Alex Hundert Forsakes Homeless Occupiers!

Alex, despite his court order not to go to activist events, magically appeared at the eviction today. He’s been stalking me since October- first online, and now this is the third time he has appeared to interfere with me. I applaud his braveness for showing-up, but am seriously disappointed by his lack of will to make a simple phone call..

It was a simple request, one I never thought Alex would deny. All I asked of him was to use his contacts to get someone from the media to come and document the illegal eviction of homeless occupiers who moved to behind Osgoode Hall yesterday. Alex was accompanied by his sidekick, and fellow member of the Black Bloc, Jessica Enyar (why couldn’t she have called the media for Alex?)

Can you believe that Alex is so lost in his partisan political idiocy he decided to forsake the needs of Occupy Toronto’s homeless community? To put it directly- Alex, you disgust me!

It is time for the activist to tell Alex to get his shit together. His hate, criminal violence, and general negativity only escalate situations- I put a lot of the responsibility for the bad things that happened at the G20 directly as his responsibility. Muppets like Alex are a danger to us all…

If only Alex were so lovable!

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