Open Letter to Krystalline Kraus- I forgive you…

Krystalline standing beside a rather poignantly worded poster...

Dear Krystalline,

I’m writing to give you an opportunity to defend yourself, and to explain your recent actions. Because, at this moment, you appear to to have diminishing credibility- this cannot be good for your career in journalism…

First, please explain yourself, and why you decided to attack a complete stranger. We’ve never met, and have never had any direct communication- is this not true? I’ve heard you said otherwise at the Occupy Toronto GA last Wednesday- you know, the GA Alex Hundert blocked my entrance from? What’s up with that?

I was told tonight that you accused me of sexually harassing you online. Can you please provide some evidence for this? When, where, how, why? You know,  the basic questions they teach in Journalism 101. Because, without this, you come across as a boldfaced liar. And, your future as a journalist comes to question really. What sort of a half-assed reporter can’t get the basics of a story like this?

I’ll attest to the fact that I’ve never done this, the only place where I’ve written anything to you is here on my blog. I’d like you to provide the details of your accusations so that I can disprove them. You see, sites like WordPress, Facebook, etc- they never erase ANYTHING! So, if you are kind enough to provide the who/what/where/when I will go to a lawyer and get a subpoena to recall the information from those sites and disprove what happened! If you refuse to do this, I will be taking both you, and, to court where we will force you to disclose this information- simple!

I promise to do this in a 100% transparent manner- and, if evidence is found, I will instruct my lawyer to release that. Hell, if you want to be involved, you can come to the meeting with my lawyer and we can do this together! But, as none of this ever happened, you know what the results will be! So, to be honest, you are in a bit of a pickle right now- aren’t you?

So, I’ll make you a one-time deal right now. All you have to do is write me a public apology for the mistake you made- with that, I give you my solumn promise I will not pursue damages, and will not take this any further than it has gone. Deal?

I’ll give you until the end of the day on Thursday to decide if you would like to take this deal. Considering the things you have said about me- I’d say this is rather fair of me. And, if you have any questions, or would like me to first provide you a signed copy of this letter as reassurance, I’m here for you.

I know you have got all caught-up in the politics of this situation, and I have genuine sympathy that people put you in the middle here. So, sort this now, and we can move-on. Okay?

-Greg Renouf

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    • momma says shame on March 13, 2012 at 00:33
    • Reply

    As a woman that grew up during the 50’s 60’s and 70’s, when we had to fight to get credibility I am applauded by your antics.

    I’m the one of the women that struggled before you were even born, to get equality, and fought for the rights and freedoms you enjoy today.

    I am one of the women that marched and burned my bra in the sixties… honestly fighting for equality for the 100% of women that were horribly oppressed.
    Accusing someone of sexual harassment so frivolously, without concrete evidence, do you realize the injustice you have done to all women that are fleeing abusive situations, or rape.
    You have managed to oppress every woman that has a legitimate crime to report.

    You take away their legitimate chance to seek justice.False charges are what makes it difficult for women to get credibility in the court system.

    Your behavior does not represent the 99% and you should be ashamed. Congratulations Krysalline you have set the woman’s movement back 50 years!!

    I also question you as a journalist, this is a very serious accusation and I expect to hear more from both and you Krystalline. There are consequences for what you have done here, sadly we the 99% of honest women will have to take the punishment of your stupid childish behavior.

    • Sick of Narcissistic Liars on March 13, 2012 at 01:07
    • Reply

    I 100% agree with momma says shame. What you have done directly affects the credibility of EVERY WOMAN who is/has been abused. As it stands it is already so fucking hard for women to prevail in the justice system or even within the larger community, you have harmed us all even yourself.

    • brotherwolf1 on March 13, 2012 at 09:33
    • Reply

    Krystalline Kraus does nothing for any movement she is part of , other than to be there and wave a flag or two. Her skills as a journalist is so riddled with flaws that a first year journalism student would only have attend their FIST class and they would instantly more competent and trustworthy as a journalist than Krauss ever can be . when she invents stories riddles with false accusations, lies and misinformation about people , just because she decided to not like someone, perhaps she needs to take a long look in the mirror and look at exactly what is wrong, seeing her own reflection should point to the answer. Krystalline you give EVERY single credible journalist a bad name with your antics..

  1. this is a genuine act of kindness on the part of Greg towards Krauss who appears to even empathize with your getting caught up in the clique and overlooking the soul of your pursuit of journalism to find the struts. Krauss is a victim of who she thinks are her rewinds and has list the way-out believe you’ve been given a lietrary live preserver. Done with grace and class. Redeem yourself Kristy. You’ll feel so grateful you did. this right. Looking forward to seeing yourself saving your career.

    1. Sorry rewinds I typed friends and the other word is truths.

    • Sick of Narcissistic Liars on March 13, 2012 at 21:29
    • Reply

    She is too proud and ego filled to admit and repent for her lies. In the end it is herself that will bring about her own demise. I almost feel sorry for this pathetic and insecure little girl…almost.

    1. Well, she has another day to come clean. If she choses not to, I will hold no forgiveness for KK. And, besides the legal repercussions, the satire will keep rolling for months. I’ve already registered the domain name! ;-)

    • Sardonicus on March 16, 2012 at 15:24
    • Reply

    Come on, she writes for – that’s not a journalism site, it’s just mentally unbalanced Communists ranting and making shit up. Sounds like she’s got those qualifications.

    1. I prefer to think of as mentally unbalanced Rabid Marxist assholes…

    • KKK (Krazy Krystalline Krust) stole my Kool-Aid on April 17, 2012 at 13:05
    • Reply

    Breaking News: KKK tried to eat some Humble Pie, but promptly began to choke. It seems the Humble may have gotten in the way of the pie.

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