Who would have guessed a video about Pivot would make me feel this way?

I was busy doing some research on a project, as a single guy typically would do on Family Day, when I ran across a video that brought back some beautiful memories. At the beginning of the video John Richardson is seen sitting on a log on the beach- I used to sit at the same place and drink my coffee many mornings. Paradise!

Funny thing is, who would have thought that would happen when reading about Pivot Legal Society? Well, stranger things have happened- like in BC where the Civil Liberties watchdog is run by a politician!

I sometimes think that, perhaps, I could find myself living on Cortes. That said, it is such a small place, and lots of gossiping and rumours can fly around. Quite the opposite of the big city…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/02/20/who-would-have-guessed-a-video-about-pivot-would-make-me-feel-this-way/


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    • Nikki on February 23, 2012 at 23:58
    • Reply

    a single guy on Family Day? you said you have a wife who XXXXXXXXXXXX. so it’s true, EVERYTHING you say is a lie.

    1. It is good to see that after going so thoroughly through my writing this is the most important issue you find to contest. Looks like I’m on the right track in my work! Please note that I removed the personal details you included in your response- not sure why you thought that was the correct thing to do.

      I was in a relationship when Occupy Vancouver started- but have been single for a while now. Why are you asking? Looking for a date?

      If so, I could think of a better way for you to ask- you struck-out this time.

      Your choice of words and sentence structure imply either that you are intrinsically aggressive (and I’m a pacifist) or, that your writing style lacks sophistication. How you equated this question being something that discredits everything else shows an absence of ability to use logic. And, your lack of discretion is a deal-breaker…

      I’m thinking you may be a better match for Officer Bubbles?

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  2. […] Mayor Gregor Robertson and David Eby! And, don’t forget David Eby’s alma mater, the PIVOT Legal Society, and the Hollyhock resort! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike […]

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