A Resounding No!

I’m on my way home after attending the Meet the Candidates at the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House. I submitted a question for all candidates:

“Is it acceptable to use Riot Squads to shutdown Occupy Vancouver?”

My question was lost in the crowd, so wasn’t discussed. So, I Politely insisted my question be answered at the end.

The room stopped, my question was taken seriously, and then, like dominos- no!, no!, no!….

So, there you have it.  They were all on video, and not a single person on the board even dared to disagree!

So, can we now ask the Black Bloc to retire!   ;-)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/12/a-resounding-no/


2 pings

  1. BTW, I just sent the same question to Global TV for them to ask Suzanne Anton during their interview at 1pm tomorrow! Stay tuned!

  2. "We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings." – Helen Keller

  1. […] I wonder what they have to say about our ninjas? Chris Shaw was the first to speak-out last weekend when I asked a panel of candidates if we should use riot squads to shutdown OV. His answer was quick, and the same as the other candidates- a resounding no! […]

  2. […] A Resounding No!: Campaign where I got every candidate in the city election to commit to not using riot squads to close OV http://genuinewitty.wordpress.com/2011/11/12/a-resounding-no/ […]

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