An Open Letter to Occupy Toronto!

Yep- he’s that ugly…


Dear Occupy Toronto!

I challenge anyone to produce evidence of me doing something 10% as offensive as what happened to Celina. If you can’t, you must exile Curtis OfThe Nixon-Family from Occupy for as long as I am…

And, while you are at that, and you have noticed that I did nothing 10% as offensive as this, can you please apologize to me for what happened yesterday?

Thanks. Love y’all!

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    • Ms. Divine on April 11, 2012 at 00:52
    • Reply

    I found him. All the info is here on my page where it cannot be deleted.

  1. Fräulein Suzy Divine Wow, your message was worse than the one he sent me. Way worse. I cannot believe he told you to stick your head in an oven… Celina, i’m so, so sorry.
    2 hours ago · Like
    Celina Dycke No worries, this is just a reflection of who he is and who his “commrads” are. When OTME involves themselves in events that I am passionate about I can no longer go as the lies, abuse and targeting as well as the threat made against my personal safety by “Rainbow Son” which was quickly erased by Rob ‘union’ Chamberland have completley solidified my disdain for this movement of violent hipocracy.
    2 hours ago · Like
    Toby Lake whats this about?
    2 hours ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine OPEN your eyes and READ.
    2 hours ago · Like
    Toby Lake why, looks like a personal issue.
    2 hours ago · Like
    Demian Carynnyk This is terrible. Curtis should be instantly banned for that comment. ‘Rainbow Son’ too by the sound of it. This may be ‘personal’ Toby but Occupy have to look out for one another from personal attacks.

    I don’t however see how Rob erasing it has anything to do with him being a bad person or union-affiliated. More likely, he was recognizing the comment as horrible and fucked up? Let’s not fight hate with hate.
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 1
    Toby Lake can’t control people.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake i am not a marshal of any sort, online facebook has provisions for this sort of thing.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Demian, Rob erased the comment while admonishing myself and not issuing a word of condemnation for ‘Rainbow Son’

    You of all people should know that there very much is a double standard within the movement and certain people are allowed a…
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland I agree he should should be banned for these oven comments, skipping the usual warning even. All you had to do was say something, Celina, not insult us, and me. But, Celina, am I to take it that you agree with this safe spaces concept?
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Rob, I wholeheartedly agree with the safe spaces concept. Always have, way before it was ever a reality. In fact, I was one of the people in the begining speaking out against the racism, sexism and anti-semitism that was so rampant on her…
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Nice bait and switch, Rob. So, she has to agree with your system in order for you to implement it? Why don’t you do what YOU think is right.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake safe space agreement is for the general assembly and committees which choose to use it in person, it’s not an online concept.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Is that your opinion, or consensus from Occupy?
    about an hour ago · Like · 1
    Celina Dycke Point of clarification: I do not support the usage of the term “safe space” when it is used to hurt and abuse others. Words have power and when we use them for our own sick, egotistical, grab for power that is wrong. So no, I don’t suppo…
    See More
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 1
    Toby Lake has occupy ever consented to uphold safe space online?
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Toby if it’s not an online concept then why have people been banned from this page for less, whilst the admins. have cited safe space?
    about an hour ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Ok, so then you just admitted it was your own opinion.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake the page is part of a committee, it is a place for people to provide info, official decisions occur in person and are unrelated generally to the internet and marketing.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake just as I can ban someone from my facebook page, and just as I was banned from rob ford’s facebook page, it is not directly connected with the primary group.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Celina: Safe spaces isn’t just about keeping racism, sexism, anti-semitism, etc., out of our spaces, it’s also about treating others with respect. I’ve always treated you with respect, but your insults towards me have gotten so bad and so obsessive that OTME admins recently had a discussion about it and agreed you’d had enough warnings. I’ve asked you to cool it with the insults. Please do so now.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake it is pixels.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Keep rationalizing. Blame the victim. Same shit, different day.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Listen Rob, the only times that I ever interact with you is when you either a) comment on one of my comments or b) when I am referring to you in an incedent that you were a part of. Don’t flatter yourself Rob, you are the last person I wou…
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like
    Toby Lake

    Association fallacy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    An association fallacy is an inductive informal fallacy of the type hasty genera…
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like ·
    Celina Dycke Toby when you stand by in silence and when you actively participate in something and condone it then you are associated with it.

    Also, Rob, first it was accusations of me being anti-union, it then progressed to me being sexist and racist, …
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Oops, I forgot, I was also accused of being a nazi, LMFAO :D
    about an hour ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Celina: I never said you were anti-union, nor sexist, nor racist. I may have suggested that your constantly attacking unions could easily lead folks to believe you were anti-union, or something along those lines, which is a fair comment. …
    See More
    about an hour ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland ‎(And why can’t I seem to find this Curtis fellow? Is he a member of this group?)
    about an hour ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine He is friends with Mike Roy, an admin here.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Rob, please copy and paste where I have attacked unions. I believe I have asked for this before. And no you never said that I was racist or sexist you merely encouraged and supported people that were doing that. I put the union in the mi…
    See More
    58 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Celina: I never said you were anti-union so why should I copy/paste where you attacked unions? In any case, you’re welcome to speak as you like but follow the page policy.
    51 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Look how simple it is to copy and paste. See, I just did it here:

    I may have suggested that your constantly attacking unions could easily lead folks to believe you were anti-union, or something along those lines, which is a fair comment. …
    50 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland But if there is no comment to the effect that I ever said you were anti-union, there’s nothing to copy and paste.
    45 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Also, I’ve just gone through the members list of the page and there is no Curtis that I could find. Granted, this new interface sucks and doesn’t make it easy. How do we know he is associated with Occupy Toronto or a friend of Mike Roy?
    42 minutes ago · Like
    Toby Lake celina i have not stood by anything in silence.
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Oh my goodness Rob! You claimed I was anti-union and then said it was because I was constantly attacking unions, which is FALSE. So…copy and paste it.

    I find it very odd that this Curtis guy is not on the list. He was one of the people making stupid comments about me when I said I did not believe in the violence that was used at the skinhead gathering.
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Toby, hello! I never said you did. My response was to the silly wikipedia link that you posted.

    This has just gotten too dumb for me now. I’m tired and don’t have much patience for stupidity.
    38 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland I did not claim you were anti-union, so… I will ask the other admins to see if the can find anyone going by that nick.
    37 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Rob, please, let’s not play these games tonight. You already know that I have screen shots of your accusations along with responses that Curtis made to me, as well as Krystallines lies and her horrible letter about me etc and you joining i…
    See More
    27 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke Here you go Rob, I think this jerk uses multiple accounts as I just recieved another personal message from the asshole. And, like others on here, he does not believe that honesty is the best policy, as is apparent by his denial of what the…
    See More
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland He apologized?
    10 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke You consider that a real apology?
    8 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Ok, well, tell you what, if the only admin you trust is Octavian then why don’t we let him handle this? Show your screenshots to him.
    7 minutes ago · Like
    Celina Dycke I’ll show my screen shots, some of which you have already seen, to everyone, since I have been publicly slanderd and gossiped about.
    6 minutes ago · Like
    Rob Chamberland Not by me, you haven’t.
    4 minutes ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Here, i found here… all the information I posted here. You all can chase after Renouf for supposedly doing shit he did not do, yet you sit complacent and deflect the issue by arguing with the victim instead of investigating who this pers…
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    Occupy is an Inside Job
    This woman’s safe space has been compromised by an Occupier. He told a jewish wo…
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    2 minutes ago · Like
    Fräulein Suzy Divine Here, i found **HIM**. Pardon the typo.
    about a minute ago · Like

    • violent agression=small cahonas on April 11, 2012 at 01:51
    • Reply

    They support people who drink the kool-Aid and who have ceased thinking independent of the hive. Those who ask questions or present different viewpoints are quickly villified and disposed of. Keep up the good fight Greg!

  1. […] had another interesting exchange with Doug on Twitter this morning, challenging him to take care of someone who is a real problem in the Occupy Toronto […]

  2. […] I ran into an interesting video from an appearance Curtis Nixon made on Russia Today. In case you missed it, He’s the Guy who made the Nazi death slurs to a Jewish woman yesterday. […]

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