kevin-annett-the-media-co-op-anonymous-the-caw-lies-and-appropriation-of-indigenous-voices-feat-rabble/

Violent Anarchist Arrested At Ryerson University Stakeout! (feat. Alex “Flagpole” Balch)

I walked into the Ryerson University Student Union building this afternoon and was welcomed with a shocking surprise. I was only half-way through the front door when I recognized someone who I’ve been looking for since we last met. His name is Alex Balch, and he’s the anarchist who came charging after me and attacked …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/16/violent-anarchist-arrested-at-ryerson-university-stakeout-feat-alex-flagpole-balch/

#IdleNoMore: The Occupy Anarchists Behind The Scene At The Sarnia Rail Blockade

One of the more controversial demonstrations that’s come out of the Idle No More (INM) movement is the Aamjiwnaang rail blockade. It began on December 24th when a group of people setup a camp on the middle of a rail track in Sarnia, Ontario. And, despite that Chief Theresa Spence and INM have called for …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/01/03/idlenomore-the-soros-anarchists-behind-the-scene-at-the-sarnia-rail-blockade/

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