Tag: First Nations

Activists Tampered With Rail Signalling At The December Sarnia Blockade (feat. Mike Roy & Ron Plain)

Back in December a group of indigenous people from the Aamjiwnaang First Nation joined forces with members of Ontario’s anarchist & unionist community and blocked a train line. Many of the ‘usual suspects’ showed-up at the blockade including Sakura Saunders, Dave Vasey, Lana Goldberg, and Ken Lewenza of the Canadian Auto Workers. The blockade has been …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/10/activists-tampered-with-rail-signalling-at-the-december-sarnia-blockade-feat-mike-roy-ron-plain/

More Racism From Occupy Toronto’s Livestreamers! (feat. Davyn Calfchild & Cathy Walker)

When Occupy Toronto’s Dee Shanger (a.k.a. Captain Yarr) introduced Davyn Calfchild’s First Nations broadcast on Thursday, he announced it as the “longest running show on Livestream”. This may, or may not, be true- Shanger isn’t known for having an affinity for the truth. But, if he’s looking to boast about their achievements, it’s quite likely …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/10/more-racism-from-occupy-torontos-livestreamers-feat-davyn-calfchild-cathy-walker/

Occupy Toronto’s Davyn Calfchild Gets Racist With A Black Cop!

Tonight, as the protesters were attacking police officers in front of the Toronto Police Service’s 14 Division, our good friend Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouilet) joined in with a double helping of racist comments. He began by yelling at the police saying “You can’t f##king own our land forever!”. A couple minutes later he yelled out …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/30/occupy-torontos-davyn-calfchild-gets-racist-with-a-black-cop/

A Quick Update On Occupy Toronto’s Unfortunate Incident At Ryerson University…

UPDATE: Jeremy Oliver claims that he wasn’t the person who tried to suppress the video of what happened Saturday, and was referring to another video that called him out on making a false claim of police violence. Considering his history of making false claims, I leave it to my readers to decide… ______________________________________________ After 80 …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/17/a-quick-update-on-occupy-torontos-unfortunate-incident-at-ryerson-university/

[UPDATED] Violent, Racist, Anti-Semitic, Hate Broadcast Live From Ryerson University On Saturday…

UPDATE: The video was taken down by YouTube for a violation of “hate speech”- this says a lot. Scroll down to the bottom for more updates, and a re-posting of the video. UPDATE 2: Billy has made an apology today, said it was a moment of weakness. But, looking into his Twitter feed, he seems …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/14/violent-racist-antisemetic-hate-broadcast-live-from-ryerson-university-on-saturday/

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