Maygan Sensenberger is one of Canada’s more colourful characters. She’s an attractive 24 year old woman who came to public attention after marrying Rod Zimmer- a recently retired 70 year old Senator. Their relationship got scandalous in August of 2012 when she and her husband got into a disagreement on an Air Canada flight- the …
August 2013 archive
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Aug 16
Toronto Media Co-Op Finally Admits Swamp Line 9’s Affinity To Violent Anarchists! (Feat. Trish Mills)
Someone with a sharp eye for anarchist criminality pointed out an interesting picture posted on the Toronto Media Co-Op today. They call it a ‘meme’. At the top, there’s a picture of the Black Bloc anarchists who smashed up Toronto during the G20 saying “Get On the Fence”. At the bottom is a picture of …
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Aug 16
Ezra Levant Pummels Swamp Line 9 Protesters At Hamilton Court Protest!
The protesters who occupied the Line 9 pumping station in Westover had their first day in court on Wednesday. To celebrate, they and their allies arranged a pre-court protest. A motley crew of anarchists, rabble rousers, and useful idiots showed up- and, as expected, they seriously went off the rails. What was billed as a …
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Aug 15
The Sierra Club, Polaris Institute, NDP & Green Party’s Co-Optation Of Grassroots Movements…
Heather Martin has done a lot of great work helping to expose Kevin Annett’s con-artistry on her blog StopKevinAnnett. Her research has been meticulous, and she takes an incredibly even handed approach to her stories. I’ve learned a lot from Heather, and continue to do so. Yesterday she published what I think is her best …
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Aug 13
Ontario Federation of Labour’s Communications Director Attacks UndercoverKity’s Camera! (feat. Joel Duff)
Today was Toronto’s second major protest over the police shooting of Sammy Yatim, a young man who was shot nine times and Tazered by a Toronto police officer after refusing instructions to drop his knife while standing in a streetcar. Videos filmed by people who watched the shooting look pretty bad for the officer who …
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