Tag: Harsha Walia

Moron Attack: Swarmed By Anti-Harper Drones On Easter Sunday! (Feat. Antonia Zerbisias, Brigette DePape)

I was surfing through Facebook on Saturday afternoon when I saw the above posted meme. If you’re not familiar with Brigette DePape, her claim-to-fame is the day she interrupted the Senate carrying a sign reading “Stop Harper”. The meme gave me a bit of a giggle, so I hit the “share” button on my phone …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/04/06/swarmed-by-anti-harper-morons-on-easter-sunday-feat-antonia-zerbisias-brigette-depape/

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip Hoodwinks The Vancouver Sun (Feat. Peter O’Neill, Harsha Walia)

Earlier this week Vancouver Sun reporter Peter O’Neill wrote the naïvely titled story RCMP claim of B.C. anti-pipeline extremists shocks native, environmental leaders. From one perspective the story was gut-bustingly funny, blatant misinformation so poorly researched it could have come from the Vancouver Observer. But it was also profoundly disturbing- dangerously sloppy reporting that could potentially get people hurt. The story …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/02/28/grand-chief-phillip-stewart-hoodwinks-the-vancouver-sun-feat-peter-oneill-harsha-walia/

Dogwood Initiative Anti-Oil Scare Tactics Ignore Inconvenient Truths (Feat. Kai Nagata)

The Dogwood Initiative is a Victoria, BC based non-profit, and registered lobbyist group, that focusses on environmental issues. Like many NGOs, Dogwood has taken a strong stand against Kinder Morgan’s proposed twinning of the TransMountain pipeline- the subject of the recent protests on Burnaby Mountain. Kai Nagata is the former Quebec City Bureau Chief for CTV News. Nagata’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/01/28/dogwood-initiative-anti-oil-scare-tactics-ignore-inconvenient-truths-feat-kai-nagata/

CRA Audited Charity Sponsors Book Tour For Anti Free Speech Violence Advocate (Feat. Harsha Walia)

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’s about page contradictorily describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice” that since has become “one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates”. The page explains how the CCPA works with “with top-notch researchers to shed light on the key issues …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2015/01/25/cra-audited-charity-sponsors-book-tour-for-anti-free-speech-violence-advocate-feat-harsha-walia/

#BurnabyMountain Unmasked Part II: David Suzuki, Extremists And The RCMP (Feat. Harsha Walia)

Note: Please click here for Part I Introduction The first time I met David Suzuki was in early 2011. I was with a friend and her daughter, exiting Banyen Books in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighbourhood (and feeling relieved as we escaped the pan flute music) when I was jolted out of nirvana as my friend grabbed …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/12/08/burnabymountain-unmasked-part-ii-david-suzuki-extremists-and-the-rcmp-feat-harsha-walia/

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