Kevin Annett Publishes A Response About The Fake Mass Grave Allegations!

One of the bones

I’ll write a personal response later today- but, thought I wouldn’t delay sharing Kevin’s response with all of you now…

A Brief Response to the latest Facebook Fabrication, on the Mohawk school dig

By Kevin D. Annett

April 12, 2012

Kevin Annett (r), and Mush Hole survivor Geronimo Henry, October 2011

This past week, somebody calling himself “Greg”, whom I’ve never met, has never been to the Mohawk residential school (“Mush Hole”) inquiry and dig in Brantford, and who apparently has been asked to leave the Toronto Occupy group, posted a nasty bit of mudslinging about me on Facebook, claiming without any proof, naturally, that I have been “changing my story” about the bones that were unearthed last November at the Mush Hole. He also says that I’m a “psychopath”.

It’s odd, but I never remember undergoing any kind of professional psychiatric evaluation, with “Greg” or anyone else … assuming, of course, that my new and shadowy adversary is even qualified to make such a genuine judgement about someone like me, who he’s never met. But we’ll let that one lie.

As to the main body of his claim, Greg has employed the standard tactic of all misinformers, by planting suspicion about normal events and changing circumstances. So let me repeat, once more, what has happened at the Mush Hole and the state of the inquiry:

1. The bones that were unearthed during November, 2011 have been analyzed by four separate archaeologists, in Canada and the USA. Two of these experts think the bones are “definitely human”, and the other two claim they’re animal bones. I’ll leave aside for now why somebody appears to be lying. And since the six bones that were analyzed are only the first of many samples that are being unearthed, at the Mush Hole and now at two other former Indian residential schools, focusing on them and the conflicting claims about them is hardly the issue.

2. I have not, as “Greg” claims, altered my account of these bones. That claim is part of a wider sabotage and discrediting campaign against me and our work that began as soon as we unearthed the first bones: a campaign that was led by a government-funded native woman named Jan Longboat and those she’s recruited in Brantford. The kind of smears employed by Jan, and now “Greg”, have been circulated among our sponsoring elders for several months, creating much confusion and infighting, which is of course their purpose. But, despite this concocted mess, a group of ten Mohawk elders and others have recently re-affirmed their support and authorization for me and our work at the Mush Hole in a new written statement I received several weeks ago.

3. What “Greg” conveniently leaves out is any mention of the other artifacts found in association with the bones in question, which include bits of clothing and buttons positively identified by survivors as coming from uniforms worn by girls at the Mush Hole during the 1950’s. These buttons were tangled in the roots of a tree, confirming the claims of eyewitnesses like Geronimo Henry that “Whenever they buried a kid who’d died, they planted a tree on them. “ So we are obviously on the right track.

These facts have been posted on our website and all over facebook for months.

Our work at the Mush Hole is proceeding. It is historic, and deserves the support of anyone concerned about the truth of genocide by Christian Canada, and the need to bring home the murdered residential school children. I ask all of you to not give credence to “Greg” and those like him, whose purpose is obviously to disrupt and undermine our efforts.

Kevin Annett

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