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Exploring David Suzuki’s Radical Connections

This chart maps David Suzuki’s connections into the world of radical anarchist activism- a preview of an upcoming story.

Hover over a person/organization to show their networks, click on them for more details, click on pictures to make them bigger, and click on the lines linking people/organizations for documentation on how the link was established.

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  1. Suzuki worship… a favourite passtime of the communitarians .. the minions and lackeys with the NGOs have a lot to learn about reality and how the world actually works.. unfortunately, when your funding demands your submission to their groupthink yer schnockered in my opinion …. I recently downloaded a PDF from a 2003 speech that Michael Cricton gave in California entitled “Environmentalism as a Religion” .. someone had suggested it to me on youtube… its a great read … and interestingly, was removed from his website within a few weeks of me coming across it and posting it onto Facebook… the ‘sweepers’ must be very very very busy [looks like desperation to me] .. cheers and thanks for the updates Greg .. much appreciated here on the East Coast, where thinking for yourself is an unusual passtime.

  2. Suzuki is not a scientist-hasnt been for forty years. He’s morphed from a geneticist to a eugenicist.

  3. Essentially, the green movement is anti-man, i.e., anti-humanity.

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