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Judy Rebick


Judy Rebick is one of the more radical professors at Ryerson University in Toronto. She’s a feminist writer who is best known for her ability to scream into a microphone at public rallies. Judy is also the founder of an online publication that is infamous for it’s role as an attack dog and slander machine for the Marxist/Trotskyist left. Judy is the leader of many people at Occupy Toronto, particularly Dave Vasey.

During the G20, Judy spoke-out against the Black Bloc action where they got into a street fight with police, smashed many windows, and lit police cars on fire. Curiously, Judy also has deep connections with three people who’s names are common with Black Bloc incidents- Harsha Walia, Alex Hundert, and David Eby.

Also curiously, Judy began following me on Twitter back when I was in Vancouver. I messaged here privately there before I came to Toronto and asked for her assistance with the Black Bloc issues we were having. (I didn’t know about these relationships at the time). Judy said that there was no problem with violence at the Occupy movement in Canada. When I told her differently, she said I should speak to David Eby! Things that make you go hmmm…

If one sees Judy out in the wild, it is very important to never attempt to hand-feed her as it is likely she will attempt to bite your arm off…

Ryerson Professor Winnie Ng Suports Notable Con-Artist Kevin Annett!

The story about how Judy’s associate, Winnie Ng, gets involved with the man who is claiming fake graves at the Six Nations reserve in Ontatio…

May 1st, Hour 1: Assaulted By Dave Vasey & Greg Cipryk! (With Special Guest- Judy Rebick!)

Judy Rebick appears on the scene during Occupy Toronto’s May Day event and watches as Dave Vasey and Greg Cipryk assault me…

Story Of The Robocall Rallies, Palestine House, JDL, International Socialists, Judy Rebick And A Cryptic Coptic!

More about Judy’s involvement with the Robocall debauchery and the people involved in the lies…

Letter to Judy Rebick: Are You Leading The Canadian Black Bloc?

An open letter I sent to Judy asking her to explain the contradiction between how she denounced Black Bloc tactics during the G20, yet somehow she has incredibly close relationships with the leaders of the Black Bloc movement…

It’s Time to LeadNow(.ca) and MoveOn(.org) from the Robocall Rhetoric

The story about how (of which Judy is on the board) tries to call for an overthrowing of the government by overstating the situation with the Robocall scandal…


Judy Rebick is promoting the guy who debated Harsha Walia in the infamous “Harsha Walia Gone Wild” video? How can this be? This is what conspiracy looks like!

Alex Hundert Breaks Bail Conditions- Collaborates With Judy Rebick & David Eby!

Alex Hundert travels to Montreal to speak at a conference beside Judy and David Eby. A most curious event, and a violation of Alex’s bail conditions…

BullyWatch: Judy Rebick Supports The Man Who Assaulted Me Last Night!

A story I wrote after the first incident where Alex Hundert assaulted me- chronicling my discovery that he has a deep relationship with Judy. Things that make you go hmmm…

Hey Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus- What’s Going On?

My first article about Judy, where I shared the content of my private Twitter conversation and discussed how Krystalline Kraus (working at Rabble) tried to attack me. I asked Judy for her help, not yet knowing how deeply she was involved with the people who were hijacking Occupy Toronto. My mistake…

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    • Fritz Becker on May 21, 2014 at 03:37
    • Reply

    Judy Rebick is yet another far left immigrant from the United States, something most people are not aware of. It surprises me that someone like her would be able to obtain academic tenure, but then again it is at Ryerson, so it’s probably in some useless, substandard academic field like “Feminist Studies”. From her own accounts she spent most of her college years living the 1960s-70s version of the Occupy lifestyle.

  1. […] I’ve been a bit hard on people like Judy Rebick, David Eby, Sid Ryan, Professor David McNally, Professor Jim Deutsch, Antonia […]

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