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Harsha Walia

Harsha Walia wearing the latest in BCGEU fashion...

Harsha Walia wearing the latest in BCGEU fashion…

Harsha Walia is a Trotskyist who leads Vancouver’s No One Is Illegal and the infamous Anti-Poverty Committee. She is a vehement supporter of Black Bloc violence who uses racist & sexist rhetoric to discredit people who disagree with her tactics.

One should never let Harsha near water, she should not be fed after midnight, and should never be exposed to bright light. Do these things at your own peril!

The genuiNEWitty “Build-a-Bloc” Collection Is In-Stock Now!

Buy one of genuiNEWitty’s special commemorative Black Bloc dolls!

Occupy Toronto And The DTES FauxHawk’s Sacred Fire! (Featuring Harsha Walia & David Eby!)

The story about how a member of Harsha’s DTES gang came to Occupy Toronto and started a sacred fire- just like the one her gang started when she hijacked Occupy Vancouver!

Macdonald Stainsby & Harsha Walia Called “Lowlights” Of The 2010 Olympics!

How Charlie Smith of the Georgia Strait labelled the antics of Harsha’s Black Bloc thugs as a lowlight of the 2010 Olympics!

What Did Harsha Wallia Do? (WDHWD)

Asking an essential question- what has Harsha actually accomplished in her career as an activist. To date, nobody has been able to give an answer…

No Wonder Harsha Walia Loves To Pimp Violence!

Unmasking Harsha’s background as a violence-promoting Trotskyist!

Naomi Klein Fights For The Needs Of Vancouver’s DTES Drug Dealers & Poverty Pimps!

The real story behind the day Harsha invited Naomi Klein to participate in the Occupy Condo’s event…

April Fools! Alex Hundert & Harsha Walia Announce “We Love The Police Day!”

April Fool’s article about Harsha & Alex Hundert and their love for the police!

Harsha Walia & Harjap Grewal (Council of Canadians) Wearing Masks At the G20?

Unmasking Harsha’s involvement at the Toronto G20 riots…

Alex Hundert & Harsha Walia Go To Prison Together!

Violent anarchists Harsha Walia and Alex Hundert take a trip to visit one of their comrades in the slammer!

A Letter to Hedy Fry About Harsha Walia’s Ironic March Against Racism

An appeal to Liberal MP Hedy Fry to protect her reputation from the damage that could be caused by attending Harsha’s ironic march against racism…

Harsha Walia, Vancouver’s Most Prominent Racist, Plans March Against Racism!

The story about Harsha’s ironic march against racism…

Censored! A Letter to the People of Occupy Toronto

A letter I wrote to the people of Occupy Toronto explaining how Harsha’s people setup a website to try and discredit my reputation. Also an outline of how Harsha’s Black Bloc screwed-up the Olympic protest movement by smashing the windows at the Hudson Bay Company…

Harsha Walia’s No One Is Illegal Continues To Try and Discredit Me! (Featuring Roseanne Barr & OccupyPolice!)

The story about how Harsha sent her boyfriend, Harjap Grewel to organize people and try to have my Twitter account shut-down and how I responded by getting the support of Roseanne Barr and Occupy Police to help her understand Occupy is a non-violent movement…

#OccupyCondos: With Naomi Klein

The day that Harsha invited Naomi Klein to join her in an Occupy Condos demonstration, and how she and I nearly made peace with each other. (Shame she wasn’t genuine in her intentions…)

An Evening at #OccupySequel138 (The demonstration formerly known as #OccupyPantages…)

The story of when I attended my first demonstration run by Harsha Walia, and my attempt to understand the real motivation behind her Occupy Condos movement…

A Twitter Conversation About Violence…

A Twitter conversation I had with Harsha and a Gary Mason of the Globe & Mail where she was caught lying about the Black Bloc violence that had occurred at Occupy Vancouver and refused to clarify her stance on the use of violence in the movement…

Hijacked! Occupy Vancouver 1.0 no longer belongs to the 99%…

The night that Harsha used her gang of Black Bloc thugs to hijack Occupy Vancouver…

Say What?

My first discovery about Harsha’s involvement and promotion of Black Bloc violence- including the infamous ‘Harsha Walia Gone Wild’ video where she uses sexism & racism to discredit Derrick O’Keefe’s position on non-violence…

YELLOW CARD: Undemocratic Behaviour?

The story about Harsha Walia’s first step towards hijacking Occupy Vancouver…


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