BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod…

A mixed-composite drawing of StainVase

Please Note: This is the first time I’ve used ‘name calling’. This is something I’ve avoided since the attacks and name calling began against me- but, people who attack other’s families deserve no less in my opinion….

I’ll never forget the moment I told Dave Vasey that I knew about his connection to Macdonald Stainsby. It was classic, his face went white as a ghost, then he turned to Wilsun (an Occupy Toronto Marshal) and said ‘see, I told you!’ It was that moment I knew that justice would be served…

Then, on Sunday, more truth came out about their connection. Not only are they comrades in hate, but they use the same playbook! Have a look at this thread from the Occupy Is An Inside Job page on Facebook:

So, to those who have been backing Vasey, saying he is a ‘good guy’ and a ‘dedicated activist’, I forgive you. He plays a good game- but the gig is up now! I’ve avoided from using this word up until now, but he is a total douchebag- don’t y’all think?

Macdonald Stainsby is also quite the douchebag. Not only is he another George Soros funded schill for the 1%- but, he is not immune from playing the same sort of games as we’ve just caught Vasey at. In this case, it was a personal attack on me- also through someone who I loved:

Such a loving letter, saying he is worried about my health, while at the same time slandering and hurting me by writing to someone close to me. Both Stainsby and Vasey are high-profile Tar Sands protesters, both have worked together for years. Both have the creativity of a llama, and consequently get caught playing the same games.

And, in-case you are wondering if any of what Stainsby had to say was true- it wasn’t. To exemplify this, I’ll once more share with you a video of Harsha Walia, the ‘dedicated woman’ Stainsby stood-in to ‘protect’ from me.


Dedicated to violence that is…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/03/12/bullywatch-stainsby-vasey-two-douchbags-in-a-pod/


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  1. ” … Dedicated to violence that is…… ”

    it was no coin coincidence that while Waliia was at GU U , Hundert was in Toronto assaulting person at the same moment during a well planed general meeting that was nothing more than a front to do what these people did. .

  1. […] no means exhaustive- there is much more, this is only a small sample. But, I think I make my point- Dave Vasey & Taylor Chelsea are schils for the […]

  2. […] BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  3. […] Bloc at Occupy folks- in fact, they are training people about them. On the evening of March 31st, Dave Vasey was changing “Fuck the Police” with the other Black Bloc- this man is dangerous to the […]

  4. […] BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  5. […] BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  6. […] BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod… (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  7. […] are led by Dave Vasey- someone who one Occupier referred to as ‘the king’ of OT. This is rather funny for a […]

  8. […] notice the close connections to Dave Vasey, Black Blocker Taylor (Pottymouth/Flook) Chelsea, Black Block supporter Judy Rebick, and Red Diaper […]

  9. […] high-profile as Harsha would so vehemently support the use of violence. And, I always wondered why Macdonald Stainsby told me that she couldn’t back-off and denounce it! I love […]

  10. […] mind how people supporting her, when put on the spot, can’t come up with anything! Not even Macdonald Stainsby cold do […]

  11. […] on Tezporah Berman after she criticised the NDP’s policy on Carbon Taxes. Mac was also sent to attack me while I was writing about Harsha Walia & David Eby during the Black Bloc violence incidents at Occupy Vancouver. Tezporah […]

  12. […] on Tezporah Berman after she criticised the NDP’s policy on Carbon Taxes. Mac was also sent to attack me while I was writing about Harsha Walia & David Eby during the Black Bloc violence incidents at Occupy Vancouver. Tezporah […]

  13. […] I had never met was also so negative towards me- what did Dave say to her? I also asked Dave about the poor soul whose 13 year old brother Dave harassed on Facebook- rather than answer to that he finally walked […]

  14. […] make such accusations against me as they did. One of Harsha’s friends even went as far as to contact a family member of mine and tell her people thought I was dangerous and mentally […]

  15. […] Stainsby – BullyWatch: Stainsby & Vasey- Two Douchbags In A Pod… – Macdonald Stainsby & Harsha Walia Called “Lowlights” Of The 2010 […]

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