Occupy Toronto’s Davyn Calfchild Gets Racist With A Black Cop!

Davyn Calfchild performing a sacred cigarette break...

Davyn Calfchild performing a sacred cigarette break…

Tonight, as the protesters were attacking police officers in front of the Toronto Police Service’s 14 Division, our good friend Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouilet) joined in with a double helping of racist comments. He began by yelling at the police saying “You can’t f##king own our land forever!”. A couple minutes later he yelled out an incredibly racist remark to a black police officer:

“He must have done that to his own people back in Africa!”

There was no way to determine if the cop came from Africa, he spoke fluent Canadian English. Really, there was no excuse- what Calfchild said to the cop was incredibly racist. A black woman beside him look horrified when someone behind him laughed at his statement. As she should have been- what he said was totally wrong.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/30/occupy-torontos-davyn-calfchild-gets-racist-with-a-black-cop/

It Looks Like Toronto’s Anti-Gentrification Battle Is Heating Up… (Feat. Sigrid Kneve & OCAP)

Sigrid Kneve of OCAP on Occupy Toronto Livestream...

Sigrid Kneve of OCAP on Occupy Toronto Livestream…

George Street is one of the most depressed parts of Toronto. Situated to the east of downtown, it’s the home to a number of shelters and rows of abandoned houses. Drug addicts roam the streets, with dealers waiting on the sidewalk to fulfil their addictions. It’s a lot like the worst parts of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Besides the dealers, there are a couple other groups who benefit from the squalor. First there are the unionised employees who get well-paid jobs in the shelters that are conveniently close to the city centre. George Street has also been home to a number of squats that have housed some of the most dangerous and militant anarchists in Toronto. So, when the city announced they were planning to gentrify the neighbourhood, it was inevitable this would be followed with some serious conflict.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/29/it-looks-like-torontos-anti-gentrification-battle-is-heating-up-feat-sigrid-kneve-ocap/

[UPDATED] Love Is The Movement- Oka Style? (feat. Gitz Crazyboy and several NGO’s)

Gitz Crazyboy (a.k.a. Deranger) look closely at his tattoo...

Gitz Crazyboy (a.k.a. Deranger) look closely at his tattoo…

UPDATE: A Facebook page has been created calling for people to take action to disrupt transportation across the country in solidarity with Ryan Deranger’s call to blockade Highway 63.


Three weeks ago this site exposed the mark of the Activistocrat– a tattoo shared by many of the NGO connected environmental activists operating in Canada. Today we expose a new Activistocrat, an oil sands protester who goes by the moniker “Gitz Crazyboy”- his real name is Ryan Deranger.

On July 5th Deranger showed up at the Tar Sands Healing Walk in Fort McMurray Alberta where he was accompanied by some of the biggest stars in environmentalist circles including Bill McKibben of 350.org, former Hollyhock board member Tzeporah Berman, and red diaper baby Naomi Klein, and three of his tattooed comrades. At the final feast on July 6th Deranger stood up and made a speech- beginning with his appreciation of the Oka Crisis (where a police officer was murdered), and calling for a direct action to block Highway 63, the primary road used to carry workers and supplies to oil sands facilities.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/28/love-is-the-movement-oka-style-feat-gitz-crazyboy-and-several-ngos/

[UPDATED] Anarco-Syndicalist Arrested In London Ontario Last Night (feat. Mike Roy, Bailey Lamon & Sid Ryan)

Mike Roy and Sid Ryan at an Ontario Common Front meeting in Toronto...

Mike Roy and Sid Ryan at an Ontario Common Front meeting in December…

Update (August 15): Mike Roy complained to Ezra Levant yesterday that I said Food Not Bombs is often a front for militant actions. Just to be clear, I was talking about my experience in Vancouver, and what I saw in other cities- I have no evidence this is happening in London, but the people behind FNB there are unquestionably involved in ‘arrestable’ protests


Last night London Ontario police raided the home of Mike Roy, and arrested Bailey Lemon (a.k.a. Bailey Goldman-Sagan) and Daniel Beaudoin. Charges included conspiracy, mischief and possession of drugs. During the raid the police confiscated computers, memory cards, hard drives, cameras and other electronic devices.

Roy was on of the leaders of Occupy London, and of an alternative media group called The Indignants. He’s a regular figure at RadLeft and union protests, and a member of the Ontario Common Front, a front group for the unions that includes many of the usual suspects covered on this website. Sid Ryan, one of their leaders, is likely to be very nervous today…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/25/anarco-syndicalist-arrested-in-london-ontario-last-night-feat-mike-roy-bailey-lamon-sid-ryan/

Ontario Healthcare Coalition Puts (Racist, Violent) Occupy Toronto Livestream Back Online! (feat. Fred Hahn & Judy Rebick)


Two weekends ago members of Occupy Toronto gathered on the campus of Ryerson University for an 80 hour (dodgy) fundraiser, hoping to collect money to pay for the costs of operating their wireless data connection. Their event quickly degraded into a violent, racist and anti-Semitic hate fest. Later, after their fiasco became a national news story, they regathered at Ryerson and threatened journalists who covered their misdeeds.

Unfortunately for the Livestreamers, they were only able to raise $250- partially as a result of the lack of interest (very few people were watching), but also because they made a very stupid mistake. This wasn’t enough money to cover the cost of their $700 debt- so it was a surprise to see that the Livestream was back up and working today. Who put them back online?

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/24/ontario-healthcare-coalition-puts-racist-violent-occupy-toronto-livestream-back-online-feat-fred-hahn-judy-rebick/

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