Vancouver (DTES,Unionist,CoC,Etc) Black Bloc, You are Useful Idiots!

Do you actually believe your pseudo Waffen SS tactics could do anything but hurt a movement that is founded in love and peace? And, do you actually believe you have the foundation to make this a reality?

Perhaps it’s just the reverberations of yesterday’s meditational yoga experience- but, this appears to be a somewhat deluded perception…

Please read through these questions and think deeply. Pay special attention when things start feeling uncomfortable:

Questions on Violence:
1. We owe it to all humanity that we are always moving closer to peace- not further away. To do anything but this is #SelfGenocide.

2. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/farm animal friend who you have been arguing with for the past few weeks- will you win the argument by punching them in the eye, or will things get worse?

3. Is the best way to approach a nervous pit bull with great anger and aggression? How badly will you lose this way?

4. Would your mother/grandmother/girlfriend/whatever feel proud to join an organization that get’s that natural ‘runners high’ from smashing the windows at Lord & Taylor? How about if you went somewhere representing the queen?

Questions for Your Leadership:

1. Is the person who told you to smash the windows at Lord & Taylor so fucking stupid they sent you to attack an American retailer rather than somewhere where it would have made a fucking difference? If you had actually succeed at gaining public sympathy- Fox News would be on this bitch like a Great Dane on a Collie. (sorry watching too much Stimulator, will try and tone-down the pet sexuality references! ROTFL)

Go DTES ninjas!

2. Is the person who told you to cause a ruckus at the Cadilac-Fairview building so fucking stupid they steered you towards having a fight with the police the day before Occupy Vancouver’s Relaunch meeting? Or is this something they planned on WTF?

You'd be cooler had you been this tough at ScienceWorld! (Are these CoC ninjas?)

3. Is your leadership so fucking stupid that they believe a bunch of kids in Balaclavas could last more than 5-10 minutes if the RCMP surrounded you in a “Polish Firing Squad” holding Uzi‘s?

Canada's pride-The RCMP Polish Firing Squad division!

4. When the supposed multiple suicide attempts happened, why did your leaders insist on keeping this information secret? Did they grind them down to the bone, or is the illusion of suicide a tool to discredit those who call bullshit? Or both?

Media & Recruitment:

1. Are you so fucking confused that you think Stimulator’s 20K-30K viewers will recruit enough ninjas to outnumber the government with violence? Because, I’ll make an estimate of 5-1 for ratio of citizens who would have to die for each policeman/soldier that does.

2. How many police (65,000+) and military (110,000+) are there in Canada? How about in the US? (more than you can kill)

3. Will Stimulator have to resort to adding bestiality themes to his videos if he is to get you the numbers you will need? Ultimately, will you be sentenced to years of your videos including Stimulator and Spuds McKenzie?

4. How fucking stupid is Harsha Walia for filming a video that promoted violence while using race and gender to defeat political debate? What sort of humanitarian publicly humiliates people who have good hearts? Would you change your mind if you knew people can get locked-up for that in Canada? (she could have at least worn a mask!)

Bravery & Courage:

1. How much more brave (but, perhaps, misguided) could an individual like Harsha Walia be to put-up her face in defence of people who won’t expose theirs?

2. How fucking cowardly is it of you that you are hiding behind your masks and pseudonyms and let a naked girl stand as your shield?

3. How biased are you if you just disqualified all of the above questions because I EbySlapped you by using a gender-specific pronoun while talking about Harsha nakedly protecting a bunch of girly men?

4. How many of your fellow soldiers are so committed, and/or insane, that they will volunteer to be one of the four ninjas that gets killed for each member of the government security apparatus?

5. Why doesn’t Harsha dress up like a ninja and break windows these days? Because she is more ‘valuable’ than you are? Or, because she looks to scary in black, and we aren’t allowed to scare away the middle classes?

Case Study, Vancouver 2010, Heart Attack:

1. If VANNOC wanted to minimize the impact of the many hundreds of peaceful demonstrators at the Olympics- do you think they could have accomplished this by showing ninjas battling police in front of global TV cameras? Because, they never came back in the same numbers the next day- mission accomplished!

2. If you actually succeeded, and began to gain public support- how many milliseconds from the moment started to grow would the MSM be making fun of you for attacking Lord & Taylor.

3. Did any of your leadership experience lifestyle changes in the weeks after the Olympics? Perhaps a trip to another city to talk about YOUR experience, a few nights at the Four Seasons?  Perhaps they got a cool job, or a grant, or even a new condo and office space? A shiny new HOG?

4. What did you get for all your efforts (and bruises) during Heart Attack? Was it equal to you’re leaders earnings? Perhaps a book deal? A trip to Madagascar or gifts parting the TIDES?

What the fuck? Are you guys really that intensely fucking stupid? Or are your leader’s really that fucking smart, and you are only marginally stupid?

Because, you are the most effective tool our government has to quell the growth of happiness and civil liberties!

So, are they paying you? Because, if not, they are most certainly paying your enemies! How dumb do they make you feel now?

And, if they are the government, wouldn’t you wind up as a giant fucking heros if you helped us identify this fact?

(Please excuse my language here, it was an experiment to try and make a point…)

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