Tag: Politics

TDSB Students Vote To Join Protest Led By Sabotage Promoting Anarchists! (Feat. The Student School)

Every year, right around springtime, Barrick Gold holds its Annual General Meeting at the Metro Convention Centre in downtown Toronto. With this event comes the inevitable confrontation; Barrick has been targeted by professional protesters for years. The protests are rarely peaceful, and involve protesters forcefully stopping traffic, pushing into police lines, making false accusations of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/11/tdsb-students-vote-to-join-protest-led-by-sabotage-promoting-anarchists-feat-the-student-school/

Maidan In Canada Part I: NGOs, Ukrainian Revolutionaries, Bulletproof Vests & Ontario’s Top Politicians

Introduction: When Ukraine’s Orange Revolution flared up in 2004, it was quickly alleged that many local grassroots organizers were supported by US backed civil society organizations. Groups including the US State Department’s USAid and George Soros’ Open Society Institute helped provide money and expertise to local activists for “democracy building” activities to local NGOs. A new …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/03/11/maidan-in-canada-part-i-ngos-ukrainian-revolutionaries-bulletproof-vests-queens-park-politicians/

Union/NDP Front Group Slaps Harper With Teleportation Con-Artist! (Feat. Operation Maple)

Have you ever wondered to yourself how deep Canada’s public service unions are willing to sink into depravity in their quest attack Stephen Harper? If so then today is your lucky day- after three years of tracking and reporting on anarcho-syndicalist bedlam, Your Humble Narrator has identified an example so absurdly dark and idiotic it would …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/18/unionndp-front-group-slaps-harper-with-teleportation-con-artist-feat-operation-maple/

Political Violence: Elizabeth May Labels The Council Of Canadians As An Illegitimate Organization!?

Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May is a strange duck. On the one hand she’s one of Canada’s most outspoken figures against activist violence- consistently insisting that it’s “unproductive” and has a negative impact on the environmental movement. But equally, she so often comes out spouting nonsense in regards to the people committing the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/22/political-violence-elizabeth-may-labels-the-council-of-canadians-as-an-illegitimate-organization/

Idle No More Unmasked Part II: Who’s The American That Runs The Website? (Feat. Clayton Thomas-Muller)

NOTE: Part I of this series can be found here If you’ve spent time reading through Idle No More’s website you’ve probably seen Spencer Mann’s name a few times. Mann is Idle No More’s webmaster, and appears to be responsible for the majority of the content posted on the site. Mann is the sole proprietor …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/05/idle-no-more-unmasked-part-ii-whos-the-american-that-runs-the-website-feat-clayton-thomas-muller/

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