November 2011 archive

McCain’s Downtown Tent of Fraud!

I’m leaving Occupy Vancouver on my way to catch a bus home.  Suddenly I’m accosted by cute suburban girls promoting a ‘talent competition’ for the next McCain’s pizza ad!This event was fraud qubed. First, when you get inside, it was more focused on pizza marketing than talent. All the staff were as joyous as a …

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My (Personal) Demands!

Dear Occupy Vancouver,Below is a list of my personal demands. I expect that each and every one of you adhere to these principles, or you will not be welcome on my side of the sandbox:1.) Violence, including property destruction, will not be a part of the OV movement, or any OV involved movement. Ever! But, …

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Civil Liberties, Politics, Ninjas & Cream Pies!

Shortly after the Olympics, Vancouver was entertained with a type of event I’ll label ‘Ninja theater’. Two participants of Occupy Vancouver were victims of a vicious cream pie attack by Black Bloc apologists…The attack was intended for David Eby, the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association. He was accompanied by Chris Shaw, UBC Professor, author …

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Heart Attack: A tale of Olympian ninjas…

One of the more controversial moments during the Olympics was an incident known inside the ‘professional protester’ circles as “Heart Attack”. You’ve all heard of this incident- a bunch of malcontents wearing ninja costumes smashed the windows of the Hudson Bay Company on Georgia Street.There is something almost poetic about their choice of victim. The Bay …

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The Occupation Documentary: Coming soon, 2012

If there is one thing anyone could look forward to in 2012, it will be the release of The Occupation Documentary by Rafferty Baker and Matthew VanDeventer.I’ve seen them both at #OccupyVancouver just about every time I’ve been there. Their camera has already helped clear some of  the ambiguity about the presence of the #BlackBlok at …

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