Tag: facebook

Action Plan: Help Us Take Kevin Annett’s Book Off Of Amazon.com!

Now that it has been concluded that Kevin Annett has been less than honourable, it is time for us to all take action to stop him. I’ve already mentioned a solution for people who have given him money. Now, I have a new request for help- this time, anyone with an Amazon.com account can help!

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/18/action-plan-help-us-take-kevin-annetts-book-off-of-amazon-com/

Kevin Annett, Jason Bowman & Alfred Webre- Let The Weasel Fights Begin!

I checked-out Alfred Webre’s Facebook page today and found some rather interesting stuff! As my regular readers know, Annett, Bowman & Webre have been rather unhappy with me since I exposed the fact they were not telling the truth about the lawsuit Annett & Bowman claimed to have filed. They are backed into a corner- …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/15/kevin-annett-jason-bowman-alfred-webre-let-the-weasel-fights-begin/

Alfred Lambremont Webre III Goes Down On The Kevin Annett Titanic!

Alfred Webre came onto Facebook today and posted links to documents he claims prove Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman filed a court case. Webre is an interesting character who believes things like that Barrack Obama is an Alien from Mars. So, we really shouldn’t take this guy too seriously of course. Basically, he’s your bog-standard nutbar.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/14/alfred-lambremont-webre-iii-goes-down-on-the-kevin-annett-titanic/

Occupy Toronto’s David Kahn Encourages Violence Against The Police!

Occupy Toronto’s David Kahn is at it again- this time encouraging people to engage in assaulting the police. Isn’t that a crime?

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/14/occupy-torontos-david-kahn-encourages-violence-against-the-police/

Elders Renounce Relationship With Kevin Annett & Withdraw His Mohawk Name!

Someone has just shared this video with me on Facebook- thanks! It is such a relief to see that the elders of the Kanyen’kena:ka Nation have renounced their relationship with Kevin. It pained me to think that they could still believe in him. Apparently this is no longer true…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/05/elders-renounce-relationship-with-kevin-annett-withdraw-his-mohawk-name/

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