Greg Renouf

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Hate Mail From Chelseaflook! (a.k.a. PottyMouth)

One thing I am quickly learning about Toronto is that there are a lot of people in this city who need their mouths washed-out with soap! Or, at least, amongst people who I find visiting my blog…In this case, our vocabulary-challenged guest is Taylor Flook (a.k.a. Taylor Chelsea). The quality of her attack is on-par with …

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Hey Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus- What’s Going On?

As Ghandi once said: “First they laugh at you, Then they fight you, Then you win.” I’d have to add something in-between the ‘fight’ and the ‘win’ moments- “then they expose themselves.” And, it looks like we are right at that point.It all began with my appearing at Occupy Toronto, about 15 minutes after I …

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My Response to Accusations Made on Occupy Toronto Facebook Pages

When Dave Vasey confronted me at the beginning of the last Occupy Toronro Action Committee meeting we had an agreement that I would post my letter to the people of OT to each committee through the mailing lists. Then, when it came time to send out my mail I noticed I was banned- despite the …

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Censored! A Letter to the People of Occupy Toronto

Here’s a letter I posted to all of the people at Occupy Toronto- that is, all of those who I could reach. It seems, unfortunately, that some of the people who consider themselves as leaders in our leaderless organisation have decided to practice conviction without trial. So, contrary to our agreement, they blocked my ability …

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United Steelworkers Dance To Support Usury!

When the original holders of the Infinity Rubber factory went bankrupt, a new buyer took it over at a significantly discounted price. The new owner financed their payment through a rather predatory loan.The rate for this loan was set at 18%- usury!

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