Anarchist Ashleigh- Militant CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%!

Anarchist Ashleigh and her husband Brandon Gray

Update: There was a mistake when this article was originally written- Ashleigh Ingle was with the CUPE 3902, and not the 3903. The 3902 are at University of Toronto and the 3903 are at York University. Both have worked closely with G20 Anarchists. I’ve left the information about the 3903 in the article because it’s useful to know.


If I ever wondered why some people have tried so hard to shun me at Occupy Toronto, I have little doubt now. These people are scared to death at my ability to dig-out what they’ve been up to- and, it appears that the stakes are rather high…

I’ve seen “Anarchist Ashleigh” at a number of events. Typically, she is the person in the middle of the Black Bloc, carrying a megaphone and leading chants like: “1, 2, 3 4, this is fucking class war!” After hearing the rumours that she comes from a well-heeled background (it appears that Brandon Gray married rich!) it kind of makes me giggle to think she’s actually chanting this crap.

Here’s a great video of Ashleigh leading the Black Bloc during a police violence march back in April:

There’s an interesting quote from Ashleigh in an article titled No Photo Ops, With The Fucking Cops from an anarchist blog that discusses whether the police should be ‘accepted’ at the Toronto Gay Pride parade that’s worthwhile sharing:

“we should not see the presence of our violent oppressors at our celebratory protest as a victory… we should not want their acceptance.”

Okay, the police aren’t perfect- I’ve watched them do some bad things in my time. That said, it seems rather irresponsible to label all of the police ‘our violent oppressors’. After all, who will she call if her house has been robbed?

Her real name is Ashleigh Ingle, and her ‘night job’ as a radical Black Bloc anarchist is quite a contradiction with her day job teaching at an exclusive Toronto private school named the Dragon Academy. Annual tuition at this school is only for the 1%- charging a whopping $19,000 per student!

Is this the same woman who is out marching for tuition-free universities and rounding-up Toronto hoodlums for “Fuck The Police” marches? There’s something seriously wrong here folks- can you imagine what this woman is teaching to these poor children?

If you thought this story couldn’t get more interesting- hang on, I’m only getting started…

You may remember in the past I’ve written about connections between CUPE and the Black Bloc. First, there is the connection between Occupy Edmonton’s Chelsea Flook and the CUPE 3903 at York University. And then there was this article in the Northern Thoughts blog that connected CUPE with the Black Bloc at the G20. Well, Anarchist Ashleigh is the third!

Ashleigh was Recording Secretary with Unit 1 of the CUPE 3902. She made a name for herself back in February when she resigned from the union’s bargaining committee in disagreement of their negotiations with the University of Toronto.

Flag symbolizing Anarcho-Communism

There’s an article in LinchPin, a popular anarchist website that digs into a strike of the Canadian Union of Postal Employees where the anarchists & CUPE 3903 & 3907 locals joined in solidarity, marching black & red flags. Here’s a very telling quote from it:

“The president of CUPE 966 told us of her visit with the cops in Halton: as members of the mainstream unions looked at the black and red flags one said, “You should have brought the Black Bloc with you.” It is great to see public sector unionists openly welcoming the solidarity of anarchists—especially after the smear campaign from the media and the State revolving around last summer’s G20”

I didn’t really understand the significance this quote when I first read it a few weeks ago. But, now that I understand CUPE 3902’s strong connections with militant anti-police anarchists like Ashleigh, it makes a lot more sense.

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  1. I keep telling people it is these universities that are indoctrinating people.

    1. Indeed! I’ll have a story on the Student Union issue in the near future. For a teaser, have a look at this link- there are more reds in the student unions than the Fourth International!

      • Illfart Onyew on May 18, 2015 at 21:08
      • Reply

      Fart Rape? You’re a dumb twat. Grab a little more life experience, look back at your former self and cringe…

  1. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  2. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  3. […] was doing some research on High School teacher to the 1% ”Anarchist Ashleigh” Ingle today and found she was listed as a director in a curious […]

  4. […] lies with members of the NDP’s Socialist Caucus and radicalised members of some unions (CUPE, United Steelworkers and the CAW are prominent in this case). This  group are followers of […]

  5. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  6. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  7. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  8. […] how the chants being used are the same as here in Toronto? This is the sort of violence that Ashleigh Ingle, teacher to Toronto’s 1% & CUPE leader is encouraging when she marches her gang of rabid animals across the city. And […]

  9. […] also has connections to the antics of AuAIA in the form of “Anarchist Ashleigh” Ingle- Black Bloc leader, and teacher to the children of Toronto’s 1%. Ashleigh is quoted on this issue in Xtra! saying ”It’s a really sad day when the […]

  10. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%! ( […]

  11. […] Anarchist Ashleigh- Black Bloc Leader, CUPE Leader & Teacher For Toronto’s 1%!( […]

  12. […]  Anarchist CUPE  leader and schoolteacher Ashleigh Ingle shows up on the video (for real this time, I promise) yelling out at a cop at 3:14 in the video, later, at 3:31 she yells out “fucking pigs” to the cops. In-between you will see her right up-front as the lines of radicals pushed their way into the police. It’s my understanding that she’s a PhD student at the UofT- it looks like she is going to have some explaining to do. (She also wrote an interesting article about the Canadian Federation of Students recently). […]

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