Intrepid renouncer of Ninjas and defender of DTES civil rights David Eby had to endure drinking Bread Garden wine after his flight was delayed. This presumably coming home from what he reported as a trip to Prince George.
In his anger, he publicly shamed a great airline by broadcasting a picture of his “keeping it classy with bread garden wine” while waiting for his delayed flight- one can hope that he confirmed the delay was as a result of the airline and not weather, air traffic or other external factors. He may be at risk of losing his Elite card. It was unfortunate for Mr Eby to face such a challenging first-world problem.
It is uncertain if Mr Eby coughed-up his wine when he read the tweet from the Globe & Mail’s Iain Bailey- who announced that Christy Clark had to a different country to find a trusted head police investigator.
I cannot confirm David was feeling catty about this announcement in his choice of the word Flattering. We will need to wait on his response to clear-up the question.

Gregor Robertson cozies up for threesome with Quatchi & Branson
While Dave Eby drops tears into his glass of Rice Wine, he realizes he is not well enough connected to the 1%. Had he been cool enough to hang out with Branson, he’d probably be contemplating his place on Virgin Atlantic’s inaugural flight in 2012. It is unconfirmed, but one can assume there are good odds Robertson will be Flying in the Upper Class Cabin.
I’m hopeful Virgin will include beds on this route- the optics will prove real life is more bizarre than art. And, with Eby on the flight- there is a possibility for a foursome! Joining the Mile High Club together will be easier this way- though, Richard Branson has been quoted saying his employees are not the type to “bang on lavatory doors when a couple slips in there“. It is unknown if Quatchi can fit in an Upper Class lavatory…
If David can’t get on the flight- or, Quatchi doesn’t fit in the lavatory, they can always sneak into one of the many empty suites at the Olympic Village. Quatchi has some fond memories there with Sumi and Miga. (link may not be safe for office).
Prince George does not have a Maple Leaf lounge, so it is unsure which cabin Mr. Eby was seated in. Please let us pray he had the dignity of a business class fare. A question is out to Mr. Eby to confirm.
There were no cell phone recordings of police violence during this incident- nor were any Olympic mascots or stallions pleasured or cream pies thrown.
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Writing this was the most fun I had outside of a Virgin Atlantic Upper Class lavatory!
[…] at my story where @Quatchi (who secretly loves @RichardBranson) had a threesome with @MayorGregor and […]
[…] the BC Civil Liberties Association didn’t find censorship to be an issue in a civil liberties movement- I think the next step I […]
[…] How biased are you if you just disqualified all of the above questions because I EbySlapped you by using a gender-specific pronoun while talking about Harsha nakedly protecting a bunch of […]
[…] yeah, and David Eby, what is going on in your mind that you thought it wasn’t a good idea to speak up about this? […]
This is my Excerpt…
[…] haters’. Curiously, one of them is the head of our province’s civil liberties watchdog- David Eby, a notable member of the NDP. David is a well-documented cop-hater- starting with his experience […]
[…] David Eby, the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association, couldn’t resist getting involved. As an aspiring politician, the free publicity was useful- and, he tends to jump at any opportunity to drive an anvil between police and civilians. Eby is well-known as one of the city’s leading cop haters, As you’ve seen with his connections to the Black Bloc during the Olympics, his close relationship to Harsha Walia, his refusal to stand-up against the violence we’ve seen at Occupy Vancouver, and his challenges drinking sub-par wine. […]
[…] with Sacred Fires! And, curiously, they both included First Nations people with connections to David Eby, Harsha Walia, and Vancouver’s Downtown […]
[…] politicians who are funded by TIDES Foundation interests. These include Mayor Gregor Robertson and David Eby! And, don’t forget David Eby’s alma mater, the PIVOT Legal Society, and the Hollyhock […]
[…] & violence. Because, otherwise, I seriously doubt such a well educated politician (besides David Eby) woud risk their reputation by marching beside such a […]
[…] BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) up north. I first heard of this when I published my story Civil Liberties Czar Endures Cheap Airport Wine! Obviously, this man is no saint. (regardless that Lorraine “Raincoaster” Murphy […]
[…] the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIOBC). I called David on this, questioning if he was being a bit catty in the way he used the word ‘flattering’. After all, David’s BC Civil Liberties […]