Whadayaknow! Kevin Annett Is A Member Of The International Socialists!

Carolyn Egan of the United Steelworker's Union (and notable Marxist!)

‘I’ll be digging into this a bit more in the next couple of days- but, thought I’d share some exciting news! It seems that Kevin Annett has always been deep in with the International Socialist crowd- people I’ll be writing about in the near future…

He is in good company with people like Carolyn Egan & Judy Rebick! The plot thickens…



Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/16/whadayaknow-kevin-annett-is-a-member-of-the-international-socialists/


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  1. I was looking at the sample affidavits on Kevin Annett’s site. It is very plausible that he scanned those signatures from blank pieces of paper. Even his own signature is NOT the same on any of them. Some of the signatures are not even legible. In fact they are all over the place. It is not just plausible, IMO upon looking at those signatures that is exactly what Kevin Annett did. Go and look at them at the end of each page. Further since Kevin Annett plotted to use those personal difficult true stories of Survivors he can’t be a witness to those affidavits by law. It created a conflict of Interest and both parties should have a their party witness either had the agreement notarized or had a lawyer. A notary is the least expensive. Both parties should have been present in view of the third party legal witness, to ensure the Survivors fully understood that Kevin Annett was going to use those stories in his self gain book. In ending the Survivors have NO REASON to lie about Kevin Annett. I believe their statements that he stole those stories, that coupled with the sample affidavits he has on his site that is very telling that he scanned signatures onto the documents of the Survivors stories. I am sure an expert could verify what I just said. The living Survivor could very well Sue Kevin Annett.

    I should add that there were three sample affidavits that he put on there that didn’t even have a signature.

    The survivors statements are above on this thread that they never gave Kevin Annett permission and again I believe them. Go look at the signatures.


  1. […] Whadayaknow! Kevin Annett Is A Member Of The International Socialists! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

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  4. […] in more depth later.) One of the more millitant of the group was a close friend and associate of Kevin Annett is an International Socialist who played a con-game with the Indigenous community when he faked the discovery of a mass grave in […]

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  9. […] Whadayaknow! Kevin Annett Is A Member Of The International Socialists! (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  10. […] there is reason to for us to be immediately concerned. First we have Kevin Annett, an International Socialist who has convinced indigenous communities across the country that he has identified numerous mass […]

  11. […] Kevin Annett is also a member of the International Socialists! Kevin also has deep connections to Harsha Walia through his work people in Vancouver’s […]

  12. […] Kevin Annett is also a member of the International Socialists! Kevin also has deep connections to Harsha Walia through his work people in Vancouver’s […]

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  15. […] propaganda that Kevin promotes is certainly everyones concern.  Please see Greg Renouf’s blog for Kevin’s connections to anarchists, and political leftists in this […]

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