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Zach Ruiter

Zach Ruiter abusing a cop... (photo by UndercoverKity)

Zach Ruiter baiting a cop… (photo by UndercoverKity)

Zach Ruiter is one of Toronto’s more entertaining cop-baiting activists. He’s probably most famous for helping to destroy the property values of west Toronto residents after publicising a nuclear fuel plant that has been in the neighbourhood for many years. Zach’s protests always seem to focus more on the police than in the issues he protests about. He also has close connections with many of the city’s Activistocrat community including Sakura Saunders and crowd.

Anti-Nuclear Protesters Spread Vandalism Across West Toronto! (feat. Zach Ruiter & GE-Hitachi)

Zach’s protests against the GE-Hitachi plant continue to nosedive into criminality…

Zach Ruiter Gets Pwned By Steve Paikin Of TVO!

Zach tries (again) to appropriate the voices of indigenous people- only, this time he gets pwned by Steve Paikin!

Zach’s Cop-Baiting Massive Fail!

NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo Delivers Keynote Speech (At What Became) A Racist Anti-Police March!

Toronto NDP Member of Provincial Parliament attends a Zach Ruiter anti-nuclear rally. Zach pays her off by turning the march into one of the most embarrassingly stupid cop-baiting sessions ever…

Toronto Anarchists Make A Mockery Out Of Idle No More… (feat. Zach Ruiter & Derek Soberal)

Zach Ruiter makes a mockery out of Idle No More by appropriating the name and selfishly using it to further his own causes- blocking traffic, and pissing-off Torontonians…

Professor David McNally On Marxisms (feat. Zach Ruiter & The Occupy Hijackers…)

Zach Ruiter and York professor David McNally, another infamous G20 apologist…

(Updated) GE-Hitachi: Andrew Cash, Jonah Schein, Anarchists & Flying Squads! (feat. Sid Ryan)

The circus behind Zach Ruiter’s second GE-Hitachi meeting, and some of the people connected to him…

Letter to Andrew Cash & Jonah Schein About GE-Hitachi & The Anarchists Among Us…

A letter to two Toronto politicians who got themselves entangled in Zach’s GE-Hitachi protest…

What Should Toronto Do About The GE-Hitatchi Uranium Plant? (Who wins & who loses?)

The story about who got hurt by Zach Ruiter’s irresponsible handling of the GE-Hitachi uranium plant issue…

GE-Hitachi: University of Toronto Professor Jim Deutsch Defends G20 Anarchists! (feat. Zach Ruiter)

Zach Ruiter and Dr Jim Deutsch of the University of Toronto make a major blunder trying to cover-up what really happened at the G20…

GE-Hitachi Uranium Plant: The Night The Anarchists Came To West Toronto…

The night Zach Ruiter, Sakura Saunders, and Ashleigh Ingle held a dog & pony show about the GE-Hitachi uranium plant. The people in the neighbourhood weren’t impressed…

How Anarchists Are Spoiling Environmental & Social Justice Movements (feat. Zoe Blunt & Zach Ruiter)

The story about how ‘activists’ like Zach Ruiter are discrediting the movements they say they’re there to support…

MediaWatch: Zach Ruiter, Toronto Media Co-Op & BannockGate!

One of Zach’s best blunders ever- making a video complaining that a company stole the word ‘bannock’ from indigenous people, when the reality is that it’s a Scottish word…

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