How I’m Learning To Love The Parti Québécois…

Pauline Marois – Leader of the Parti Québécois

I haven’t thought much of the Parti Québécois (PQ) until the few weeks. I knew about their main platform about sovereignty for Quebec- and, personally, I don’t back that. Regardless of the inequities between the benefits given to residents of Quebec, I’d still like to see it as a part of Canada. But, since the recent election, the PQ have taken some bold moves that have left me rather impressed…

You may remember an article I wrote back in August about the CANDU nuclear reactor in Gentilly, Quebec. The reactor has some problems in it’s design- leaking over 200 trillion becquerel of tritium annually. Considering how Quebec has a surplus of electricity from hydro generation, it seemed a bit crazy to have a nuclear plant. Well, it seems that the PQ agree with this- shortly after they were elected into office the PQ announced that they will close it down.

Today a story came out that the PQ are considering a ban on fracking in their province. Their Natural Resources minister, Martine Ouellet, announced this today. Her statement was very strong on the issue saying “I don’t foresee a day when there will be technology that will allow safe exploitation (of shale gas).”

Meanwhile in British Columbia Adrian Dix, the head of the provincial NDP, is against the Enbridge pipeline. But, at the same time, his party is supporting the construction of the Pacific Trails pipeline. The latter pipeline will be used to ship natural gas from fracking operations in northern BC.

I’ll be watching the PQ closely from now on- let’s hope to see more great policy like this coming out of them…

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  1. fracking right along a pacific rim fault line. Why don’t they just poke the hornets nest too? Maybe start a war with china at this rate. The stupidity of our politicians has no bounds.

    • The Hammer on October 5, 2012 at 11:09
    • Reply

    Oh boy. in case you have not seen the Post today:

    Former First Nations chief Terrance Nelson is on his way to Iran, pretending to speak for all aboriginal people in Canada, to meet with the fascist president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    • The Hammer on October 5, 2012 at 11:24
    • Reply

    As expected PressTV is covering Nelson’s visit. They also have some fresh anti-Canada propaganda:

    No word from Professor Don Cherry or his little buddy Joshua Blakeny but I expect that to come soon

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