NDP MP Charlie Angus Accused of “Slut Shaming” Maygan Sensenberger!

Maygan Sensenberger plays "Candy" the sex doll...

Maygan Sensenberger plays “Candy” the sex doll…

Maygan Sensenberger is one of Canada’s more colourful characters. She’s an attractive 24 year old woman who came to public attention after marrying Rod Zimmer- a recently retired 70 year old Senator. Their relationship got scandalous in August of 2012 when she and her husband got into a disagreement on an Air Canada flight- the crew had to get between them, and she was charged with uttering threats against him and causing a disturbance. As a friend explained to Your Humble Narrator tonight- their relationship is a bit like “the real housewives of Ottawa”.

On Friday evening Canada.com’s Marc Weissblott broke an interesting new story about Sensenberger. She’s recently released a satirical short film where she plays the part of “Candy”- a robotic sex doll that “satisfies all your needs”. Candy knows a whopping 150 sex positions!

In walks NDP Member of Parliament Charlie Angus…


Angus, who doesn’t appear to be a fan of the Canadian Senate, posted Weisblott’s story on his Facebook page Friday night with the following comment:

“Just when you thought the Senate couldn’t get more tawdry or disgraced…”

This was a very unexpected comment from a far left MP- one would think that he supports feminism, and a woman’s right to express herself as a sexual being. One would also think he could understand that  Sensenberger’s film was satire.

Some of Angus’ Facebook followers were shocked and offended:


Slut shaming is a feminist created phrase used to describe how people in society will mock or criticise a woman for expressing her sexuality in a way that’s outside of society’s expectations. Generally, people on the left are expected to have got past this behaviour and learned how to accept that a woman has the right to express herself as she pleases.

But, it appears that Angus didn’t get the memo. Instead of apologizing for his gaffe, he only dug himself into a deeper hole:


This didn’t float very well:


Angus came back with a rather uninspiring response:


Which, again, didn’t play very well:


Though, there were some people who tried to defend him:


And some responses to the defenders:


This isn’t the first time Charlie Angus has been accused of making inappropriate comments about a woman. Back in June, when debating NDP leader Thomas Mulcair’s disrespect towards a female RCMP officer, Angus responded saying:

“I am sure the Conservative caucus might want to sing Lovely Rita Meter Maid all day”

A few female MP’s responded demanding an apology. Rona Ambrose, who was the Minister for the Status of Women responded over Twitter:


Angus came back with possibly one of the lamest excuses ever:

“I’ve seen MPs cry in the House. I’ve seen MPs feel hurt and wounded over all manner of things but I’ve never seen an MP feel hurt and abused because I quoted Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

It seems to Your Humble narrator that Angus was using Sensenberger’s film as a way to take a cheap shot at the Senate. It’s perfectly okay for him to criticise the Senate (especially after they crushed Bill C-377)- but, it’s incredibly tacky to do that at a woman’s expense. Besides, it was satire!


Considering his response to today’s gaffe, and his lack of an apology for his insulting remarks about the RCMP officer- it appears that Angus has a hard time admitting his mistakes. Let’s hope he can get past his ego and make an apology now…

Here’s the video:

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/17/ndp-mp-charlie-angus-acused-of-slut-shaming-maygan-sensenberger/


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    • Honey on August 17, 2013 at 04:14
    • Reply

    I don’t think you understand what satire is because the video is not an example of it.

    1. We’d have to ask her to be certain – but it looks a lot like she’s making fun of the attacks she’s been subjected to over her unconventional marriage…

    • Honey on August 17, 2013 at 08:52
    • Reply

    I don’t see it. Looks like a pretty lame and unfunny attempt at straight comedy to me.

    • Devil's Trumpet on August 17, 2013 at 09:50
    • Reply

    Angus epitomizes the narcissistic hypocrisy inherent of the NDP and the left,the delusions of self-grandeur and the do as I say and not as I do attitude.If any NDP Member’s wife had done this,Charlie would have defended it as progressive thinking.To childishly equate this bit of satire,as bad as it is,to the issues of the Senate belittles the seriousness of some Senator’s egregious behavior.
    Angus’s should save himself from himself by closing his Twitter account and avoid the media but that’s not what narcissistic hypocrites do,he craves the attention.

    • The Hammer on August 17, 2013 at 11:12
    • Reply

    I wonder what he would have to say if a party leader was caught with his pant’s down in a Chinatown brothel……..

    Oh wait, no need to wonder :p


    1. I just spit out my drink reading that comment- need to clean my screen now…

        • The Hammer on August 17, 2013 at 12:17
        • Reply

        No big party should act self righteous as they all have things to be ashamed of.

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