My Response To Kevin Annett About The Bones (and a few more issues)

Kevin Annett, defrocked priest & con-artist

Kevin Annett, defrocked priest & con-artist


Yes, it was presumptuous of me to call you a psychopath- I have no medical evidence of this. That said, much of your writing appears to follow the traits of a psychopath. Or, at least someone who is deeply disturbed, self-serving and a bit of a megalomaniac…

I have a few questions for you Kevin- but, first, I will address the three points you outlined in what you wrote in response to my article about the current status of the excavation in Brantford:

1.) Having an ‘archaeologist’ look at the bones to determine if they are human or not is a good first-step, but a rather meaningless effort- regardless of how sharp of an eye they have, there is no way they could determine this fact without DNA tests.

It would cost $450 and would take 7 days to complete a DNA test- you have had the bones for many months so why haven’t you done this yet? Do you have a shortage of funds? Perhaps you could forego one of your flights around the world and put the money towards this important activity? Because, your excuses for not doing these tests are incredibly weak Kevin.

2.) Had you conducted a successful DNA test by now there would be no opportunity for the “confusion and infighting” to occur. I’ve spoken to people connected to the site and they were quite surprised how easy it would have been for you to avoid this. It is a cheap trick to blame this confusion on people who ask question why you haven’t- don’t you think?

3.) Sorry I didn’t mention the buttons & clothing fragments but, I just didn’t see that as any sort of real evidence. I’ll bet that if you do an archaeological dig at any school playground you will find buttons and shreds of clothing, don’t you think? To be honest, I’d be deeply surprised if you didn’t. Considering that, this ‘evidence’ is rather circumstantial isn’t it?

Now, I have some questions for you Kevin:

1.) In the video you recorded at Occupy Toronto in November you say, without hesitation, that the bones you were waving around in the air are those of “children”- despite the fact that there were no scientific tests. Is that not irresponsible? Regardless, why haven’t you released the reports where the archaeologists ‘confirmed’ the bones are human? Wouldn’t that be a good start to gaining people’s trust?

2.) You mention that the bones were sent for testing to “a leading forensic specialist at an American research facility during late December.” If it only takes 7 days to conduct a DNA test, why haven’t you provided us with a definitive answer three months later?

3.) In your response you wrote to my article you said that you had the support of ten Mohawk elders. However, in previous accounts, you said you have the support of nine elders. Why is there a conflict in your story? And, why did you neglect to mention that a number of the elders in Brantford don’t believe your story at all?

4.) You represent yourself in a rather grandiose way with the name “International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State.” A tribunal is defined as “a seat or court of justice” or “A committee or board appointed to adjudicate in a particular matter.”

Yet, the webpage for this organization is all about you- and individual who is making certain allegations. This doesn’t compute- can you please explain where/how your ‘tribunal’ was issued authority to oversee these issues? Or, are you simply being over-dramatic to give the impression you have such authority?

You mention that your tribunal has a headquarters in London in the UK. Can you provide us with an address for your offices there? How about a government registration number for your organization?

5.) On April 9th you made a request for people to help you by sending funds to “1000 Walker St” in Holly Hill, Florida. This address is for a private home in a trailer park. Is this not a little bit strange? It doesn’t smell right at all to me…

6.) You wrote on May 31st of 2011 that you were “arrested and detained in an immigration prison at Stansted airport last night for over 12 hours, and then deported from England without due cause.” Did you have a visa to do your speaking gig in the UK? If so, can you please produce some evidence of this? Because, under UK law, you would have been required to have one- if you didn’t, then UK Immigration would have been following the rules to deny you entry.

Kevin, as I wrote to you, and to people who work with you, I WANT to believe you are doing the right thing. I am totally with you on your work about the horrors of residential schools- and, if the story about mass graves is true, it is essential that the people/organizations involved are brought to justice.

That said, the more I look into your history of outlandish claims, the less I believe you are speaking the whole truth here. And, if you are speaking the truth, it seems to me that you are doing a disservice to the people you claim to support by not treating this investigation with all of the care and expediency that is due.

So, I leave it to you to prove to us you are telling the truth. And, if you are, I will be one of your strongest allies…


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  1. why won’t that freak pay for his own test, he wants to pass that off as evidence it’s his responsibility to show the burden of proof. until he’s removed reasonable doubt I refuse to believe anything that comes out of his mouth regarding this matter. Greg you are right to ask questions.

  2. At this point I doubt we will see Kevin taking this any further. Each time he speaks about the bones he sounds a bit weaker in his sense of reality. Hopefully he hasn’t damaged too many people who have been involved…

    • Karen Chevillard on April 15, 2012 at 14:19
    • Reply

    I don’t think the issue is Kevin Annett. He is telling the truth. The issue is that Canadian refuse to open their eyes to the truth. It happened to an aunt. She was hungry because often they starved the kids in the residential schools. She got caught when she went to the kitchen to try and sneak some food. They beat her badly and put her in a tub of ice water…she passed…they buried her on a Friday and her parents came to visit her on Saturday..she was already in the ground. My dad used to tell us he always thought Jesus was a pig because the Nuns always said, “Save some food for Jesus”..then my dad said he would see them feeding the food to the pigs…so he always thought Jesus was a pig. There are horrendous stories that are being told. You should sit in on some of the Truth and Reconciliations Commission hearings. Don’t bury you head in the sand…because it could happen to your children in the near future. The time to stop it is now and the truth must be told no matter who it hurts.

    1. This doesn’t account for all of the gaps in Kevin’s logic now does it? All it takes is a simple DNA test and I’ll start believing- why won’t he do that?

        • carollois65 on April 25, 2012 at 15:34
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        I guess because he’s not lying awake worrying about what you think, Greg. It all seems so simple from the outside. “Just pay for a simple DNA test” … and have it all disappear up the arses of the rcmp (corp.). You’ll “start believing” when you see the results of such a test? Right. Actually, by all evidence here, you’d ignore it and deke out onto some other thing to keep people’s suspicion and fear of this one man at a maximum and attention to the ongoing genocide to a minimum. Good work you’re doing, guy. Enjoy the karma.

        1. DNA tests are undeniable, they would be hard to debunk. That is, if the evidence is handled properly- which is obviously hasn’t been. Carrying the bones around in his pockets and waving them around outside in front of an audience is not only incredibly disrespectful, but equally irresponsible.

          Can you please explain how the RCMP would make the DNA test disappear? You aren’t making sense here…

            • Marcie Lane on April 25, 2012 at 17:45
            • Reply

            The RCMP are the ones who forcibly kidknapped the children to be put in the residential schools. Are you honestly dumb enough to think that dirty cops who are accessories to a huge ongoing crime are going to allow evidence to prove them guilty beyond a doubt to be presented to the public? get real. Evidence disappears all the time if it will condemn those in high places. That is why it was sent to uninvolved experts in the USA. As for disrespecting the bones. Bill Squire was right there just off screen from Kevin in the video and the photo on Mush Hole grounds right near the dig. The Mohawks whose children are buried there allowed that to be done. So who are we to question how native people want these remains on their land handled? Unknown to all of you that was all done right at the site with Mohawk elders present.

            1. 1.) The RCMP were following orders, anything they did like this was not their decision.

              2.) The DNA tests I’ve been referring to ($450 and 7 days) are in the US.

              3.) Your attempt to justify Kevin waving the bones of dead children around to grandstand at Occupy Toronto says a lot about you Marcie. You are a dark person…

    • Karen Chevillard on April 15, 2012 at 14:29
    • Reply

    Whose bones do you think they are? Grab a brain and stop insulting and demeaning what happened to our relations…we know..why don’t you ask us or go to the Truth and Reconciliation Hearings….or if you are really sincere, pay for the DNA testing.

  3. Karen, there is a problem in that you seem to be saying it is either one or the other. It might be possible that there are human bones there from children who died and were buried, related to the abuses there. It’s pretty well documented.

    The other claims which have been varied but amount to mass killings and sexual deviancy are less easy to prove. So when someone says they have proof of such sensational claims it is only just and proper that they first present all that proof. You can not claim there is some kind of conspiracy against Kevin to keep the truth form light when he refuses to actually share his evidence. Also, when 50% of the people he has shown the remains to disagree with him, that is pretty damning. Until that is resolved without ad hominem attacks and the mass conspiracy claim, his word is worth very little.

    More than a decade ago the elders issued statements that amounted to Kevin committing fraud and grossly misrepresenting himself as an expert.

    There are many horrible things that are true that need to be reconciled with an infinite number of claims that could be made that are not necessarily true, just because they COULD be.

    It’s very disengenous to keep finding new people in new places to keep telling this story to and attracting funding and attention without first being honest to them about the whole situation. Something tells me if people were presented with some of the damning evidence against Kevin it wouldn’t matter what convincing stories he tells them or shock tactics he uses.

    Spotting people who are bending the truth for their own goals is a necessary endeavour when we’re talking about empowering ourselves and our movement towards truth.

    To this end though I sometimes disagree with posts on this blog that seem designed to provoke I still agree that Greg is pointing out flaws within the lefts rhetoric. These flaws are useful because left and right are both inferior choices to what we have in our own freedom to choose as individuals. Too often the left is promoting do or die issues such as global warming, that are clearly part of the zeitgeist and not genuine human nature. The corporate and control state prevents human nature from bringing peace and now oddly the protest movements are too directed against human nature. The amount of control and rules (ie we’re free but do as best for the group) present at Occupy was there to prevent from breaking out of the existing leftist mold, I would say.

    • Marcie Lane on April 16, 2012 at 00:25
    • Reply

    “Dear Greg. I don’t have to prove that I’m telling the truth. I am not trying to prove anything; I;m just sharing what I know and what I’ve learned. Please pull your head out of your ass and do something constructive for this cause. regards and goodbye, Kevin Annett”

    Message Kevin sent to me to post to you. I work with him.

    1. That’s real classy- leaves me with little doubt Kevin Annett is a con artist. I believe it is time to bring his unorthodox fundraising activities to the attention of US & Canadian tax authorities.

      But, don’t worry, if Kevin Annett is being honest, this will have no affect on him…

        • Marcie Lane on April 16, 2012 at 01:08
        • Reply

        Go for it , he has nothing to hide.

        • Marcie lane on April 16, 2012 at 01:15
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        If you think Kevin is a con artist and liar, read this and weep. The Vatican had admitted what they have done ,Ireland,Canada and Australia also have admitted and apologised for the mass genocide committed in their institutions. It is just, none of them want to do
        anything about it as they are all accessories to the crimes committed
        against all these children world wide.

        1. Marcie,

          This proves nothing about the bones Kevin claims to have found in Brantford nor does it explain why Kevin hasn’t done a DNA test yet.

          You are either desperately trying to convince me, or you have a poor understanding of logic and you totally misunderstand what the question is. I advise that you take this question to a trusted 3rd party who is not involved in the incident and ask their advice.

          Good Luck,

            • Marcie lane on April 16, 2012 at 02:29
            • Reply

            What a moron you are. The bones are in the hands of expert archeological anthropolists, being examined and we at some point will have a truthful report that has not been conducted by those who would incriminate themselves with the truth and give a false report . And you must have common sense enough to know that these bones are not their only priority so it will take time.

  4. I have a few questions. For all those who speak against Kevin, Id ask what you have done to bring the truth to light and to being Justice to the raped, tortured and murdered children of Christian Churches?

    Instead of trying to prove a man wrong. Why not become that voice and demand justice and put raping christians in your prisons?

    Why arn’t you in front of these churches and deamnding that child rapist be reported and turned over to the authorities?

    I ask what have you done to bring dignity and respect to the lives of those children who remain in mass graves across our lands?

    I suggest you look inside yourself, and search these answers. Then get off your soapboxes and get to work and put rapist and murders of yourreligions behind bars, like the filthy animals they are!


    1. As I’ve indicated in my letter to Mr. Annett, the minute someone shows me some evidence on this, I’ll be up there on a soapbox screaming as loud as anyone.

      That said, I’ll need some evidence first. I’m funny that way…

        • carollois65 on April 25, 2012 at 15:38
        • Reply

        You completely bypassed everything OneIndian said! You need (more) evidence of ANYTHING he bought up?

  5. Marcie Lane you shut-up. You have done enough to help Kevin Annett. Are you making money off of our suffering Marcie? You must be getting paid because anyone with a brain and reasonable logic would see Kevin is a liar. Kevin does not tell the truth he lies and you help him. I didn’t ask Kevin or you to speak for me. I didn’t ask that Kevin use my suffering. Kevin gets his female supporters to fight for him. What a coward.

    1. Using female supporters is a common trick of the International Socialists- this way, they can call sexism when someone calls them on their shit. Pitiful…

        • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 12:30
        • Reply

        Justine I make no money from anything. I am a volunteer activist for many causes. I just happen to find Church organizations whom you should be able to trust as they supposedly are preaching the word Of God are in truth child rapists and muderers. Not all clergy are criminals of course but they all work for the organizations that sweep these crimes under a rug and protect those who committred them. I will fight to the end to get pedophiles put away. So how am I hurting you? By having the guts to fight for what is Right? Or is it that you do nothing and I and people like me make you look bad?

        1. The only person you make look bad Marcie is yourself. By not asking questions, and taking the word of a con artist verbatim you make yourself look like a fool…

    • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 12:39
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    Greg, I volunteered for this cause. Kevin had nothing to do with my joining up in support of what he is doing to try and protect the children of future generations from going through what children past and present are going through. I do what I think is right and fight for what I believe in and if you are so gutless as to do nothing but bash those who do have the guts to fight for causes that need help. Shame on you. What are you doing to keep our wildlife, environment and our children safe? All I see is wasted time bashing one man and any who support his cause. Got off your sorry ass and go out and do something good for a change.

    1. I am doing something Marcie, letting the world know about a con artist who is taking advantage of people and making money off of their pain…

        • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 13:44
        • Reply

        To Pagan media. I always wondered what turned you off to Kevin’s cause. You are entitled to your opinion. As far as his research goes, while he was till part of the Port Albernie parrish and had found out through local tribes what took place in the school, he started digging in church records while he still had access to them. yes he did research that was not available to the general public and had the forsight to copy them. After the church gave him a gag order to shut up and he didn’t ,they booted him out, made life miserable for him and his family and paid his wife to get a divorce. He continued his research into this through records in other places. So yes some of what he got no others but those working for the church had access to them. As for the TRC stuff. Every citizen has the right to make a citizen’s arrest and that I am sure is what he was trying to do to officials who participated in the crimes but they are too big for little us to bring down alone without further evidence. As far as displaying the bone fragment publicly,I saw it in one video and a photo and yes they are in the USA being examined by professionals in that foeld but we cannot make them finish their tests and reports to suit our time line as I am sure you are smart enough to know. Our project is not the only one they are working on so we are at the mercy of their donated time. kevin makes no income from this venture other than his books. He does not charge any fees for his lectures and is only able to travel to do them on donations alone. There are going to be malcontents in any part of society and this bashing session isn’t helping. Sure, many people like yourself have questions that have not yet been answered. Some things have to be kept under wraps because of the givernment entities involved in the cover up of the crimes and the sudden disappearences of prime surviving witnesses. Funny don’t you think how that is taking place? Our native people have reason to be suspicious of any white person who offers help as that help in many cases ended up very badly and spreading rumors and lies about things that you do not have the full story on and can’t have until all the ducks are in a row is not helping at all. Would you trust those bones to be examined by canadian government paid experts when you know their RCMP are the ones who forcably took the kids in the firstplace and that some of the members of the band councils are on the government payroll and do as they are told not as they should be doing for their people? They all have participated in child sex trafficing and some of our own native children have been the ones used. We cannot disclose everything to anyone until absolute proof from those un involved experts comes back from the USA. I know the bones are there as I found the experts who were interested enough to donate their time to examine them through much research and many phone calls. I do have connections since I belong to a Protect Sacred Sites group that is well known and works on the ground. That being said, please hold your misgivings to your self until all is out in the open as you do not and will not have all the facts until it is safe to release them and further power from the reports will give Kevin and the ITCC enough clout to finally do what they have been trying to do all along . get those pedophiles and murderers exposed and in prison where they belong. The government’s arm is long as you well know so silence is best at times for awhile at least until enough evidence is gathered that they can’t worm their way out of it. I am not stupid and have done enough research myself and also written to the churches and gotton the most ridiculous answers in return that contradict themselves.

        1. Marcie, I’ll keep my response short & sweet. The “ITCC” doesn’t have any clout. It is an organization made-up in Kevin Annett’s head with a mailing address at a trailer park in Florida. Are you really so desperate to believe that you can imagine an unregistered ‘organization’ like this could ever have ‘clout’?


            • carollois65 on April 25, 2012 at 15:43
            • Reply

            You need an organization to be “registered” (with the very criminals we are trying to dethrone) for you to take it seriously? Sad… The only clout anything of any real power could have is when run-of-the-mill humanity wakes up and seizes it. Several folks are making up other groups of folks all over the world tortured and enslaved by the vatican and forming alliances. The ITCCS is one of them. Why do you have such a problem with that?

            1. The ITCCS is a figment of Kevin Annett’s imagination that is named to sound more important than it is. This is typical behaviour for a con artist…

              • Marcie Lane on April 25, 2012 at 17:35
              • Reply

              Caroll check out this website who lists other ITCCS members around the world. There are 5 countries involved in this group with educated professionals belonging to it. That letter for donation requests was for Kevin’s personal friends on this continent and to make it easier for them to donate and for Kevin to be sure to get them by sending directly to his dad’s address as there is a timeline here for when they are needed.

    • paganmedia on April 19, 2012 at 12:58
    • Reply

    Boy Marcie you sure are brainwashed. It does not take rocket science to realize that Kevin is not telling the truth, that Kevin Annett fabricates his stories just on his so called victimization. Can Marcie explain to us since she speaks for Kevin Annett what happened to Kevin’s tribunal where he was armed with the power to bring the Pope, The Queen Of England and Stephen Harper to Trial. What happened Marcie? I know I personally ran his article on my own blog for over a month. Not to mention he went as far as having a schedule of events of tribunals news briefs etc… Then poof it disappeared. As I stated more then once I even emailed for an update into that farce of a tribunal, got nothing but two emails from Kevin and his secretary that had nothing to do with the tribunal from last year.

    Then when I was invited to another group and the victims/survivors expressed that they were less then flattered about Kevin being represented. I then get a email from Kevin on Jan 19,2012 after four months of NOTHING! a predisposed so called Supreme Court Docket, only it was a mock trial of Stephen Harper. So if Kevin and his trumped up tribunal was armed with the power, what happened. None of them attended. He stated he had the power to arrest and sentence guilty offenders. Smirk. First of all who does Kevin think he is talking to? Kevin is out of his mind if he thinks Indians and minorities are stupid. He may want to look around many of us have an education. That so called legal document he sent was so false it was not funny. First things first, Kevin may have wanted to check his typo’s, a court document is a righteous thing and even the slightest type will not be accepted. It has to be perfect because it is a legal document. Second of all Kevin must think that none of us have ever been privy to court documents. So what happened Marcie, to Kevin Annett’s power. I will tell you what happened he LIED! You know it, I know it , he knows it and so do others.

    Moving along,

    If I really, really wanted to Marcie, I could go through his chronology with a fine tooth comb and really prove him to be a liar. I find that most of his rhetoric is pathetic. Where does it represent First Nations and this cause. In fact Marcie where does anything that Kevin right really represent this cause. Nowhere. It is all about Kevin. that chronology is so ridiculous and pathetic. It was all about him and his so called work.

    What research did Kevin do Marcie? The research that he stole stories from Survivors and had them sign blank pieces of paper. I will have you know that information was out there and two doctors alone had wrote that there were children missing in the 1920’s and 1930’s. That they were not accounted for. Some of those children did die from disease and neglect, others were abused. In Sociology I have notes on this and it is in books. In 1909 Dr Peter Bryce put out the following report after 17 years of amassing the stats on the Mortality rate on missing Indian children in residential schools. Twenty four percent of Indian residential school victims died from Tuberculosis,which I have an Indian ancestry that died from this disease as well. My grandfather! Oh there are murdered missing kids Marcie, but Kevin was NOT the one to come by that knowledge. He may have researched it, but for him to claim that he made the discovery is false. That is simply NOT true!

    Kevin Annett deliberately posts things to make it appear to be one thing when it is another. An example recently he posted because he wasn’t wanted by the Survivors at Alberni TRC that he lost his own kids. Anyone that did not know Kevin would think that he lost his children in residential schools when in essence and through his own words he lost his kids because his wife left him in Alberni and took their children. He is the one that posted it, because he wanted to play victim. His post about people wanting him at the Alberni TRC makes me laugh, because I know some of them that went and they didn’t want him there Marcie. Whereas Kevin posted that somebody told him ” Everyone” wants him there, that is NOT true!

    Kevin has deceived people, he has used and abused that Indian cause and suffering and Marcie I just don’t see why you continue this BS with Kevin. However whatever floats your boat. I supported Kevin Annett because I am educated because I to knew of this information regarding residential schools and missing children through my two degrees. That is why I first believed that Kevin Annett was doing a good thing and gave him my full support. However, as time went on it became abundantly clear that Kevin Annett was not fighting to represent Indian victims and survivors he was using this suffering and pain for his own gain.

    Perhaps you can explain Marcie why Kevin Annett runs away from the very people he says he represents. I find that odd that Kevin Annett doesn’t want to answer questions from the people who he says he is representing them and their stories. ( stolen stories I should say).

    Frankly Marcie in all my studies in which I never heard about Kevin Annett I am wondering why his book since they are so great are not on Scholarly bookstores in Universities and Collage, there are plenty of other books regarding Indian suffering, yet Kevin’s is not there.

    Then lets get to the bones. Kevin has lied profusely on the bones in my opinion. First it was he found the bones, then wait he couldn’t’ trust the police or RCMP so he took possession of the bones. Then he offered in a retaliation article to the APTN that the bones had been sent for examination in the USA and that the results would be back in March/2012. We are now in April of 2012 and he released another advisory that the results would be back in Sept/2012 and as he suspected the bones were human. Wait an archeologist said one out of 16 were human. If they were human bones why is Kevin carrying the bones around and waving them in the air at occupy movements? Why has he contaminated the evidence? Why is he being disrespectful of the deceased that he says he is representing. Why is this child not being given the proper burial enshrined in Indian traditions. Why must the living family wait until September? It seems to me Kevin had no respect for the bones of a suffering Indian child and he is denying that child a proper Indian burial, while he tries to get people to give him 5000-10,000 based on no information, just his usual ruses. If those bones are indeed a child’s bones then Kevin is NO BETTER then those that put the child there.

    Kevin Annett”s actions speak loud and clear to me and others Marcie. I don’t know how you support someone carrying around the bones that is suppose to be of the suffering of a native child.How do you support that and then try and tell us that Kevin is the essence of truth. It was very obvious how desperate Kevin was when he sent one of his messengers onto a group that I was on to reach out to a Survivor that speaks out about Kevin Annett. If the person would just reach out to Kevin.

    Then it was desperate on your part Marcie when you started posting Kevin’s crap on my wall. You knew I had left Kevin’s group. I am not impressed. I could go on and on Marice about Kevin’s deceit. I will stop here for now. Again you sure are brainwashed, I don’t think a person questioning what you are gaining from this is not that far fetched of a question at this point. I want to believe you are doing it because you believe in the truth, these days with all I read and other peoples comments, I am starting to think maybe not so much. The bottom line Kevin Annett who had vast support from the Indian Community is now getting doors shut on him and he and his supporters are becoming clutch desperadoes IMO/



    • justhealing on April 19, 2012 at 13:49
    • Reply

    I was at the Alberni TRC and I did not want Kevin Annett there to steal my pain for his films and book. My friends did not want Kevin at Alberni.I wish he would go away. I don’t want Kevin to speak for me.

  6. To Pagan media. I always wondered what turned you off to Kevin’s cause. You are entitled to your opinion. As far as his research goes, while he was till part of the Port Albernie parrish and had found out through local tribes what took place in the school, he started digging in church records while he still had access to them. yes he did research that was not available to the general public and had the foresight to copy them.

    However please point out on his sites where that evidence is located, because I may have missed it. >

    After the church gave him a gag order to shut up and he didn’t ,they booted him out, made life miserable for him and his family and paid his wife to get a divorce.

    That is why they are one of the richest criminal organizations on the planet. >

    He continued his research into this through records in other places.

    So yes some of what he got no others but those working for the church had access to them. As for the TRC stuff. Every citizen has the right to make a citizen’s arrest and that I am sure is what he was trying to do to officials who participated in the crimes but they are too big for little us to bring down alone without further evidence.

    Oh Baloney, citizens arrests are legal based on evidence and some legal standards.

    Section 494 of the Criminal Code of Canada,
    dealing with citizen’s arrest
    Arrest without warrant by any person
    494. (1) Any one may arrest without warrant
    (a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or
    (b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes
    (i) has committed a criminal offence, and
    (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.
    Arrest by owner, etc., of property
    (2) Any one who is
    (a) the owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or
    (b) a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property,
    may arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property.
    Delivery to peace officer
    (3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.
    R.S., c. C-34, s. 449; R.S., c. 2(2nd Supp.), s. 5.

    i.e. one must have the proof and the evidence in order to arrest any citizen. However Marcie you just confirmed that Kevin Annett lied and had posted tabloid sensationalism with his media advisory release when he stated the following. You state that he was basing it on citizens arrest, whereas Kevin said the following that preperations where made that he was armed with the power and authority to arrest and sentence any culprit including the pope, the queen and Stephen Harper. Have you noted what a legal citizen arrest states in the criminal code in Canada. As usual Kevin was being deceitful. However thank-you for confirming my suspicions I am no longer in doubt of what I was seeing regarding this farce and how he uses people and supporters to post his crap, lies and BS.

    Kevin’s Statement

    As far as displaying the bone fragment publicly,I saw it in one video and a photo and yes they are in the USA being examined by professionals in that foeld but we cannot make them finish their tests and reports to suit our time line as I am sure you are smart enough to know.
    However to questionable criteria is at hand Marcie. One is that the author of this article brings up a very good element that Kevin could have had the tests done for 450 dollars and failed to do so. Second, he already stated in his response to the APTN the following March, 2012. Then he makes another advisory recently that the bones are in the USA, four different places and the results will be in September. However the bones he is speaking about is new findings. So my question is what happened to the bones in the first dig, the ones that he was waving around in the air at occupy movements with no regard or respect for what he says was the bones of a human being that suffered. Why does the family have to wait, since these bones were from a separate dig. Perhaps it is because he is being deceitful again that the first bones found were not human bones after all. I also want to know why Kevin is taking over any dig, he is not Indian and how is it that he is taking over the territories. I am sure the people have something to say about a non-Indian coming in and taking over their property. Those bones collectively belong to the community that the bones were found and the living family. Kevin has NO Right to those bones at all! Further what is the names of the places that the bones were sent to, there are contamination issues with some labs. No I think he isn’t being truthful again!

    Our project is not the only one they are working on so we are at the mercy of their donated time. kevin makes no income from this venture other than his books.

    I am sure people that used to support Kevin if they wish could come forward and speak on how they gave Kevin money in the past. This is not the first time that Kevin has asked Indians for money. >

    He does not charge any fees for his lectures and is only able to travel to do them on donations alone.

    On the other hand, Oh there are speaking fees, however, something tells me if someone checked, I think that Kevin may have gotten speaking fees and travel expenses paid and then takes donations on top of that> I don’t believe that Kevin would not get paid. Further when he asked for donations it was not in his name. I did note that. I find it odd that he would put full banking info on the internet and sites. Strange, wait it wasn’t his name that the donations should go in, it was someone in his family. Taxation in this country is extremely generous with having forms available for all income including donations. Now why is Kevin using a family member for his donations? >

    There are going to be malcontents in any part of society and this bashing session isn’t helping.

    Sure, many people like yourself have questions that have not yet been answered. Some things have to be kept under wraps because of the givernment entities involved in the cover up of the crimes and the sudden disappearences of prime surviving witnesses.

    Oh wait he wasn’t part of it!>

    Funny don’t you think how that is taking place?

    Our native people have reason to be suspicious of any white person who offers help as that help in many cases ended up very badly and spreading rumors and lies about things that you do not have the full story on and can’t have until all the ducks are in a row is not helping at all.

    Would you trust those bones to be examined by canadian government paid experts when you know their RCMP are the ones who forcably took the kids in the firstplace and that some of the members of the band councils are on the government payroll and do as they are told not as they should be doing for their people?


    They all have participated in child sex trafficing and some of our own native children have been the ones used. We cannot disclose everything to anyone until absolute proof from those un involved experts comes back from the USA.

    Is that what you are saying. I am sure that Victims of residential school in the USA may think differently on that. No matter what country these assimilated schools were in, there was a cover up. I am beginning to believe that the reason that Kevin says he has four looking at the bones is because they are not human and he is trying to find someone that says yes they are human. >

    I know the bones are there as I found the experts who were interested enough to donate their time to examine them through much research and many phone calls. I do have connections since I belong to a Protect Sacred Sites group that is well known and works on the ground.

    That being said, please hold your misgivings to your self

    until all is out in the open as you do not and will not have all the facts until it is safe to release them and further power from the reports will give Kevin and the ITCC enough clout to finally do what they have been trying to do all along .

    Perhaps you should take your own advise Marcie and wait until there is a conclusion if those bones are human or not. > You don’t know, Kevin doesn’t know and if they are, again where is the respect, where is the decent burial. Nowhere from Kevin Annett. >

    get those pedophiles and murderers exposed and in prison where they belong. The government’s arm is long as you well know so silence is best at times for awhile at least until enough evidence is gathered that they can’t worm their way out of it. I am not stupid and have done enough research myself and also written to the churches and gotten the most ridiculous answers in return that contradict themselves.

    We all know that there was native suffering and all this happened, however I do not agree with Kevin Annett, I do not support Kevin Annett , I do not approve of Kevin’ Annetts representations. Further Marcie I am wondering how you are so willfully blind. All one has to is really read Kevin’s staged rhetoric of deceit and one would conclude he not telling the truth and that he really is using this cause for his personal gain. All of his articles is all about him, his pain, his suffering, his trauma, he victimization, his suffering, his therapy. Seriously, perhaps you need to step back and really take it all in. Again I have no intention of not saying anything when I see Kevin is being deceitful. I don’t know how you support Kevin Marcie, I don’t, just based on how carelessly he treated the bones from the first dig, waving them around at occupy movements, hiking them up there as if they were a trophy with not one shred of respect or dignity to the deceased if they are human bones. It is almost comical that Kevin thinks he can take over occupy movements. I see they are declining him steadily.

    Marcie I believe you think you are proceeding with good intentions, however, I really feel you and some others have lost site of what this cause is really about. I am sorry and saddened to see that this has happened to you and others. In the future perhaps you should consider letting Kevin Annett stand on his own two feet on his own. He has a lot to say on his sites, let him answer the questions. Just a suggestion, as always that is up to you.

    Regards- nice talking to you.


  7. Holly Hill is in Volusia County in the Daytona area I know it well as I grew up there Not exactly an on the level mailing address

    1. Indeed, it is a trailer park! Strange place for an “International Tribunal” to be requesting people mail their cheques!

  8. To Moderator, please delete the first two entries, which is the same response. I keep forgetting that I can’t use certain snip symbols on wordpress comments because they cut out some of the text. Sorry about that. Thanks.
    To Pagan media. I always wondered what turned you off to Kevin’s cause. You are entitled to your opinion. As far as his research goes, while he was till part of the Port Albernie parrish and had found out through local tribes what took place in the school, he started digging in church records while he still had access to them. yes he did research that was not available to the general public and had the foresight to copy them.

    Really where is the evidence of that Marcie. He has articled or posted none. No his articles are all about him and his suffering. Where are they. There is nothing on any of his many sites that show that evidence. I am wondering why they are not there. Further he was a member of the United Church and would only have had access to the United Church records, not the Catholic or Anglican church etc records. As well he only would have had access the the church he presided over in terms of records not every church. J/S However please point out on his sites where that evidence is located, because I may have missed it.

    After the church gave him a gag order to shut up and he didn’t ,they booted him out, made life miserable for him and his family and paid his wife to get a divorce.

    So he says, so far this is all Kevin Annett’s accusations and no proof is there. Does he have the proof that the Church paid for his divorce. I find that strange to my knowledge the churches are really tight fisted, almost misers, it is hard to get a dime out of them for a good cause such as starvation of children> That is why they are one of the richest criminal organizations on the planet.

    He continued his research into this through records in other places.

    Again proof, did he get his info from journals, he would have had to be a member of a Collage or University. Where are the other places. Why hasn’t he posted that info

    So yes some of what he got no others but those working for the church had access to them. As for the TRC stuff. Every citizen has the right to make a citizen’s arrest and that I am sure is what he was trying to do to officials who participated in the crimes but they are too big for little us to bring down alone without further evidence.

    Oh Baloney, citizens arrests are legal based on evidence and some legal standards.

    Section 494 of the Criminal Code of Canada,
    dealing with citizen’s arrest
    Arrest without warrant by any person
    494. (1) Any one may arrest without warrant
    (a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or
    (b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes
    (i) has committed a criminal offence, and
    (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.
    Arrest by owner, etc., of property
    (2) Any one who is
    (a) the owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or
    (b) a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property,
    may arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property.
    Delivery to peace officer
    (3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.
    R.S., c. C-34, s. 449; R.S., c. 2(2nd Supp.), s. 5.

    i.e. one must have the proof and the evidence in order to arrest any citizen. However Marcie you just confirmed that Kevin Annett lied and had posted tabloid sensationalism with his media advisory release when he stated the following. You state that he was basing it on citizens arrest, whereas Kevin said the following that preperations where made that he was armed with the power and authority to arrest and sentence any culprit including the pope, the queen and Stephen Harper. Have you noted what a legal citizen arrest states in the criminal code in Canada. As usual Kevin was being deceitful. However thank-you for confirming my suspicions I am no longer in doubt of what I was seeing regarding this farce and how he uses people and supporters to post his crap, lies and BS.

    Kevin’s Statement
    After more than a year of preparation, a network of community-based Tribunals into Crimes against Humanity will officially convene in Brussels, London, Ottawa and other cities on September 15, 2011, armed with the power to arrest and sentence guilty offenders – including the Pope himself.
    Despite efforts by the British government and the Vatican to obstruct the Tribunals, including by deporting and harassing its leading members, survivors of church and state terror will gather in five countries to present evidence and come to a judgement concerning church-sponsored genocide, murder and the continued trafficking in children.
    “We have forensic proof now that countless children are buried in mass graves near former church schools, orphanages and sweatshops across Canada, America, England, Ireland and Australia” said ITCCS spokesman Kevin Annett today.
    “We intend to share this evidence before the world, and bring indictments against the Roman Catholic and numerous Protestant churches, as well as the Crown of England, for mass murder and the continued trafficking and torture of children.”
    To protect its witnesses and encourage local action by survivors and their allies, the ITCCS Executive has decided to decentralize its Tribunal process and extend its work throughout the months following its September 15 commencement.
    A complete agenda of this process is listed in Section 2, below.

    As far as displaying the bone fragment publicly,I saw it in one video and a photo and yes they are in the USA being examined by professionals in that foeld but we cannot make them finish their tests and reports to suit our time line as I am sure you are smart enough to know.
    However to questionable criteria is at hand Marcie. One is that the author of this article brings up a very good element that Kevin could have had the tests done for 450 dollars and failed to do so. Second, he already stated in his response to the APTN the following March, 2012. Then he makes another advisory recently that the bones are in the USA, four different places and the results will be in September. However the bones he is speaking about is new findings. So my question is what happened to the bones in the first dig, the ones that he was waving around in the air at occupy movements with no regard or respect for what he says was the bones of a human being that suffered. Why does the family have to wait, since these bones were from a separate dig. Perhaps it is because he is being deceitful again that the first bones found were not human bones after all. I also want to know why Kevin is taking over any dig, he is not Indian and how is it that he is taking over the territories. I am sure the people have something to say about a non-Indian coming in and taking over their property. Those bones collectively belong to the community that the bones were found and the living family. Kevin has NO Right to those bones at all! Further what is the names of the places that the bones were sent to, there are contamination issues with some labs. No I think he isn’t being truthful again!

    Our project is not the only one they are working on so we are at the mercy of their donated time. kevin makes no income from this venture other than his books.

    He asks people that don’t have money to support him on deceit which you just established with the tribunal. He has stolen stories. I don’t know asking people for 5000-10,000 at a time seems to me he is making money. Does he claim that on income tax? Does he give people receipts, they can claim charitable donations on their taxes for credit. Is Kevin licensed as a charitable organization to accept donations. > I am sure people that used to support Kevin if they wish could come forward and speak on how they gave Kevin money in the past. This is not the first time that Kevin has asked Indians for money.

    He does not charge any fees for his lectures and is only able to travel to do them on donations alone.

    Two questions arise from this statement. It is possible he doesn’t charge fees because it is the only way he will be heard. Kevin isn’t lecturing on anything new> On the other hand, Oh there are speaking fees, however, something tells me if someone checked, I think that Kevin may have gotten speaking fees and travel expenses paid and then takes donations on top of that> I don’t believe that Kevin would not get paid. Further when he asked for donations it was not in his name. I did note that. I find it odd that he would put full banking info on the internet and sites. Strange, wait it wasn’t his name that the donations should go in, it was someone in his family. Taxation in this country is extremely generous with having forms available for all income including donations. Now why is Kevin using a family member for his donations?

    There are going to be malcontents in any part of society and this bashing session isn’t helping.

    And the same could be said for Kevin and others who insist on bashing others who are helping Indians, who thinks he is so much smarter then others. His latest quest to get people to feel sorry for him is that he has been ostracized by the TRC. Hellooooooooooooooo he has done nothing but bash and feign that the TRC is not credible. Why would they want him there. Have you taken note that many Survivors of Residential Schools have been quite vocal about Kevin Annett and that they are less then flattered about him representing them. That the Survivors are saying that Kevin is a liar, that Kevin has used and abused them, that Kevin stole their stories. I don’t see how Kevin can whine about bashing when we both know he does nothing but bashes anyone that is NOT wowed by him. >

    Sure, many people like yourself have questions that have not yet been answered. Some things have to be kept under wraps because of the givernment entities involved in the cover up of the crimes and the sudden disappearences of prime surviving witnesses.

    Listen I am not pro government, however, Kevin needs to bring forth evidence. I don’t see how you or Kevin can say the Government in Canada is covering up anymore. That apology says differently. Here is the link to my site and again what I got out of that apology. They covered it all. Furthermore it was other politicians such as Jack Layton and Chiefs that were instrumental in getting that apology and that they would accept no less then full coverage of that apology from A – Z. Yet Kevin tries to dismiss it and feels he should bash progress. Oh wait he wasn’t part of it!

    Funny don’t you think how that is taking place?

    don’t believe Kevin on the disappearances. I don’t. I posted his rhetoric on my site on the caution of possibilities. However, Kevin has provided no proof or evidence, just on his say so. Kevin wants everyone to believe that the Police and several law officials as well as doctors are involved in a coverup of not just disappearance but murder. Yet he has not proof. In this country one has to prove such allegations and since Kevin is not even willing to talk to the Survivors that oppose him which is a great majority I find his statements questionable. How is it that he is says he represents people and speaks for them, because according to Kevin Indians can’t speak for themselves, yet he runs from them the minute they see him in person and they have questions. Don’t you find that funny Marcie. If he is on the up and up why is he running. I am not saying that law enforcement can’t have rogue officers that commit crimes or take part of cover ups, I am saying that aside from Kevin’s ranting articles he needs to bring forth proof and evidence. I am sure the more upholding law enforcement personally will be interested in evidence. I am sure the pro media will be interested if he has the evidence. I somehow doubt if he has the evidence, because if he did he would have been all over waving it in the air.

    Our native people have reason to be suspicious of any white person who offers help as that help in many cases ended up very badly and spreading rumors and lies about things that you do not have the full story on and can’t have until all the ducks are in a row is not helping at all.

    Are you talking about Kevin Annett spreading lies. The thing is the Survivors that had experiences in Residential Schools should know what is the truth and what is not. For anyone to make the claim that they do not and only Kevin a non Indian has the truth, is reprehensible. In any given residential school the stories can vary and be different based on individual experiences, the thing is Kevin is trying to dismiss the Survivors truth and replacing them for tabloid sensationalism. That is the thing, Kevin was not in a residential school, therefore he can’t dismiss Survivors stories oh whim nor should you Marcie.

    Would you trust those bones to be examined by canadian government paid experts when you know their RCMP are the ones who forcably took the kids in the firstplace and that some of the members of the band councils are on the government payroll and do as they are told not as they should be doing for their people?

    Excuse me it is Kevin that posted he was pals with an RCMP officer that confides in him. So if he is such pals and has the ear of an RCMP officer that confides. in him,why doesn’t he trust him. Or is this confidence that Kevin claims he has with an RCMP officer just another ruse.

    They all have participated in child sex trafficing and some of our own native children have been the ones used. We cannot disclose everything to anyone until absolute proof from those un involved experts comes back from the USA.

    Excuse me and you are saying that some authorities in the USA were not involved in the past with the same things> Is that what you are saying. I am sure that Victims of residential school in the USA may think differently on that. No matter what country these assimilated schools were in, there was a cover up. I am beginning to believe that the reason that Kevin says he has four looking at the bones is because they are not human and he is trying to find someone that says yes they are human.

    I know the bones are there as I found the experts who were interested enough to donate their time to examine them through much research and many phone calls. I do have connections since I belong to a Protect Sacred Sites group that is well known and works on the ground.

    The bones Marcie are Canadian and the USA has no jurisdiction over the bones. Kevin Annett nor you have the right to those bones. Only the territory the bones were found and the people that have the highest authority over those bones and all legal rights are the family. The bones need to be returned to Canada, wait, they may still be in Kevin’s pocket.

    That being said, please hold your misgivings to your self

    No I will not, do you stop yourself Marcie from posting his deceit. No I will post anything I see that is not credible which is mainly anything that Kevin posts.

    until all is out in the open as you do not and will not have all the facts until it is safe to release them and further power from the reports will give Kevin and the ITCC enough clout to finally do what they have been trying to do all along .

    Do you hear yourself Marcie, you are supporting someone that is lying, that lied about tribunals, that has no respect or regard for the bones that he says are human of a victim that suffered. > Perhaps you should take your own advise Marcie and wait until there is a conclusion if those bones are human or not. > You don’t know, Kevin doesn’t know and if they are, again where is the respect, where is the decent burial. Nowhere from Kevin Annett.

    get those pedophiles and murderers exposed and in prison where they belong. The government’s arm is long as you well know so silence is best at times for awhile at least until enough evidence is gathered that they can’t worm their way out of it. I am not stupid and have done enough research myself and also written to the churches and gotten the most ridiculous answers in return that contradict themselves.

    The truth to me always prevails Marcie and there is no exceptions, that includes Kevin Annette with his deceit. > We all know that there was native suffering and all this happened, however I do not agree with Kevin Annett, I do not support Kevin Annett , I do not approve of Kevin’ Annetts representations. Further Marcie I am wondering how you are so willfully blind. All one has to is really read Kevin’s staged rhetoric of deceit and one would conclude he not telling the truth and that he really is using this cause for his personal gain. All of his articles is all about him, his pain, his suffering, his trauma, he victimization, his suffering, his therapy. Seriously, perhaps you need to step back and really take it all in. Again I have no intention of not saying anything when I see Kevin is being deceitful. I don’t know how you support Kevin Marcie, I don’t, just based on how carelessly he treated the bones from the first dig, waving them around at occupy movements, hiking them up there as if they were a trophy with not one shred of respect or dignity to the deceased if they are human bones. It is almost comical that Kevin thinks he can take over occupy movements. I see they are declining him steadily.

    Marcie I believe you think you are proceeding with good intentions, however, I really feel you and some others have lost site of what this cause is really about. I am sorry and saddened to see that this has happened to you and others. In the future perhaps you should consider letting Kevin Annett stand on his own two feet on his own. He has a lot to say on his sites, let him answer the questions. Just a suggestion, as always that is up to you.

    Regards- nice talking to you.


    1. Done!

      • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 17:22
      • Reply

      Beware of a smear campaign from the outside looking in. You do not have all the facts as those who are on the inside do and can be trusted with that knowledge until the time is right to expose it. next Point is an attempt to arrest Harper was made on the grounds he is an accessory to the crimes against all the children, who do you think is going to prosecute him and him accountable? The RCMP?, they are the ones who forcably took the kids to those schools on the government’s orders. The judges? They are paid by the government. Gee who is going to allow an investigation when all were holding hands through the whole residential school disaster. As for the Holly Hill address, that is Kevin’s dad’s home address, I know as I have sent things there. Kevin doesn’t have a spare $450 for DNA tests and what will that prove other than wether they are human or not. It does not say what age,sex, cause of death and how old the remains are in terms of years which the experts are donating their time to do for a full forensic report. Kevin was invited to join the Mohawk elders in their own investigation of the Mush Hole as their band council had a GPR machine. He is there to offer advice and support. He not only is fighting for justice for the native survivors but all the children world wide who suffered the very same things in their church and government run institutions. There are mass graves of orphanage kids all over Australia, Ireland and they are doing their part by protesting at the churches. What are you doing to help the people? It seems nothing but bashing one who is out there informing the general public who had no clue as to what has been hidden for so long! I am done with trying to reason with you people. I know far more about the situation than you do as I work with it and I will not compromise any advances we have made just to satisfy your blatant curiosity. It will all come out in the wash when the time is right and the biggest effect can be gained to bring justice to those who need it.

      1. Kevin smears himself enough without needing an outside smear campaign! ROTFLMAO

        Your explanation of the trailer park doesn’t make-up for the fact that Kevin is asking for money for his “International Tribunal” to be sent to a Florida trailer park. What happened to the location he says he has in London? Or, is that just fiction?

        Obviously you are a part of the scam Marcie. Be careful, as you are incriminating yourself here, and likely to end up in prison for participating…

          • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 18:02
          • Reply

          Tribunal members are located all over the world. I am not part of the tribunal. The donations are to fund the tribunal members to make the European trip for lectures and protests etc. I work at home so no I am not a scammer and neither is he. Do not contact me anymore. We are done here! Think what you like it is a free country and my honesty and integritty is top notch, not so sure about yours though!!!

          1. So, Kevin can afford trips to Europe to do lectures? (and collect more money from people) But he can’t spend $450 for the DNA test? Are you kidding me? You are obviously part of the fraud, or patently stupid.

              • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 19:07
              • Reply

              What do you think the donation requests are for or are you that stupid? Of course he could not go to Europe to do these things with out them as he has no income as you suggest, all his work is donated time and fiancial donations from those who will eventually find peace when justice he is working so hard to get for these victims is served. You people would make good politicians as you are very good at twisting the facts to suit your own way of thinking as is the churches and governments. Go join them, you would make good bedfellows!

              1. I thought that the donation requests would be first used for the important things like identifying the bones! That said, I’m guessing he hasn’t conducted any tests because he is lying…

                What is the tax # he uses for donations? Or, does he miss that formality and just cheat on tax? CRA here we come!

  9. One last thing, Kevin Annett would not have had the legal citizen authority in any other country to make a citizens arrest. He would not have been armed with the authority and power to arrest the Queen of England Elizabeth II or Ratzinger at the Vatican. His only legal recourse based on citizen right to arrest would only be in Canada. Again he also would have had to have evidence and proof to make that arrest and then as in my comment according to the criminal code of Canada, he would have had to turn over Stephen Harper to law enforcement. So when he says he could sentence someone, that is not true and in fact a further lie out of his many untruths. The bottom line Kevin does not have the authority to take over the judicial process of any other country not even in Canada. He to must follow the judicial rules including citizen arrests. At the time Kevin Annett feigned the the ITCCS was a bonafide legal tribunal where there were international lawyers involved etc.. that turns out to be not true. He ended up at the mock trial at the Supreme Court of Kanata. There were no lawyers for either side. Which any trial the defense has a right to a fair public trial with legal representation. None of that happened either. This is how Kevin Annett can blindside a person, he makes it look legit, until nothing happens. J/S

    1. Kevin makes it look legitimate from a layman’s perspective- but, look behind the curtain and you realize that he is just one lone, pitiful, man who is trying to look like more than he is.

      The whole ITCCS thing is so transparently a scam that it is a joke. Whoever says that they still believe in Kevin after reading this thread is either a part of the scam, or incredibly gullible…

  10. Smear Campaign, is Kevin trying to threaten people via you Marcie. Don’t make me laugh!

    Oh Please Marcie now you are sounding more like Kevin. I take all my information from Kevin’s posts and articles. In fact on my own site, I made sure I post all links which were right back to Kevin’s rants and lies.

    An attempt was made to arrest Harper, really. There was no attempt. What I saw was Kevin’s self publication on video and in articles that he says he has supposed Harper to the tribunal. Once more for everyone’s benefit, Kevin is NOT licensed nor has the professional status to subpoena anyone. Just in your previous comment Marcie you said that Kevin was attempting a citizen’s arrest, and again as I explained to you Kevin would have only had legal right to do this upon producing evidence, then he would have had to turn Harper over to the legal authorities. Kevin is not above the law or reproach.

    Since Kevin Annett does not possess the professional background and he only went on the the citizen arrest on the merit that he thought Harper committed crimes against humanity, it would have been more legally applicable for Kevin to go through the proper process. The accused upon arrest has the right to a lawyer, a fair trial with legal representation. Read Kevin’s so called Supreme court document from Kanata. Instead he goes on the thought that he thinks that Indians/minorities are stupid. He did not attempt to arrest Harper. In fact Marcie I really find that Kevin Annett posts things and then hopes someone acts on them. An example of this that in a recent post at the Alberni TRC, he articled that there was a group that was going to drag a pedophile priest onto the streets and defrock him. Yet it didn’t happen, as it never happens. Again he posts suggestions and hopes that someone will act on it. That is what I really feel.

    Again if the RCMP is the bad guys then why was Kevin gushing and articulating how an RCMP officer confided in him. Aren’t they the bad guys. At least to Kevin they are the bad guys.

    Funny all residential school payments in this country are court monitored and are in the tune of millions of payment. There are all kind of great Native groups that when evidence is there, they will NOT hesitate to go after anybody involved. Oh wait, that doesn’t fit into Kevin’s scheme of things.

    So again Kevin Annett tried to deceive people for those payments, not only have you confirmed that the address is his family members but Kevin asks that the checks be made out to that family member with full banking info.

    DNA tests are more conclusive then any other testing. Sorry Marcie. DNA can determine the gender of the person, and can get into the age group such as between this age and that age. DNA testing also can determine the era that the bones are from, potential hair color, skin color etc. There is such a thing as DNA forensics.

    Marcie here we go again, the Irish were protesting way before Kevin Annett came along and they fought for their rights collectively. They have been informing people, their media, their reports. Once more you try to hail Kevin as the only person that can inform, when the information has been out there and went international due to the Survivors NOT Kevin Annett.

    The bottom line Marcie, you got defensive and did not bother to answer some pertinent questions. Which is very telling. The other bottom line is the Survivors of Residential Schools have been very vocal, as communities. It seems to me they can talk for themselves quite well. You ignore and dismiss people even on here that said they don’t want Kevin talking for them. Do you really think that Kevin has the power to override authorities, and Survivors. Because that is what you and Kevin are doing, you are trying to override them. Again any Survivors personal stories are their own and their unique suffering will vary from even other Survivors that may have experienced something different. It is not up to Kevin, you or anyone else to override and dismiss them as not credible. Which is what Kevin Annett does. I do hope that one day you will come to your senses Marcie. In the meantime I will continue with my position that if Kevin lies and posts crap, and I know it is crap, I will have something to say. I see you also skipped out on posting who has those bones. You don’t seem to care that Kevin was toting those bones around to the occupy movements trying to drum up followers. You don’t seem to care that Kevin was waving those bones around which was very disrespectful to the deceased, families and Indians. It was also painful to know that Kevin disregarded the human rights of the deceased and the family. You don’t seem to care that the living family has not been advised because Kevin took possession of those bones and did all the wrong things. You don’t seem to care that the only people that really have the legal right to say what happens to those bones and where they are tested is the living family. As it stands now any Indian may be able to collectively go to court and demand that Kevin return the bones to this country. Does that clear it up for you and Kevin.

    You speak of suffering yet Kevin’s acts with those bones shows that he has no respect for the children that died and that he doesn’t give a hoot about this cause. Alright, those bones could be anybody that has Indian blood family and there is Kevin hiking up those bones at occupy movement without one ounce of respect. Actions speak louder then words Marcie and Kevin Annett’s actions speak loud and clear that he is using the suffering of specifically Indian people for his own gain. He barely speaks about the Irish suffering, and yet he claims to have Irish ancestry. What’s the matter the Irish not letting him in! Oh I know Kevin’ has some of his pals post things, like all of Ireland is behind him, funny even that is not true! All of Ireland, yet he very rarely mentions the Irish Holocaust, just the Indian one.

    Your defensive position while skipping by the truth about Kevin Annett and making flimsy excuses for him is very telling Marcie. Thanks for showing what Kevin’ supporters are about. You don’t care! How disappointing. If you did you would have been upset about him taking possession of those bones and carelessly showcasing them with great disrespect to the deceased, to families and to Indians.

    You call Kevin’s lies justice, he is making a mockery out of the suffering of Indians and others peoples. Further Marcie you are now staring to give different stories in your support of Kevin. You really need to step back and let Kevin stand on his own two feet. He made the statements let him explain them. Kevin and his supporters smear anyone else that don’t fall into line with them. Even other Native groups, elders that are helping others. That tells me a lot as well. At the very end Kevin is running out of people to support him. It really is sad to see you at this disposition, I do hope you do arrive at the place of realization.

    Finally, Kevin Annett thinks that if he comes out and posts or articles something like he was armed with the power to arrest the pope, the queen and Stephen Harper that it will magically happen. I guess he has been disappointed quite a lot.

    Kevin Annett doesn’t mind smearing people, his articles prove that! He can’t cry foul now. I really wish you would let him stand on his own two feet, he is a grown ass man! Not a baby Marcie.



    1. Why don’t we all call the Canada Revenue Agency and ask them what they think of Kevin’s trailer park donation system?

    • paganmedia on April 19, 2012 at 20:13
    • Reply

    What a bunch of baloney Marcie, tribunal members are all over the world. Really so why does Kevin only have himself and another person listed on the ITCCS website. Oh wait they have seperate websites. Funny Kevin lists no other sites from that site. All anyone has to do is go to that site and click on Tribunal members and again that is two people. And the only contact info is Kevin. Interesting. All over the world. Right!

    1. It is a transparent scam! No “international tribunal” based in London takes money mailed to a trailer park in North Florida! lol

        • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 22:44
        • Reply

        Go ahead and bash me too when I have done nothing to any of you. I am not at liberty to give you all the facts and I won’t. Go ahead and have your juvenile fun. No matter what I say you will twist it to suit yourselves. There may be a very good reason why other tribunal members are not listed and that is to protect them from harm by those in high places who would like to shut them up… permanently. I am well aware that Ireland has been doing their protests for years, you can find videos of them all over youtube. You have the upfront worker bees and those behind the scenes so think what you like. I have fed you far too much information that you have twisted around to suit your patern of thinking. I will feed you no more, you all make me sick. And you too have dodged my questions. What are you doing to help stop the pedophile rings and bring the information out to the public? What are you doing to help get justice for the victims of those institutions. Yes some of them speak for themselves and go to the TRC to be scammed and gag ordered not to name their abusers so they can receive the pittance the government is giving out for their years of suffering . many different ways were tried to get the churches and government to release the names and locations of the burials so the children could be taken home for proper vurial but

  11. genuinewitty-There was a lot more people then me that was under the impression that the ITCCS was a huge organization. Its interesting that Kevin lives in Canada yet the donations are going to Florida in the name of one of his family members I assume since it is the same last name.

    1. I’ve been told by one of his minions that it is his father. Sounds like a mickey mouse operation to me! (sorry for the Florida pun, lol)

    • Terry on April 19, 2012 at 21:59
    • Reply

    Looking at this with zero bias in either direction I must admit. Im curious.. How many people on here have been to the site in Brantford and checked things out for yourselves? How many of you have spoken to the people involved?
    How many of you are just listening to people speak about things online who have not done either????

    1. I’ve not been to the site, but I’ve conversed with a number of people who were there. More importantly, I’ve seen the facts and they don’t add up.

      Kevin Annett is a con artist who has been taking advantage of the first nations community for many years. He is representing himself as a representative of an “International Tribunal” that is not registered in any country, nor does it have an authority issued in any country in the world. Put simply, he is cheating people out of their money.

      This man must be stopped before he hurts anyone else.

        • Marcie Lane on April 19, 2012 at 23:50
        • Reply

        You all make plenty of accusations and suppositions but where is YOUR proof that what you say to bash me and him are true? You can speak to a number of people that have been to Brantford but have they actually been on the Mush Hole site? And each one you talk to would have a different perception of what they saw or heard. 3rd party rumors is all you have, yet you are quick to condemn because you are not privy to all the information. All of it is suppossion on your part because your personal curiosity has not been satisfied. Gee what a case you have made for being liable for slander. Keep digging your selves a deeper hole.

  12. The only ones digging themselves into a hole is you and Kevin. Just go to my site, I posted all links to Kevin’s rants. I think Marcie a reasonable person viewing Kevin Annett in a video hiking up what he says is human bones at Occupy Toronto is PROOF, that one he contaminated the evidence, and two he doesn’t give a hoot.

    Do you understand how painful it is to people of Native Ancestry including me to know that Kevin had such a deep disrespect and a blatant disregard for the human rights of what he says is an Indian child’s bones that suffered. It is deeply painful to see him hike up those bones.. Furthermore Marcie he didn’t even have the presence of mind to put those bones in some sort of container like a plastic bag to avoid contamination.

    You and Kevin are NOT privy to those bones and how dare you assume the role of making decisions for the living family. For all anyone knows with Native Ancestry that could be one of our relatives Kevin is parading around without an ounce of respect for the deceased.

    I am going to ask you again, where is the decent burial enshrined in Native tradition.

    I can argue back that you seem to be taking third party rumors by hailing to Kevin’s word, which is proven not to be credible. So you are saying the Survivors who are speaking for themselves are saying third party rumors. Really Marcie, no I think it is people that had their own experience with Kevin Annett.

    Further Marcie one of the people at the first dig, an elder Bill something or other made the statement that Kevin went their and started all kinds of trouble and that they were not human bones. Although I will say that this same person had youtube videos asking for donations in his name.

    Nobody was quick to condemn, you just admitted that Kevin Annett lied about the tribunal and again thanks for that confirmation.

    Perhaps you should take your own advise again Marcie and get to know all the facts. How you justify ignoring and nixing the statements of Survivors is beyond me. Let me see the Survivors the victims who Kevin says he speaks for, who you say you speak for are not credible but Kevin Annett who has been caught in many fabrications is credibility.

    Oh please, again I do hope you will arrive at the place of realization one day. BTW when you make the statement of ” You people” just what do you mean, I thought you were one of ” You people”, oh wait I guess you are above and beyond ” Us People”. Good to know that you take that position. You will not stop people from speaking out about Kevin Annett and his deceit. He went to far with those bones and that alone I know not only hurt me personally it has angered me!

    The bottom line the question was asked has any of ” You people been down to Brantford etc, my personal response is we don’t have to be, Kevin in Video with the bones tells the true story. The other fact is I know I am hearing what the Survivors who are a large majority opposing Kevin speaking for them. I know I had my own personal experience with Kevin as others. Those are the facts.



    1. If the bones were real it would be a story worth global attention. If they were real, and Kevin wasn’t a con artist, the first thing he would do is ascertain they were real, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    • paganmedia on April 20, 2012 at 01:37
    • Reply

    Go ahead and bash you. Really Marcie. First you came on here being all aggesive and brutish, then you went to the veiled threats of be careful, now you are playing the sympathy card. This article had nothing to do with you. You inserted yourself and the above followed.Please point out when you were bashed! You act like everyone should bow down and kiss Kevin’s bagonia’s.

    I don’t trust what Kevin is telling you to tell us. Alright. I remember another on a group defending Kevin and waiting to be told what to say, she didn’t even know of some things so she stated.

    Regarding Ireland, you sure did try to make it sound that Kevin was the one that discovered Irelands Holocaust. You have not fed info that already was not known and then you gave confirmation on Kevin Annetts fabrications.

    I have NOT dodged your questions, you don’t like my responses, because it doesn’t involve hailing to Kevin. I think I answered you quite well and pointed out how Kevin Annett Lied. I am happy that you admit you have danced around and dodged the pertient questions. Thanks for that.

    I do plenty and I don’t do it by gleaming Kevins’ butt. What has Kevin done except self promote himself while using the pain and suffering of others.

    WE make you sick, really. I will speak to my own personal perspective. I make you sick, but Kevin Annett didn’t make you sick by keeping those bones that he says is the bones of a human being. A native child that suffered. That doesn’t make you sick Marcie, that is very telling. It doesn’t make you sick that he hiked those bones up there parading them around occupy movements, that he had no shame at the disrespect he had for the deceased, the family and Indian. That doesn’t make you sick, oh but speak to the truth about Kevin Annett deceit and that makes you sick that people have the nerve to speak up and say the truth.. Right

    Kevin and some of his followers make plenty of accusations and yet none of you have a shred of proof. As far as I know the TRC does not have a gag order some Survivors want private statements. That is up to them. Since the TRC is a public venue except for those that only want to make private statements there is no gag order. AGain stop listening to Kevin A. I know in Ireland that at first the Victims/Survivors were under gag order. Are you sure you are not confused on which country it was!

    1. I’ll tell you, from my personal perspective, it made me deeply sick when I first imagined Kevin was waving around the bones of children out in public and carrying this ‘evidence’ in his pockets. That was, until I realized that I don’t believe his story is true…

    • paganmedia on April 20, 2012 at 09:17
    • Reply


    I missed a couple of points I wanted to make late last night. So here they are.

    So far you and Kevin have now entered in the realm of secrecy. Lets see Kevin culled documents from the United Church but he is under gag order. Let me tell you something Marcie, anyone reading Kevin’s stuff would know that Kevin Annett did not post or article under the restrictions of being shut down, shut up or gagged. In fact the United Church response indicates and speaks to the fact that Kevin was making all kinds of accusations about them.

    As for documents that he says he took from their records, when was that in the 1990’s by now the statue of limitations of any gag would have been lifted. Thus freeing Kevin to post that evidence he says he has.

    Once more Kevin’s time with the United Church would have only made him privy to access records of that particular Church and not other denominations such as the Catholic Church etc.. Further nobody needs Kevin for Catholic Church or other churches documents, since things like the Ryan, Murphy reports from Ireland speak to the Catholic Churches corruption and Child abuse of children in Ireland.

    The Churches tainted apologies in this country and the millions of dollars they are paying to Survivors in this country speaks to their acknowledgment of the child abuse that was leveled on Indians in this country. Sure the Catholic church has been fighting their own demons by not being fully forthright however they are being sued by people all over the world that suffered child abuse. I think that speaks for itself. So again nobody needs Kevin for that evidence, the fact that they are paying victims in the tune of millions speaks to the criminal abuse, child abuse on every level etc….

    Now there is secrecy about the bones. Again you or Kevin don’t have the legal right to be secret about those bones and neither one of you have the legal right to take those bones in possession. In your case Marcie you are not even from this country so you literally have not right over those bones. The legal family has all the legal rights in any application to say exactly what they want done. Of course the legal family may not be found now, because Kevin Annett has contaminated the evidence with his greed and his need for 5 mins of fame. If these bones are human to heck with the deceased child, their family and to the Native community in terms of truth and evidence. So IMO if these bones are human and of a victim of residential schools Kevin Annett is no better then the people that put the child in the grave. Again IMO. How does he explain his lack of respect for the deceased child and once more I ask where is the decent and proper funeral for the deceased enshrined in Indian Cultural and tradition. Nowhere Kevin Annett has stolen the rights of the legal family by not turning over those bones to the proper authority. Who does Kevin think he is really, that he tries to upsurge even the living family.

    I want to cover another point on bashing. I seem to recall Marcie how you and two others took part in bashing me right on FB anytime I posted or articled about something that was of my opinion but you and Kevin’s other supporters didn’t agree with. An activity I really feel you take part in all to often along with others. Again that along with your quest to be absolutely shameless in your attempt to shove Kevin’s rhetoric down my throat on my own FB wall. I mean for consequence days you alone were posting all Kevin’s old crap, one after the other. Then you were on groups I was on, posting it there you and others. Then when I blocked all of you, others were used to post Kevin’s crap so I would see the. So Marcie this ploy of yours really speaks to your own actions towards me in particular and some others that I witnessed. Simply you and others don’t really treat people well that are not hailing to Kevin Annett and bowing down to him and some of you. Somebody posted here in a comment what do you get out of this? You respond nothing. Really the way you act when anyone speaks out about Kevin and speaks the truth you act like you are going to lose something if you don’t attempt to silence and stifle people.

    You, Kevin’s and others biggest mistake you made with me is thinking that you could override me by acting big and bad. That only gives me a chuckle, you should have gotten to know me better you would have found not only do I fear nothing or nobody, but I make a formidable opponent when people annoy me, rile me and anger me.

    Another point I wanted to make Marcie is that if one really looks at who Kevin surrounds himself with in terms of witnesses, it is easy not to miss that he preys on people that have been greatly harmed and hurt in Residential Schools, people that he can manipulate easily. Anyone that has any formal education or people that don’t have an education but have a vast life experiences and knows a con artist when they see one, Kevin Annett feels threatened by as do some of his supporters.

    Everything is a secret, really, for what reason other then Kevin does not have the conclusive evidence to prove his allegations.

    Again so far any of Kevin’s friends he says were murdered by the police or doctors. So now the burden of proof is on him. He is not just given an opinion he is accusing people of murder and that is a serious allegation. He needs to cough up the proof. Because if he has such proof, he would have all the support in the world, not just from the Native community, worldwide! It wouldn’t be the first time that authorities were found to be corrupt and committing crimes and once the proof and evidence was put forth in the public he would be safe since he always feels so threatened by those authorities or should I say extremely paranoid.

    This BS you are putting forth about how you fed info, when all the info was there all along leaves a lot to be desired. And again you inserted yourself in this with this particular article, I don’t see where the author was talking about you. Once more Kevin is a grown ass man let him speak for himself. He is great at speaking for others even when he is asked not to speak for them, why isn’t he speaking for himself Marcie. What he can’t explain is lies and fabrications.

    The bottom line not only does Kevin Annett in my view make a mockery of the human suffering and struggle of Indians peoples, he makes a fiasco and circus out of the suffering which takes away from the cause. Kevin’s personal issues with his former church and others is his own and has nothing to do with the Indian cause or any other cause.

    Kevin, you and others have set yourselves up to be high and mighty over others to the point that you diss and dismiss even the Survivors and anyone that knows a little something and/or more then you and him, which is usually the case with Kevin Annett, he simply can’t stand it that others are informed and versed on the Indian struggle and other struggles. After all Kevin is the one the only one that can save Indians so he shamelessly thinks. Once more I think Indians are doing a mighty fine job speaking for themselves including the survivors.

    Just as a correction what that elder Bill said was that Kevin went down there to Ontario and started all kinds of trouble, and people where upset, Bill had backtracked and said NO bones were found. Again I did note that Bill was still asking for donations and questioned that myself as one of your friends can tell you. J/S Other professionals said that one out of sixteen bones may have been human however Kevin Annett took it out of everyone’s hands in this country to further examine the bones. Which he really does not have an legal right or authority to do.

    Once more the Survivors of Ireland were indeed under a gag order at first and they were getting palsty payments at that time as in other countries. The only complaint I have heard about the TRC was the time frame that victims were given which I don’t agree with. Although there are mixed reviews form the Survivors, some think they got enough time, others don’t. As far as I know and I never heard about the Survivors here being under a gag order. There are some Survivors that are choosing to tell their personal painful stories to the TRC privately. That is up to them and if that helps them begin to heal, so be it.

    You and Kevin knock down the TRC yet you can’t see that while survivors telling their personal stories will not make theme complete in their healing that it is a beginning and commencement for the Survivors that take part of the TRC to heal. Some Survivors do NOT choose the TRC and they choose other venues on their healing journey again that is up to them. Kevin and some of his supporters tend to knock down anything that is a benefit in Survivors healing. I think Kevin is just mad because he can’t be privy to the difficult personal stories being told and that must put a damper on his books and documentaries. If I am correct in fact the Survivors stories are protected by law by the TRC that nobody like Kevin Annett can steal those stories. That must make him angry that he is prohibited from repeating those stories and he can’t be privy to them. To bad, he better learn to deal with it.

    You sit around Marcie saying this and that is a secret then question everyone else on what they do. Really, I know I don’t gleam or smooch Kevin Annetts butt like you do. I don’t fall all over myself with someone that is further harming Indians. I know I don’t turn a blind eye that Kevin has used the suffering of what he says is human bones of a child like you do. You and Kevin don’t care of what harm was caused by him waving those bones with profound disrespect for the deceased, the living family and Indians all across North America. There are many Indians that are upset that Kevin was at occupy movements waving the bones in the air with no conscious and no shame. So don’t try to go on regal and holier then thou ceremony with me Marcie. Simply you bit off more then you could chew, because you deluded yourselves into thinking that you could override and overpower people into silence and not to speak to the truth about Kevin Annett.

    That’s all I have for now Marcie, but if I reflect on anything more, I will be sure to zip right back here and post it for you.

    Thank-you genuinewitty for being so kind to hosting this and speaking to the truth about Kevin Annett.



      • Marcie Lane on April 20, 2012 at 13:28
      • Reply

      Pagan when you requested I not post Kevin’s stuff on your page I apologized when you said you no longer supported him and I did not post to your page anymore. I belong to many groups on FB. I do not have the time to scan the entire membership lists to see if you belong to the same groups and frankly it never occurred to me to do so.I honored your wish on your personal site. The others I belong to are interested in what Kevin has to say, if you belong to those too, don’t read it and sorry about that. I did not approve of those bones being waved infront of a camera but I wasn’t there and wasn’t asked about doing it. It was a done deal when I first saw it. As to the family that child as you keep saying ..If it is human, at this point we have no way of locating a family yet and no report has come in on them as I have stated repeatedly. You again misinterpret what I say. When I said the United church tried to gag Kevin in spouting what he had found on the school survivors, I meant just that. They did everything possible to shut him up from telling the parishioners what their church did to innocent children and he wouldn’t shut up nor would he stop allowing local survivors from telling their stories during church services. That is why he got fired, he wouldn’t shut up and it wasn’t a court ordered gag order it was the church board that tried to gag him with threats which in the end ruined him and his family. But before the ultimate happened he did research the church archives and copies of documents found during his research are published in his first book. If you want to see them ,read the book! And there are many more that didn’t get published. You just seem determined to misunderstand anything I say and I do not recall ever bashing you for not supporting him. You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. I was sad to hear you say you no longer did but I respected your wishes to the best of my ability. I have no grudge with you, I didn’t even know you but saw some of Kevin’s stuff on your site so I posted there too until you made that request. If I bashed you in anyway, please show me where as I do not remember doing such a thing, that is not my style but I will fight back when myself or a friend is attacked and I feel it is unjustified. Surely you have the common sense to know that some things must be kept under wraps during an ongoing investigation into the crimes of high up officials due to threats of personal harm. Until such a time as enough damning evidence it gathered that it can no longer be swept under a rug. I have to wonder as this is a common tactic many use… discredit the messanger so that followers will no longer believe what is said. My own chief used that tactic when ever a tribal member found out he had done something not beneficial and harmful to the tribe. He would start a smear campaign against the person or persons who knew what he had done so if and when they decided to tell their story, no one would believe them and the chief would come out smelling like a rose while the people with integrity were ruined by the chief’s lies. Governments have been known to pay people to do a smear campaign, it happens all the time, so who do you and Greg work for.hmm? So I am now a target too as I tried to stick up for a friend and a cause I believe in and explain some of the questions you both had but each time I did it was twisted around to suit both of you and thrown back in my face as BS. And I am accused of bashing you?

    • fraudalert on April 20, 2012 at 11:09
    • Reply

    Here is a link and commentary from someone else that thinks that Kevin Annett is a fraud.

    I wish more progressives would take to time to actually fact check before giving people like Kevin Annett a platform. Quite frankly the guy is full of shit and a few minutes research will show you the same thing.

    1. Thanks for sharing this- the more evidence we can compile together in one place the better!

    • paganmedia on April 20, 2012 at 23:01
    • Reply

    My goodness Marcie you are so self righteous, I hadn’t realized that about you, and I see you provided me with some extra twists and spins. OK then lets get on with it. A word of caution I have taken the time to break down Marcie’s entire statement so she doesn’t accuse me of avoiding her questions.

    Pagan when you requested I not post Kevin’s stuff on your page I apologized when you said you no longer supported him and I did not post to your page anymore. I belong to many groups on FB. I do not have the time to scan the entire membership lists to see if you belong to the same groups and frankly it never occurred to me to do so.I honored your wish on your personal site. The others I belong to are interested in what Kevin has to say, if you belong to those too, don’t read it and sorry about that.

    snip-You sure did, but the problem and issue I had is that you KNEW I had left the group, you frequent it and aren’t you some sort of person that helps him with that site? Further it was odd and strange that you and another didn’t see fit to post any of Kevin’s stuff, until I left. Then all of a sudden it was like it was raining Kevin Annetts crap. In fact you and another to your credit posted so much of his crap that it reminded me of a movie in which owls where so determined to get mail to a person that they overcompensated in their attempt. Yet I thought I had did all the right things to avoid any conflict with you and others. I mean you weren’t posting new stuff, you were posting all his old stuff from A- Z. In one way I did find it pitiful in another it was annoying. I certainly don’t expect you to have to scan any list I am on, however, when you and another start using people to post his crap because you knew you were blocked that rings volumes to me. However you apologized for it just now, so I can move past it.

    I did not approve of those bones being waved infront of a camera but I wasn’t there and wasn’t asked about doing it. It was a done deal when I first saw it.

    snip-Yes but when you say you don’ t approve but you posted the video of Kevin hiking up those bones that sets a double standard. Actions speak louder then words Marcie. . Why. I mean Kevin is a big boy, he should have known better, but again when a person doesn’t care, they simply don’t, as long as their con end justifies their con means.

    As to the family that child as you keep saying ..If it is human, at this point we have no way of locating a family yet and no report has come in on them as I have stated repeatedly.

    snip-However as I said repeatedly neither one of you seem to be bothered that the timeline is long when it didn’t have to be and again neither one of you have a legal right to those bones for any reason. Seriously, you don’t. Therefore if the correct thing was done which was leave it to equally apt professionals here in this country, the response would have been sooner. I have no way of knowing if Kevin got a response, I just don’t feel he is being truthful on this, because all of us know it shouldn’t take this long. I asked you yesterday for the names of the places these bones are suppose to be at, you decline feigning to much information.

    You again misinterpret what I say.

    snip-I would suggest you go back and read your prior statements in enterity and perhaps fine tune your statements on points of clarity. There was no misinterpretation, not when you read all of them in conjunction which is what I was speaking to on point.

    When I said the United church tried to gag Kevin in spouting what he had found on the school survivors, I meant just that.

    -snip No this is in fact what your statement was Marcie please go back and read it. You said as follows

    yes he did research that was not available to the general public and had the forsight to copy them. After the church gave him a gag order to shut up and he didn’t ,they booted him out, made life miserable for him and his family and paid his wife to get a divorce. He continued his research into this through records in other places. They did everything possible to shut him up from telling the parishioners what their church did to innocent children and he wouldn’t shut up nor would he stop allowing local survivors from telling their stories during church services. That is why he got fired, he wouldn’t shut up and it wasn’t a court ordered gag order it was the church board that tried to gag him with threats which in the end ruined him and his family. But before the ultimate happened he did research the church archives and copies of documents found during his research are published in his first book. If you want to see them ,read the book! And there are many more that didn’t get published.

    snip-I ask you again where is the evidence. In a book that was taken down. I don’t know a good credible book of this nature would be a scholarly achievement in many departments in advanced education. Yet Kevin is selling his books on amazon. I mean if you go back and read your comment you try to persuade others that Kevin is the ultimate source of discovery on clergy child abuse and that is simply not true. Here is what the United Church said about Kevin Annett. You should really read it. Apparently he resigned in writing. Now Marcie I am no Church supporter, however Kevin has also been caught in profound lies. I also asked you at the time what other places did he do his research. I don’t need to read his book, I have my own information from credible sources and it is not contrived of stolen history or stories. Now speaking of his book Marcie, it has been posted that his book was taken off of shelves, why was that, it wasn’t to shut him up. The bottom line to many people are opposing him and saying he is NOT credible, then with you being kind and confirming that he stages publications such as his advisory of being armed with the power etc and you say he was attempting a citizens arrest when that is NOT what Kevin said at all as per his own words.

    Mr. Annett claims that he was fired by the United Church for raising the residential school issue (his film, book, website). In fact, Mr. Annett resigned his position as minister of St. Andrew’s United Church in Alberni, British Columbia, in writing when faced with questions about his competence for ministry. Mr. Annett’s de-listing as a United Church minister was the result of two Formal Hearings conducted according to the rules of evidence of the Province of British Columbia. The report of the Formal Hearing is found on the British Columbia Conference website. For more than a decade, Mr. Annett has repeatedly made disparaging public statements which verge on defamation about a number of the United Church officials and members who were involved in the process that led to his name being placed on the church’s discontinued service list.

    Moving along,

    You just seem determined to misunderstand anything I say and I do not recall ever bashing you for not supporting him.

    snip-What a bunch of utter crock, I think I have been very candid in my responses and it was not misunderstanding on my part rather it is your keen ability to defend someone that is deceitful and your insistence on being willfully blind. Yes you did bash Marcie and I felt almost like you and two others were jumping me. Again, just because I walk away, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can override me. Walking away is the nicest thing I can do for a person that starts overstepping their boundaries.

    You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. I was sad to hear you say you no longer did but I respected your wishes to the best of my ability. I have no grudge with you, I didn’t even know you but saw some of Kevin’s stuff on your site so I posted there too until you made that request. If I bashed you in anyway, please show me where as I do not remember doing such a thing, that is not my style but I will fight back when myself or a friend is attacked and I feel it is unjustified.

    snip- I am glad you think I am entitled to my opinion so I take it you have stopped practicing your bashing when someone speaks on a subject or a person that you all disagree with. Good to know, you don’t know how relieved I am on the fact that you have stopped this type of practice. Kudos. Now you are asking me to sift through messages and since your blocked. I think I did mention it in passing Marcie on FB, however if you don’t want to remember your bashing attitude, then you don’t. I remember you doing it on more then one occasion. Why do you think I had stopped conversing with you way before I left the group. I don’t paint people with the same brush, so if I stop conversing, it has to do with you personally. I just take the position if a person wants to be that way, then they want to be that way, I don’t have to put up with it. I don’t know why anybody thinks that people have to put up with BS from others. It simply doesn’t work for me as you can see. The minute you don’t agree on the knowledge of someone else, out came the talons. Give me a break please and I was not impressed with you and a couple of others at that time. At the same token may you always go with your same suggestions to others Marcie, don’t read what you don’t like, but don’t go out of your way to start a ruckus because a persons position didn’t fit in with what Kevin Annett says.

    Surely you have the common sense to know that some things must be kept under wraps during an ongoing investigation into the crimes of high up officials due to threats of personal harm.

    snip- Surely you have the common sense to know when you have been had and are supporting someone that is deceitful, via your own words of confirmation. Surely you have the decency to stop the charade of Kevin being full of good intentions and virtue when that is simply not true. Surely you have the common sense to allow Kevin who is quite vocal on his sites to speak for himself! Again you act like you are going to lose something if you don’t jump in there and try to head off anyone that speaks truthfully about Kevin. I mean I am staring to think you are his personal line backer or body guard.

    Until such a time as enough damning evidence it gathered that it can no longer be swept under a rug.

    snip- Some of the problems Kevin and his supporters will keep experiencing is that others are disputing Kevin himself and his work. The other thing is that evidence must be presented because if Kevin keeps accusing people he may have to appear before a judge where he will have to supply the truth. Wait perhaps that is what he wants so he can go into martyrdom. I love the excuses, but lets face it he doesn’t have the proof. There is no way that Kevin could contain himself if he had the credible evidence you say he had. You say he will not back down or shut up, you say that is why he was fired and all is woe to Kevin stories. Kevin posts chronologies of his so called suffering and you expect me to believe he has evidence that he is safeguarding and preserving to make sure it can’t be swept under the rug. Do you keep missing out on all the apologies that were made to First Nations. Whether you or anybody likes those apologies or not they were made. Are you missing out on the fact that Survivors are suing all these institutions and there are settlements and re -settlements. So how you can say it will be swept under the rug is beyond me. It is well documented and has been for awhile. Yet Kevin Annett’s information is the information that is the end all of the truth. Right

    I have to wonder as this is a common tactic many use… discredit the messanger so that followers will no longer believe what is said.

    snip- Kevin is the messenger in your eyes ( whistles) please spare me this crap. Thanks! Perhaps you should be more concerned with Kevin Annett’s tactics of demanding and having temper tantrums while trying to force people to believe his sensationalized tabloid articles, yet he never has evidence or proof and he never wants to speak to the very people he says he represents and he says he speaks for. He also never wants to face those he accuses. I find that odd. I mean if he has the proof, bring it on, the world is waiting and upon CREDIBLE proof he will get support. So far it is nothing but secrecy and never proof. I mean now you have stated the ITCCS has a secret membership. I admit it is entertaining in one way, but really everything that Kevin Annett does is a complete secret. Come on now! The tribunal members have to be protected. From what! Some of them are suppose to be lawyers, yet none of them managed to get around to arrest and sentence the pope, the queen and the pm of Canada. I am wondering with a dream team of lawyers why it NEVER happened. Wait it is because Kevin is the ITCCS and his ego is so large he simply has no room for anyone else in the organization. I understand.

    My own chief used that tactic when ever a tribal member found out he had done something not beneficial and harmful to the tribe. He would start a smear campaign against the person or persons who knew what he had done so if and when they decided to tell their story, no one would believe them and the chief would come out smelling like a rose while the people with integrity were ruined by the chief’s lies.

    snip- I can’t speak to that because I don’t have all the facts on your experience with your chief.

    Governments have been known to pay people to do a smear campaign, it happens all the time, so who do you and Greg work for.hmm?

    snip- Marcie I am quite disappointed that you just went through this whole speech of self righteousness and then you put an element of suspicion of that perhaps just perhaps that I/we may work for the government and as fitting as Kevin Annett would want it, I am out to get him. My goodness you sound more and more like Kevin. I think you are spending to much time with him Marcie, get out a little, get some sunshine and clear you head. The fact is I can’t speak for Greg, I don’t know him and only came upon him because of his article. Unlike you, I am not a nosy parker, I just don’t think it is appropriate to to start being inquisitive and ask personal questions to someone I don’t know. I never even knew that genuinewitty’s name was Greg, oh but you knew Marcie. Obviously you haven’t been following my political articles, in which it is very revealing how I feel about the government. If I work for the government then they must be suckers for punishment. Grin. I am quite vocal on my feelings about Canada’s government in articles and on FB, in fact on politicians very sites. Nice try Marcie and again is is tepid amusing that time and time again Kevin Annett and his supporters use tactics of trying to say anyone that opposes Kevin Annett and speaks on their experience with him, that he is deceitful must be government informants, they are just here to mess with Kevin. Honestly Marcie I thought you were smarter then that we all know if the Feds want to get someone they will. There is Kevin accusing so many people and yet he is even ignored on those accusations. That is very telling that they probably have a bit of sympathy for Kevin’s problems in life with being able to branch reality and fiction. ) BTW that is as nice as I could put it. Where do you work Marcie at the ITCCS are you one of the secret members. Should I start thinking that you may even be the person asking for donations etc… I just thought you were smarter then you just showed me. My bad.

    So I am now a target too as I tried to stick up for a friend and a cause I believe in and explain some of the questions you both had but each time I did it was twisted around to suit both of you and thrown back in my face as BS. And I am accused of bashing you?

    snip- And now the paranoia starts. I think out of anybody I have did my best to ignore all of you once I decided I had heard, read and seen enough. However since genuinewitty was so generous to put in time and post his thoughts on Kevin, I thought I would comment on my knowledge and experience with Kevin and you. I did try to be nice about it, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Every time anyone speaks out against Kevin Annett, he and his supporters start this crap. The truth should never be stated as someone is out to get another and yet that is not how it is taken.
    Now dash along Marcie, seriously try to get some sunshine in your life daily. You seem to reside internally in a dreary and murky place right now and again I am saddened that this has happened to you. I hope you do find your place of realization one day. Just remember one thing Marcie actions speak louder then words. Words can be empty and meaningless however a persons actions such as parading around bones without an ounce of respect speaks quite loudly to people. People that support these charades by endorsement and posting the videos hiking up those bones speak volumes to people. I do however thank-you for all our confirmations on Kevin Annett and that is that he deliberately sets out to deceive people.

    I will say there is varying info on Residential schools, lets just put it down to one persons experience is not another. However Marcie how you can’t grasp that nobody is disputing that the dark evil past of Churches in all denominations, Governments, School Institutions, etc.. were involved in Child abuse, corruption and coverups. I don’t think that anyone with any knowledge is disputing that, what people are disputing is Kevin Annett USING this past suffering and pain of people that were betrayed, children that crimes against humanity was committed and that the spirit of the family nucleus was broken by these same hierarchical institutions. Kevin is using the hurt, the pain, the suffering, the survival and even the healing of the Victims/Survivors. That is what I am disputing personally and that is what I believe others are disputing. Which is a disgrace and shameful. I also don’t feel he represents the struggle and cause of the suffering of peoples in Residential schools very well.

    One day hopefully you will smarten up Marcie, and if you don’t, will then the Onus is on you. As you set out to try and convince me and others that Kevin Annett was the Savior and the essence of goodness, I in turn disputed your claims of such literal nonsense. There really is a problem when people start being so hoodwinked that they start praising another human being as the great spirit. I don’t want to hail to Kevin and NEVER hailed to Kevin, I thought we had mutual interests, now I find while the subject is the same interests in perspective the mutual interest I have differs from Kevin and his supporters.

    snip-Like I said Marcie if I reflect on anything else I will be sure to zip on over here to post it for you and that is just because you tried to silence me and have me keep my opinions on Kevin Annett and his shenanigans to myself. J/S

    Have a lovely blissful grand weekend. I will. :D



    • Pte Hinsila Ska on April 21, 2012 at 15:26
    • Reply

    My husband, Royce White Calf – full blood Oglala Lakota – has asked that I speak for him with regard to this matter. It will be to the grave dismay to Mr. Annett that he lives at home with me, his wife of 20 years, and our two sons. Mr. Annett has in desperation among 18 years of other accumulated lies, for which factual proof rests with our attorneys, attempted to misinform deliberately the international community that my husband and I are ‘estranged’. Royce is a humble but beloved leader to his People and speaks for his Elders in international capacity. He wishes me to state on his People’s behalf that proof of Mr. Annett’s grand international fraud has been exposed to Native Elders and spiritual leaders in North America and Canada. They have chosen to remain non-confrontational so as to deny him attention (that he so craves). All agree his crimes are eggregious, and his behavior is clearly pathological. It is an accepted social moray to assess pathology without the assistance of psychiatry – though all agree psychiatry would be a wise avenue for Mr. Annett. My husband has asked me to speak up here to invite any that desire information and factual proof of Mr. Annett’s fraud and documented slander, lies, theft and crimes to Native Peoples in North America and Canada to contact us via this site. Royce has chosen to speak up now due to the nature of the crimes regarding lies perpetrated about mass graves – and at his Elders behest. I have always served my husband in this capacity as assistant. It may be noted here that I have already- among countless other good people- been labeled by Mr. Annett as a “BLACK OPS”, whatever that means. Finally, my husband and I were chosen as honorable jurors for the IHRAAM Tribunal of 1998, where we met Mr. Annett. Our participation during the Tribunal has been gravely lied about in his most recent ‘book’, DISROBING THE EMPEROR. Careful planning and strategy to protect ourselves and all other Native Peoples from this terrifying predator ( I am Caucasian) has led us to proceed with grave caution. Thank you.

    • paganmedia on April 22, 2012 at 15:42
    • Reply

    Good Day Pte Hinsila Ska.
    I am interested in the proof you have to offer regarding Kevin Annett. First Nations peoples are starting to heal and it is time that First Nations who Mr Annett says he represents speak for themselves on this matter and bring it to the forefront. When I ran across Mr Annett and looked him up, there was nothing but gleaming information on him that seemed legit. Then I find out that this was not the case as time goes on.

    I don’t know if you want to post the info here or you want to do it via email. Please advise. With thanks


      • carollois65 on April 23, 2012 at 19:25
      • Reply

      Lydia, for shame.

      • carollois65 on April 23, 2012 at 19:39
      • Reply

      There is a fundamental misunderstanding being perpetuated here – Kevin does NOT say that he represents any native people anywhere. He is speaking as a white man TO white people to take responsibility for the genocide past and present, he is speaking as an ex-church insider TO church people to take their professed faith seriously and STOP supporting church organizations that continue to engage in shuffling rapists, and likewise he is speaking TO all citizens to make all the institutions of church and state accountable for the billions of dollars of taxes they bully us into paying which they turn around and use for all sorts of criminal activity. Including child porn and sex rings. You do seem more upset about this one individual’s humanly imperfect handling of an investigation into real-live tax-base funded horrors than about the horrors themselves, and this is puzzling to me.

  13. Well that is not true Carolloise. Here is an excerpt of what Kevin Annett said to a person and I am sure one of your friends can attest to this statement made by the person since she is/was on the group.

    This is verbatim to what a person a Survivor said, this is a person that asked Kevin Annett to step away and stop speaking for Survivors.
    So let me guess today, Kevin Annett has changed his stripes in a bid for explanation to why he has grossly misrepresented the cause. Why is Kevin Annett not speaking for himself. Again he has a lot to say on his several sites. Not to mention Kevin Annett refuses to speak to the Survivors who he says he wouldn’t have to speak for, if they would do it for themselves. So now why is there shame to Lydia!

    Here is the quote verbatim by a Survivor.

    You know there are many many Peoples and Nations who have had enough of this whining little creep Kevin Annett who goes around exploiting Indian Residential School Survivors like myself experience for his personal gain (money and fame)… when i asked him for accountabliity and transparency and to step aside and let NDN Peoples speak for themselves his response was “if your People would, then i wouldn’t have to for them”

      • carollois65 on April 25, 2012 at 15:22
      • Reply

      “So now why is there shame to Lydia!” – because of a very long personal history with her. She knows exactly what I mean. Shame on her, absolutely.

      “changed his stripes” – what; learning, growing, and evolving over almost 20 years?

      “grossly misrepresented the cause” – the cause…. the cause…. of recognition for murdered (or neglected to death) children? of trying to get some action going to have these murder and mass-grave allegations (made by survivors speaking for themselves) treated as seriously as any other such allegations? of actually holding those responsible … responsible? or some other cause, since I can think of nobody else who is frontlining themselves thru shitstorms, such as this you are so busy dishing out, in order to make that happen … what exactly do you mean?

      Yup, you can find quotes like the one above, and yup, he probably did say that in one of those moments of being exhausted and fed-up with all the in-fighting and petty politics that happen on the ground with anything of a serious political nature. How human of him.

      You can also find other quotes thanking him for exposing the shit they get killed for speaking, for helping the younger one suffering the intergenerational trauma to better understand their elders and the wider disfunction, etc. Those won’t be relayed here, I get that.

      “money and fame” – LOL – fame like this is such a heartwarming experience… And, wow, the $$$ – all that money from… putting the film and book up on the internet for free download? tss…

      1. Do you not see that the way Kevin overplays everything cheapens the whole cause? Is that not dangerous to the genuine issues?

        And, as for the money, Kevin asks that is mailed to the personal account of his father at a trailer park in the US. He is talking about 10’s of thousands of dollars. Do you not see this as worrisome?

    • paganmedia on April 23, 2012 at 22:56
    • Reply

    I am going to put this out as a random thought. I don’t think anyone has to feel ashamed for speaking up regarding thier own experience with Kevin Annett. In this case a person spoke out because Kevin Annett has misrepresented the truth about her personal business in his book, as she stated. Why is she being chastizied, because she and her husband dares to speak the truth and stand up for her family.

    Give me a break please, the only people that need to be ashamed are those that basically are listening to what Kevin says when so many have basically opposed him and seem to have similar recollections that Kevin Annett stole their history, their personal stories and fabricated that info in the most deceitiful mode with his staged publiciations of tabloid sensationlism. Right on his site he has continually exploited the murder of those he calls friends stating they were murdered, yet he has no evidence. In fact I am beginning to get suspicious of Kevin Annett. I mean if we want to assume, how come only Kevin’s friends are dying under what he alleges to be murder and suspicious circumstances. Then when you look at his chronology of his so called victimization how come it only happened to him.

    I ask the question is Kevin Annett so delusional that he may have offed his friends to further himself for gain. ( BTW this is not a serious question, however, one could start thinking that way. I mean Kevin seems to know his friends were murdered without a single shred of evidence or proof)

    The following is a serious question. How does he know, how does he bridge it to murder. Where is the evidence and if he has evidence why has he not turned it in to the authoties, he has at least one RCMP officer he says confides in him.

    The bottom line if there is any chastizing to be done by Kevin Annett supporters they may want to start with the fact that he was waving the bones at occupy movment of who he says is a missing murdered deceased First Nations child. He waves those bones without one speck of respect or dignity to the deceased. Those bones are trophy’s to him. For shame to Kevin Annett and SOME of his supporters who conveniently turn a blind eye to that very telling video.

    Then his supporter may want to allocate shame to Kevin Annett for
    his lies about being armed with the power to arrest the pope, the queen and the pm of Canada. That he and the ITCCS ( that is a secret membership, smirk and grin) after a year of preparation were armed with the authority and power arrest and sentence the above three no less. Then if you read here, one of his close allies confirmed that Kevin was attempting a citizens arrest, which did not give him the power as stated above etc.. as above comments, etc… How absurd that anyone that chooses as adults to speak up and say the truth about Kevin Annett via their experiences are being chastized. Come on now!


    Then you

  14. Sorry Genuinewitty, I had fallen across his information about Kevin Annett. I find this site very informative.

    as posted by Jim Craven
    [email protected]
    Monday, September 28, 1998

    To Whom it may concern:

    I was contacted by the Cicle of Justice on September 24th and told that Mr. Kevin Annett had been dismissed from the COJ on September 23rd. This was followed by faxes sent to me asking that I put this out on the Internet as none has access to the Internet and because the Circle of Justice feels that some things were put out on the net on which they had not voted and about which they had no knowledge.

    The headings below should attest to when this was originally written and sent as a draft copy pending a full vote of the Circle of Justice which they required before full release on all aspects.

    The following was approved by the Circle of Justice by a unanimous vote.

    I had no part in the voting, dismissal and editing their documents for clarity etc. My assistance was at their request as they had contacted me about their concerns and I had not contacted them prior to their contacting me and requesting my assistance.

    Jim Craven

    ——- Forwarded Message Follows ——-
    From: “James Michael Craven” [email protected]
    Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 15:30:41 PST8PDT
    Subject: Circle of Justice Public Notice

    The following letter is a public annoucement and notice by the Circle of Justice of Vancouver, B.C. Canada of the breaking any and all connections with Mr. Kevin Annett and the non-association of The Circle of Justice with the activities and positions of Mr. Annett past, present and future. Anyone who might question the origin, reasons for and authenticity of this letter may contact Amy Talio of The Circle of Justice at (604) 253-1891. This letter is to be circulated on the internet to all newsgroups on which Mr. Annett posted views and allegations that were posted noting Mr. Annett’s connections with The Circle of Justice and thus connecting The Circle of Justice with views and allegations about which the members knew nothing, that had not been ratified through a vote and that had not been authorized for Mr. Annett to present as views and allegations of the Circle of Justice.

    – The Circle of Justice, September 23, 1998

    We, the members of the group known as “The Circle of Justice” hereby give you notice that you are to cease any statements, implications or representations that you represent our group in any capacity or have any association with our group. We also hereby give you notice to cease the use of the name of The Circle of Justice or the name of any individual of the group in any association with you in any book, newspaper, on the internet, television or through any medium or in any conversations or representations with anyone.

    We also give notice to you Kevin Annett to cease any and all fundraising in the name of the Circle of Justice and to turn over and account for any monies collected in the name of The Circle of Justice or when the name of The Circle of Justice was associated with your name in any way. We also demand that you turn over any and all materials in whatever form taken specifically through your interviews and other work with Survivors of the Canadian Residential Schools.


    Amy Talio, Intermim President
    Jim Belcourt, Interim Treasurer
    Caroline Nelson
    Irene Starr
    Ethel Wilson
    Dennis Talio
    William Quinn
    Sterling Talio
    Rita Blind

    Bill of Particulars and Concerns:
    As you well know, we of The Circle of Justice are firmly committed to justice for the Canadian Residential School Victims and indeed are committing to the cause of justice for all victims. With respect to Residential School Victims and in solidarity with all Victims of All Nations, we seek to have: facts uncovered; true stories told; lessons learned; Victims justly compensated; victimizers exposed and punished; true histories told and written; historical and present-day injustices and conditions of oppression exposed and recognized; educational curricula changed to tell the truth about various forms and instruments of oppression of First Nations Peoples and other Victims of Oppression; past and present forms and instruments of genocide recognized and eliminated; support systems for Victims suffering trauma from Residential School abuses and other forms of abuse.

    Our missions and goals put us in conflict with very powerful and very ugly forces seeking the opposites of the above-mentioned missions. These forces are very determined, in positions of power and influence and possess resources we do not possess. Therefore, we act as a democratic collective because what each does, affects the security and welfare of the others as well as the name, credibility and effectiveness of the Circle of Justice as an organization. For these reasons, we take very seriously anything represented or done by any member of the Circle of Justice, in the name of The Circle of Justice that has not been democratically discussed, voted on, ratified and authorized by the organization. Further we take very seriously any allegations or documentation of unethical, disruptive, divisive or destructive behavior on the part of any member of The Circle of Justice especially when such behavior has been done in the name of The Circle of Justice as a whole.

    You were asked to attend a meeting of The Circle of Justice on Wednesday, September 23, 1998. You said that you would attend that meeting but would be late. In fact, not only did you fail to attend that meeting, you failed to call and notify anyone waiting to see you that you would not attend and failed to contact the members for some time after that. You routinely sign your name on the internet as associated with the Circle of Justice but showed contempt and arrogance when requested to attend a meeting to discuss matters critical to the survival, effectiveness, missions and credibility of The Circle of Justice.

    Had you attended that meeting on September 23, 1998, you would have been confronted with and given an opportunity to respond to the following allegations with supporting documentation:

    a) That you have repeatedly in print and in word represented certain views, allegations and representations as having been voted on ratified and supported by The Ciricle of Justice that in fact had never been brought before the Circle of Justice or voted on or authorized by the Collective as positions of the Circle of Justice;

    b) That you have repeatedly in print and word spread unproven gossip, conversations given in confidence for reasons of security, information, sources of information and ongoing investigations that could compromise and has compromised First Nations activists and certain struggles and activities;

    c) That you have repeatedly in print and in word, slandered and libelled, without evidence, trusted and dedicated First Nations activists (who dared to disagree with you or pose some penetrating and tough questions) with summarily-declared labels like”RCMP agents” or “The Eyes and Ears of the RCMP” or “Government-paid stooges” and with no regard to the damages done to them personally or to the struggles of which they have been trusted and effective instruments;

    d) That you have summarily and for purposes of self-promotion, assigned to yourself and used in print and in word non-existent titles like “Advisor”, Chief Researcher” (we have not seen even one piece of your research), “Chief Expert Witness to the Vancouver Tribunal” and others that were neither authorized nor voted on and ratified by the Circle of Justice;

    e) That you have summarily and without authorization or vote/ratification by the Circle of Justice, using The Circle of Justice as your authority and base, declared for yourself self-conducted and self-declared supposed missions with unstated goals and objectives to organizations like Amnesty International in London;

    f) That you have in word and print designated yourself as the sole contact person for raising monies to support the work of The Circle of Justice and given no accounting or release to the Circle of Justice, certain donations known to have been specifically raised and designated for use by the Circle of Justice as a whole;

    g) That you have demanded of others to release to you and not others of the Circle of Justice, tapes, personal testimonies and other materials associated with abuses of Residential School Vicitms that were not properly released for general use by those who had them in their possession and, when asked the same of you, for tapes and other materials of Residential School Abuse Victims in your possession, you have delayed and obstructed release of those materials back to those who have legitimately requested them and suffer daily wondering how they might be used by you;

    h) That in print and in word you have raised monies designated to send Victims of Residential School Abuse to Geneva, given no notice that you, a non-victim of Residential School Abuse planned to use some of the monies to send yourself, and that you have conflicting accounts of the actual amounts raised and given no actual accounting of monies raised, by whom they were donated and how many Victims could be sent to give representations to UN bodies about Canadian Residential School Abuse and Genocide in Canada;

    i) That in print and in word, you have released the names of Circle of Justice Members and allies, and sensitive and confidential conversations that could compromise the security and welfare of others if released, without authorization or vote by The Circle of Justice;

    j) That you have sought inside and sensitive information from Residential School Victims and their allies and given no sensitive and needed information in your possession in return, in order to inflate an image and public perception of your own degree and depth of involvement in the Circle of Justice and various struggles and investigations;

    k) That members of The Circle of Justice have left the Collective and given as their reason, problems with what they considered to be opportunism, self-promotion, duplicity and disruptions on your part;

    It is our honest opinion, formed on the bais of evidence and without malice, that the above allegations are warranted and/or have enought merit that we have no choice but to act. We believe that you sensed what the meeting on September 23, 1998 was to be about–to present and give you an opportunity to attempt to rebut these charges–and we know that you made several calls to attempt to find out what the meeting was to be about, and sensing the possibilities, simply summarily avoided hearing and answering these charges after first promising that you would attend the meeting.

    We invite you at any time to answer these allegations in writing and we will acknowledge any allegations found not to be substantiated, but in as much as so much is on the line and our work and credibility and membership are suffering as a result of these allegations, we have no choice but to act based on our opinion that you have been aprised/are aware of these allegations and have chosen to repond not by attending a meeting to answer them or with counter-evidence, but rather with slander and accusations against anyone who dared raise them with you and invite responses from you.


    Amy Talio
    Jim Belcourt
    Caroline Nelson
    Irene Starr
    Ethel Wilson
    Dennis Talio
    William Quinn
    Sterling Talio
    Rita Blind

    Comments/Revisions Invited.

    1. Not sure why you are apologizing for sharing such information! Thank you very much, and feel free to keep sharing!

  15. Here is some-more thoughts for Kevin Annett and shows both sides. Again informative from the same site.;wap2

    Concerns about Annett

    This is a bit off topic of what usually gets posted in NAFPS , but I wanted to give a bit more information on the contraversy around Kevin Annett , some of which was first mentioned by Barnaby in the discussion about the people promoted in John Lekay’s Heyoka magazine .

    A lot of Native people seem to think highly of Kevin Annett and at first glance any critism of Annett may seem really unfair .

    Then you look a bit more deeply , the situation becomes a lot more complex .

    A group of native people were already involved in bringing the atrocities which occurred in the residential schools to light , when it is alleged that Kevin Annett took over this process in a way that was not respectful to the needs of the Native people he was supposed to be working with , and that he did this for his own glory . Annett is now getting the credit for this work , but it is likely what he shows the public would have all come out , if this process had been left in the hands of the Native people who were working on this .

    The information in the below links might help people understand some of the contraversy around Annett , and why this exists , when on the face of it Annett seems to have done such a great a service to the Native community through telling the truth about what happened in Canada’s resdential schools in his film “Unrepentant “.

    That something did happen and this is not just weird stuff maliciously posted in cyberspace seems to be confirmed by these next two links , which appear to be reports coming from sources independant of Mr Cravens own collection of emails .

    The website below , which appears to be very much in support of Kevin Annett also acknowledges that *something * did happen ,
    which caused Annett to be expeled from the Circle of Justice , though the reasons given as to why, are very different than the reasons alleged by James Craven in the links above .


    June 12-14, 1998: UN group IHRAAM holds Tribunal into residential schools.

    Tribunal judge James Craven and local native woman Kelly White are identified as police informants and provocateurs after the Tribunal.

    ( Really ? Who identified these people ? It doesn’t appear to say . And on what evidence ?)


    August 4, 1998: Uhlman and James Craven meet with four members of the Circle of Justice without Kevin present, and offer them money to publicly disassociate themselves from Kevin and expel him from the Circle. The four – Amy Tallio, her husband,and two others -agree.

    ( How it it known Mr Craven paid people to disasociate themselves from Annett ? I see no sources. Would suvivors of residential schools who were trying to bring what happened to justice really be so easily bought off ? )


    August 8, 1998: These four people call a meeting and expel Kevin from the Circle, and demand from him all records and evidence from the Tribunal and his work. When he refuses, they slander Kevin over the internet and (with Craven’s help) claim falsely that “Kevin is using survivors’ testimonies without their permission and to make money off their suffering.” (Amy Tallio and James Craven are subsequently flown by the Canadian government to conferences on residential schools in Nova Scotia and Ontario, and are paid to attack Kevin publicly and ridicule the allegations of murders in residential schools)

    This is not something that appears to have been resolved .

    Here is some quotes from a much longer article by Jim / James Craven , the alleged RCMP disrupter .


    I’m a member and Solicitor General of the Blackfoot Nation and I served as a tribal judge. One of my specialties is applying Nuremberg precedents to the residential school situation in Canada and the US. I’ve worked with UN-connected groups to conduct legal tribunals on genocide, applying the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide and human rights laws and statutes we’re all governed by. I also prepare our people who are victims for cross-examination and litigation. Right now, survivors of the residential and boarding schools are launching a hundred lawsuits a month in Canada… (con..)


    One of the reasons the churches and government are talking so much about reconciliation and healing is they have more to
    fear from cross-examination than any victim has to fear. I’ve interviewed hundreds of residential school victims and all
    you have to do is look in their eyes to see that this isn’t being made up. Nobody could make this up. (con…)


    You also find people from different bands who never met each other, who went at different periods through the same schools and who name the same abusers, describe being brutalized in the same ways, the same modus operandi. And there’s no possible nexus, no collaboration, no conspiracy to rig their testimony. Their stories corroborate each other. (con…)


    The reason they don’t want to get into specifics is because what went on is genocide.(con…)


    They meant to destroy us. There’s nothing well-meaning about sexually molesting kids and beating them for speaking their languages or being left-handed. They were not well-meaning. They never brought the message of Jesus to their own children by molesting them and beating them. It was only Indian children they did that to.(con…)


    …So we need make sure that we understand exactly what the issues are and to speak from a factual base. Check your facts and recheck them. Once you lose your credibility, you can’t get it back. If you repeat rumors without checking them out, you lose your credibility. Sometimes you can check and still turn out to be wrong, but you have to make a good faith effort. And you have to tell the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. All Indians are virtuous and all whites are the devil takes you nowhere. It undermines the cause. People speaking for the cause have to be on top of the game because the cause will be judged by the spokesperson. It takes time and it takes energy to arrive at truth, but nothing less will serve any of us.( con…)

    I could be wrong , and I don’t have much information independant of what was written and posted by James / Jim Craven , but Mr Craven doesn’t sound like someone trying to stop the truth from coming out . He also doesn’t seem to be the only Native person to express concerns that too much hyperbole can lead to a loss of credibility in the long run .

    Maybe other people know more than what I have managed to find the links posted here ?

    Thanks again for another detailed post. I had been meaning to look further into Annett’s career but I doubt if there’s much I can add.

    Annett’s paranoid propaganda style has made him very popular with conspiracy theorists: John LeKay being a perfect example. This year, Annett is one of the hot topics for tinfoil-hat-wearers: next year he but more importantly residential-school survivors, will be forgotten by these people. Anyone who disagrees with Annett, or his supporter Lekay, must be part of the gigantic plot. Therefore tribal judges and elders who criticise Annett must be RCMP agents or paedophiles or “connected to the Hong Kong Triad mafia”, and I must be on the FBI’s payroll. Meanwhile in the real world, justice continues to be denied or delayed for the victims of horrific abuse made possible by racist government and church policies.

    In his “chronology of the assaults made against me and my work since 1993”, Annett mentions a group called IHRAAM, the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities. Annett mentions this group issuing “subpoenas” to a tribunal it held, and calls it a UN group.

    This is a misrepresentation of IHRAAM’s status with the UN and its legal status. It’s a non-governmental organisation, and I’m sure it does vital work, but being non-governmental it cannot force anyone to do anything like testify before a tribunal. IHRAAM is only a UN group in the sense that it has “consultative status”. Moreover it is in the lowest category – the “roster” category – along with the European Electronic Mail Association. I’m not slating IHRAAM here, or anyone who took part in the tribunal – I’m pointing out an example of Annett’s self-aggrandising style.

    To finish here are some links on the United Church of Canada’s site regarding Annett, including the decision of the hearing which stripped him of his ministry. It’s illuminating when read side by side with his own account of that process.

    Putting aside any personal feelings of what Mr. Arnett did or didn’t do, the concern should be of the children.
    Hey it happened here in our country, why wouldn’t it happen in another? The Catholic church along with other missions schools
    enslaved, tortured, committed horirific crimes against Native people. I myself know several Native women that have been sexually abused by lay people. I know one elder that because of the trauma she went through in the mission school, they sent her to an insylum where she received massive shock treatments. This elder now in her 70’s still suffers from it.
    Ask the Navaho’s how many where slaves in the name of the Catholic church to build all thoses mission.
    So the real issue should be not if Mr. Arnett is taking credit for blowing the whistle. It should be about what has gone up there in Canada. And no I’m not some parnoid person that believes this is some kind of conspiracy. This s**$t is real. ( I’m talking about the Native people, not what may or may not have happened to those involved in exposing this)

    Quote from: coffee_drinker on July 02, 2007, 03:46:53 am

    So the real issue should be not if Mr. Arnett is taking credit for blowing the whistle. It should be about what has gone up there in Canada.

    I agree completely. Part of what has gone on is the story of residential-school survivors’ struggle for justice. They deserve the credit for blowing the whistle on the the role of church and state institutions in abuse of Native children, not Annett, who rather than humbly serving his congregation has ridden on their backs to make himself more visible.


    And no I’m not some parnoid person that believes this is some kind of conspiracy. This s**$t is real.

    The other problem I have with Annett is that he is promoting stories – Native elders providing children for abuse, paedophile rings composed of top politicians & church leaders etc – which sound extremely implausible (except to the paranoid) and lack proof; they are eerily similar to the satanic-ritual-abuse scare stories of the eighties. This is a gift to those anti-Native forces in Canada who want Indians to shut up and go away. Whenever Native people bring up a grievance or demand justice, racists can say “I bet you made that up, just like that residential-school bullshit”.

    There’s a picture of Annett in several places on Lekay’s website: it portrays him dressed as a minister, holding a Bible and standing over a grave marked ‘Justice’. Apart from its extreme tastelessness, there is another interpretation of the scene that I doubt Annett or the photographer thought of.

    I don’t think anyone is doubting there was widespread abuse and even murder in Canadas residential schools . If Annett published pictures and stories of residential school surviors surviors without their permission , as alleged , that would be further abuse . Just imagine how you would feel if you provided details of the most painful parts of your life to someone , thinking they would help you get justice , and instead you found your picture and the information published in a magazine . If that really happened it is appauling .

    It is also mentioned by one of these people who allegedly had their personal information used without their permission , that Annett didn’t get all the facts right , and made people who reported their abuse to him , look like a bunch of liars .

    If this is true , and Annett has not taken the time to make sure all the facts are right or he has used exaggeration to make his point , he has done a huge diservice to the many Native people who undoubtably DID experience horrendous abuse in Canada’s residential schools , because , as Barnaby points out , any incorrect information will be used to try and cast doubts on all the information.

    James Craven sounds like he was working with cultural sensitivity , on behalf of Aboriginal people for jusctice . If Annett’s allegations that this person was an RCMP disrupter are not true , attempting to discredit Mr Craven sounds to me like it was Annett doing the disrupting and not Mr Craven . I am still curious what evidence Annett has for his allegations against James Craven .

    It is a complex situation and a lot to read through, but anyone who takes the time to do this , will probably understand why there is concerns about what Annett has done .


    Read more:;wap2#ixzz1syWLUTLo

      • Marcie Lane on April 26, 2012 at 21:01
      • Reply

      Well Pagan it is funny you couldn’t bring up the link with some of the ITCCS members names, but bear in mind there are branches in 5 countries and this is only 1 branch besides the one you pointed out so boldly that has just Kevin and 1 other person. I knew I would need this again for you yokels so I saved to favorites and gee , had no trouble reading it again!

  16. Thank-you genuinewitty, I think it is fair to hear both sides or all sides. So far if you look up Kevin Annett alone it is nothing but glowing and only his version of the story. It is fair for people to read all sides and then determine for themselves.

    Without further ado I have a couple of more entries today.

    This hearing panel gives a different version then what Kevin Annett has given on his sties. It seems Mr Annett doesn’t like to be questioned and he walks or does not show up when required to answer allegations that is accompanied with evidence against him. Take note of the witness accounts of Kevin Annett ‘s demeanor. I gave one excerpt below. It is interesting the different accounts on what I personally felt about Kevin Annett as well as some others. Again you be the judges for yourself folks. I think it is fair to read both sides of the story. So far Kevin Annett’s side was only heard.

    There is no doubt that the hurt caused by the way Kevin handled the situation was intense. The most vivid memory I have of those weeks was of entering a small meeting held in the minister’s study and witnessing Kevin regaling Jeannette with his brag that he had driven out the old guard. He was laughing and appeared to be delighted with his story. He recounted the way one person had left a meeting crying, and how other traditional (lay) leaders had lost face and power. It is totally accurate to say that he told all this with childish glee. Nothing in the events that followed was as upsetting to me as that incident.(Mr. Terry Whyte)

    Sep 28/98: Public Statement by Circle of Justice

    S.I.S.I.S. note:

    Due to the serious concerns raised by residential school survivors from Circle of Justice regarding misuse of information by Kevin Annett, a former UC minister who has been active in researching and publicizing atrocities that occurred at residential schools, S.I.S.I.S. has removed a number of documents from our website. The concerns of Circle of Justice are outlined in their public statement.

    After detailed correspondence with both Circle of Justice and Kevin Annett, as well as peripheral participants, S.I.S.I.S. asked Kevin Annett for information that would help us investigate the allegations against him. He refused to provide any assistance in corroborating his releases, accused S.I.S.I.S. of being paid informants to the RCMP, and informed us that he has been telling international contacts that S.I.S.I.S. is participating in a coverup of information.

    We take no position on the allegations that Circle of Justice has made against Kevin Annett. We do not know what actually happened, as we were not involved.

    However, Kevin did involve us by sending us information to distribute, with the understanding that it was being sent on behalf of residential school survivors. Given Circle of Justice’s assertions to the contrary, we obviously could not ethically continue to post the information without confirming the appropriateness of distribution.

    As Kevin has refused to assist us in any investigation, we have therefore removed all his postings from our website archives, as we have no way of determining which posts should or should not have been released. We remain committed to exposing the role that church-and government-run residential schools played in an overall program of genocide against native peoples of North America. We believe our actions speak for themselves, and encourage feedback on our efforts.

    We thank Circle of Justice for their patient assistance in this matter.

    • carollois65 on April 25, 2012 at 14:19
    • Reply

    ah, yes the venerable and honest Jim Craven and his Circle of Justice compositions signed by many names … and the even more venerable and honest united church…

      • Marcie Lane on April 25, 2012 at 19:43
      • Reply

      Almost every one here is so quick to point fingers at the scourge of this month which seems to be Kevin but I must ask, who if any of you have taken on this cause and done something about it? All are syaing what a bad job he has done, how he uses people etc. But many allowed taped interviews because they wanted the world to know what they went through. Kevin’s journey for the past 20 years has been trial and error and learning what method works best to not only inform the naive unknowing public but to try and gain some justice for the victims which has placed himself in a great deal of danger and hardship. Not one of you bashing him has the guts to take on this enormous task and cause so until you get a taste of what it all entails and walk in his shoes for awhile don’t be so quick to point fingers! There are others working with him and all names and details cannot be disclosed until the time is right tp protect not only the people involved but the information being gathered to make the proof indesputable and give more power to convict those involved. So unless you all want to get your hands dirty and do some good your self on behalf of all the children world wide who suffered and died at the hands of church and government, shut up as you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, you just read articles and make judgements. Get off your sorry asses, stop waisting time by bashing a true advocate and do something productive, then maybe once you find out what a difficult task it is, you won’t be so quick to bash and judge!

      1. First of all Marice don’t tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are Marcie. Do you and Kevin’s supporters think you can run around bullying everyone. LMAO,.oh Marcie have you ever picked the wrong person to try this with in me. If anyone should shut up for the rest of his miserable life IMO that should be Kevin Annett. Now either Kevin Annett puts up or shuts up. I.E. Produce the evidence! If he can’t, may I direct you to carry your shut up message to Kevin Annett!

        How do you call people’s statements about Kevin Annett lies, deceit and fraud bashing! How do you explain Marcie that Kevin Annett bashes everyone that does not agree with him on his sites on in emails. He has no problem doing that does he Marcie. I know if and so do you.

        AGain Marcie I have done plenty. You act like Kevin Annett who in fact STOLE the history of the Survivors personal stories is the ONLY one to do anything. I see you once again ignore the statements of people like Rosetta Stone who was well respected in Native Community, you ignore Diane Kage and Kitty all three of these people worked long and harder then Kevin Annett and he stole that credit from them!!! People that have worked for years one even stating for 50 years. Yet you dismiss that.

        I understand Kevin is used to posting self gleaming stories about himself. However again the people he says he represents are NOT impressed and they were long fighting for their rights and against Residential schools child abuse before Kevin was ever around.

        What enormous task stealing peoples history and personal stories, hiking up bones of missing children for his own grab at fame. Asking people for money, Survivors statements of fraud and misappropriation of funds that were meant for Native Survivors. Sending himself around the world in guise of talking for Indians who never asked him to do this but in reality he is promoting his books. Asking for money in his family members name. What is that all about anyway, is he asking survivors for money to support his family. It does not make sense that he just recently asked for donations in one of his family members name. Either the people donating are supporting Kevin and his family or he has something to hide. Is this what you what you are talking about Marcie. I think this and other information out there pretty much concludes not only where he got the history but where he got his ideas from.

        Oh spare me the crap on Kevin’s secret, everything with him is a secret in which he hopes that everyone will forget that he made these grand announcements and nothing comes of it.

        What gets me you assume that nobody else is doing anything and you don’t know that information. Perhaps some of us are keeping secrets or perhaps some of us are going about it that is observed in which First Nations like to handle things something that Kevin Annett knows nothing about.

        Again I ask you to respond the pertient questions I posted previously Marcie, which you avoid only with references of to much info and/or secrecey.

        Again I want to know where are those bones.

        What labs are analzing the bones to date.

        Where are the first bones that Kevin hiked up in that telling video without one shred of decency towards the deseased, the family or to Indianis.

        And for added extra here is another statement by a different Native group about Kevin Annett. What do you make out of it Marice, it seems that Kevin just uses the names of First Nations without their knowledge or permisssion as proven in the evidence put up here.

        In turn may I recommend that Kevin Annett get off his sorry lazy butt and get a real job instead of sponging off of people that dont’ have the money to give him. Once more don’t think your nasty little tactics are going to work with me Marice, you really picked the wrong person to get belligerent with and try this with. I will continue to post all I find on Kevin Annett in effort to have people weigh in and determine for themselves.

        I just love how you assume Marcie that Kevin and perhaps you are the only ones to save Natives. My you really do sound like him and that is not a good thing

        Last thing Marcie people can read and they hone in on the fact that there is proof and evidence that Kevin Annett is not all what he says he is, that he has deceived people from the very beginning and this is for his own self gain.

        If you do so much Marcie why do you feel you need Kevin Annett. What you can’t do this on your own. Really you can’t.


          • Marcie Lane on April 25, 2012 at 21:17
          • Reply

          Pagan, why on earth would I or Kevin feel the need to disclose the where abouts of the labs examining the bones? For all we know since you and at least one other person who has posted on here made a sudden turn about, was a staunch supporter at one time and did an about face over night. Bribed by higher ups or threatened, that I do not know. But people turn and I am sure not going to give out information to an known enemy of Kevin’s who would just love by the sounds of it to derail everything he is trying to do. He is not speaking for anyone except a few who have given him written permission to do so. He is working to expose all the crimes and criminals who targeted children world wide but it did start with the discovery of Port Albernie’s residential School but has gone way beyond that now. So again you assume too much.

          1. Marcie! Give it up!

            • paganmedia on April 25, 2012 at 21:46
            • Reply

            Ah the old standby when Kevin Annett and his few supporters have nothing else left to say. Oh so you think I was bribed. Grin By whom! Come on Marcie you have all the information, so you say, so Kevin says. Yeah Kevin Annett says that alot about many people that speak out about him. As the evidence here clearly shows by the statements of other people. Just the other day I was working for the goverment according to Mr Wisdom himself, now it is I have been bribed or threatened. My, my, my, my, what next. Is that all you two have to accuse people of, the worst for me is that you actually believe your half baked statements. Get real Marcie.

            I already stated why I don’t support Kevin Annett, go back and read it if you wish.

            Here’s the thing Marcie, First Nations were long on working on the residential school abuse, most of them victims. Yet you think in your judgement smirk that Victims and Survivors from different eras were all sitting around waiting for a Non Native to come and bring it to light for them. Is that what you want me to believe Marcie. I would laugh but it is actually sad that you are that brainwashed!

            I will tell you what, I will leave it for people in general including survivors to judge that one. I am sure that people reading this that KNOW that this is a bold face LIE of Kevin Annetts will be very interested in his claims of being the one that discovered residential school abuse.

            Again you nor Kevin Annett have no Legal claim or right to those bones. Perhaps we can collectively do something about this and Kevin keeping the bones. In fact something at this point should be done about it IMO.

            If you want to talk about threatened you may want to look up your own post where you were trying to threaten us via Kevin Annett. Keep trying Marice, I think your statements reveal alot more then you realize not just to me but to others.

            As for Kevin Annett being derailed. Oh I don’t know I think that Kevin Annett does a really good job all by himself in derailing himself. I also think supporters like you put the finishing touches to that derailment. Ya know. He is working at exposing all crimes, right, sure he is, but not before he goes on a book tour where he is asking for donations in the guise of speaking for First Nations in the wake of bone evidence that has been concluded. I am sorry you missed that aspect of Kevin Annett.

            Its not about being a sworn enemy of Kevin Annett’s it is about the fact he lies and deceives as you so eloquently confirmed for me. Thanks so much for that again, I really, appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. :D



    • paganmedia on April 25, 2012 at 17:47
    • Reply

    So now why is there shame to Lydia!” – because of a very long personal history with her. She knows exactly what I mean. Shame on her, absolutely.

    ( snip) Oh NO I missed this.

    Really, I beg to differ on your statement. I don’t know Lydia, however, I DO KNOW the stories are all similar.

    “changed his stripes” – what; learning, growing, and evolving over almost 20 years?

    ( snip) Who exactly has changed his stripes. Kevin Annett. Don’t make laugh!

    “grossly misrepresented the cause” – the cause…. the cause…. of recognition for murdered (or neglected to death) children? of trying to get some action going to have these murder and mass-grave allegations (made by survivors speaking for themselves) treated as seriously as any other such allegations? of actually holding those responsible … responsible? or some other cause, since I can think of nobody else who is frontlining themselves thru shitstorms, such as this you are so busy dishing out, in order to make that happen … what exactly do you mean?

    ( snip) No what he in fact did according to several sources, was steal that information that people that had been both victims and survivors had been fighting for. The only think Kevin did was try to take everyone by Savior storm and basically he continues to this day to try and take over everything. i.e. the bones are a good indication of how true this statement of mine is. He tried to bring to light. Really, please answer why Mr I care so much Kevin Annett hiked up those bones without a smidgeon of respect. Please explain it why to date he is denying the deceased their right to a dignified burial enshrined in Native tradition and customs. Please explain it Carrolise since you are speaking for Kevin.

    Yup, you can find quotes like the one above, and yup, he probably did say that in one of those moments of being exhausted and fed-up with all the in-fighting and petty politics that happen on the ground with anything of a serious political nature. How human of him.

    (snip) OH please the only thing Kevin Annett exhausts himself at is his bid to have people think of him as a victim while he is being the savior of Indians. First Nations that have asked him repeatedly to step down. Now its he is a white man trying to speak on behalf of all white people and what he did, but wait not before he tries to steal more personal stories and asks for money in the tune of thousands of dollars in the name of another family member. He even stated that his money is for a tour in the wake of all this new information. What new information Carrolise, the fact he is stalling for time about the bones from the first dig? That he has no legal right to those bones at all? That he is being deceitful again!

    You can also find other quotes thanking him for exposing the shit they get killed for speaking, for helping the younger one suffering the intergenerational trauma to better understand their elders and the wider disfunction, etc. Those won’t be relayed here, I get that.

    ( snip) Thanking him, anything I am reading as I stated people are less then flattered. However just to indulge you, yes Carollise, I do realize his supporters the few he has left work overtime, thanking him. Still this does not outweigh the evidence……. that Kevin Annett according to several Native and even Non Native groups is USING the suffering and pain of First Nation as a grab at fame. Again first Nations had been working on this and they were doing find by themselves. I see you avoided answering the pertinent questions as well such as his lies. IMO Kevin Annett tries to take everyone by storm and thinks he is above the law. He writes articles almost as if he is terrified of one day being held accountable and for a bid for martyrdom. Here’s the thing it will not work, he burned to many britches and betrayed to many peoples. Not leaders or professionals, the victims and survivors themselves. The only way Kevin KNEW about this info is because he got close to the very people that could give him the info then he betrayed them in exchange for books sold on Amazon, films and tabloid sensationalism.

    “money and fame” – LOL – fame like this is such a heartwarming experience… And, wow, the $$$ – all that money from… putting the film and book up on the internet for free download? Tss…

    I don’t know asking for 5000-10000 is a substantial amount of money and if you just plug in the words of Kevin Annett and that rest speaks for itself.

    Now getting back to Lydia, are you chastising her. She can change her mind based on experience and more knowledge. I DID, and you have problem with that as well. To bad Carrolise, as a former supporter of Kevin Annett, who lied to all of us with his tabloid stories that were not true to sensationalize them, I changed my mind. If you don’t like that, I don’t care! Now try and chastise me and see how far it gets you!

    I call you brainwashed carrolise, either that or there must be something in it for you. If you believe in this cause so much. Why do you need Kevin Annett? Seems to me you could do this on your own and get further then Kevin will ever get, simply because he has lied, burned his bridges and people don’t trust him. Its that simple.

    Seems to me Carrollise you are trying to silence Lydia. Well you know what, she is a grown woman and since Kevin did USE what is really her personal business and relationship with her family in his book, she has every right to object to him and his work. Now try and tell me NO. If I put in print your personal relationship business may it be true or not without your prior consent and permission, would you be thrilled with me. NO, and I suspect you would speak out about it, because that is a normal human reaction. I know I would! Further you support Kevin Annett when he is manufacturing the truth in his books, when that is what indeed also happened to First Nations. Really, you do! I also find it interesting how you so casually dismiss the truth about Kevin Annett from other sources that are not smooching his butt. Ya know!

    One small question, on another thread someone referred to you Carrollois as Kevin. So now time for truth are you Kevin Annett and if you are why the facade in name!

    • paganmedia on April 25, 2012 at 17:54
    • Reply

    Yes, yes, just like the honest upstanding stellar accomplished character of Kevin Annett, NOT Carolise.

    One can’t miss out on how he hiked up what he assured everyone was human bones of a missing murdered child. Without due respect to the deceased, family, and Natives. It took my breath away ( NOT( that didn’t have the presence of mind to put the remains in a container. That he did not hesitate without skipping a deceitful beat to show up at Occupy Toronto.

    Then one could not help but feel inspired ( NOT) by his deceit of surging himself as the moral compass authority over everyone else while he stole history, personal difficult stories and even others hard word such as in the Justice Circle. See there is the problem, it is NOT just the United Church that oppose Kevin Annett and his so called fame grabbing work, it is many others including Survivors.

    Then asking for donations in another family members name in a totally different country.
    So in response to Carrolise this weeks defender of Kevin Annett I bring you a voice from the past her name is Harriett Nanahee.

    I was Convener of the Tribunal on Residential Schools which took place in
    Vancouver B.C. in June of this year. I worked together with Kevin Annett
    whom I have been associated with for several years. As a Residential School
    survivor this Tribunal was very important to me. It was my hope that some
    justice could be won for our people. There is a federal government Healing
    Fund of $350 million for healing of survivors but none of it has gone to the
    survivors themselves. I put a lot of effort into the preparation of the
    Tribunal and it was through my relationship with Jack Bell, a wealthy
    Benefactor, that the Tribunal was able to secure special terms for the
    rental of the hall at the Maritime Labor Centre.

    During the Tribunal a number of things went seriously wrong. Decisions and
    procedures which had been decided together were suddenly changed without my
    participation, funds were misappropriated, the privacy of witnesses giving
    closed testimony was compromised, and some of the judges appointed by Kevin
    Annett and Rudy James turned out to be without credentials. Many people were
    upset and angry. Jim Craven saw what was going on and has attempted to set
    things right. I have serious grievances with Kevin Annett because of his
    actions during and after the Tribunal which showed that he had an agenda
    other than that which had been presented at first. I feel used by him and
    information about my experiences at residential school have been given for
    publication by him without my consent.

    I am President of the Western Canada Leonard Peltier Defence Fund and
    District Vice-President of the Indian Homemakers Association in North
    Vancouver. I belong to the Pacheeda Nation and carry the name of Tsibeot who
    was the Grand chief of Pacheeda. I also run the Sacred Duty Institute and I
    teach hereditary chiefs their traditional roles. I feel very strongly that
    nobody has the right to speak for others but white people always speak for
    us and think they know better than us. They consider us as helpless children
    to work on behalf of.

    Most of us who survived the Residential Schools and have been involved in
    court cases in Port Alberni suing the United Church and the government of
    Canada, we are not on the internet. Jim Craven has taken a lot of trouble to
    inform us about these discussions on internet, to listen to us carefuly and
    speak our thoughts the way we would like. We would like him to continue. If
    you need further information on any of these matters please contact me by
    phone at (604) 985-5817.

    Rosetta Stone (Harriet Nahanee)


    Here are some other voices to this and First Nations that worked long and hard before Kevin Annett was EVER on the scene. J/S

    Dear ipsm-l list: This is what Kevin Annett has done to Harriet Nahanee, I
    have been asked to provide you with this info and ask also that any who have
    been taken in by Annett forward this as well, and I urge people to attempt
    to get CKUT to reconsider whether or not this high priest deserves to be
    anywhere near the radio station in any form audio, physical, whatever.


    — Annett is at it again. I have been in touch with some folks from Ireland
    who had been taken in by him but now his visit has been canclled. Please
    circulate the following to your lists.



    I was at Harriet’s funeral and didn’t see Rev Kevin there. Harriet was my
    dear friend and this gross insult to her memory and work, along with using
    her images without her permission, will not be allowed to stand.

    Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaayo I’poyi

    Blackfoot Nation

    —–Original Message—– From: Craven, Jim Sent: Thursday, October 07,
    2004 7:41 PM To: ‘afenton@… ‘
    Subject: FW: “at a time when they were considered savages”

    —–Original Message—– From: Craven, Jim Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003
    4:35 PM To: ‘James Tomlinson’ Subject: FW: “at a time when they were
    considered savages”

    —–Original Message—– From: Louis Proyect [mailto:lnp3@…
    ] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 11:46 AM To:
    Craven, Jim Subject: “at a time when they were considered savages”

    Dear Dr. Hasart:

    I am writing on the matter of Prof. Jim Craven’s internet correspondence
    relating to the Tribunal on Indian Residential Schools held here in
    Vancouver, British Columbia, in June 98.

    Since the Tribunal, where I first met Prof. Craven, I have followed this
    matter with interest and have received much of the related E-mail material.
    With others, I have been assisting Prof. Craven to deal with the fraud and
    further victimization which has been taking place, both during and after the
    Tribunal. I very much respect Prof. Craven’s integrity, courage, dedication,
    and his considerable skills in handling extremely important and sensitive

    As I live in Vancouver, B.C. and have connections here, both Indian and
    non-Indian, involved in the Indian rights struggle, I was able to make some
    connections for Prof. Craven. He has visited Vancouver B.C. several times
    since June to further investigate the matters he has been writing about and
    we have been in frequent communication.

    I myself am a trained human rights worker and trained social worker (MSW,
    McGill University) with over 30 years experience of cross-cultural family
    and social justice issues. I have worked in Asia for 10 years with
    International Social Service, a Geneva-based NGO, and worked for 10 years in
    British Columbia with NGO’s in the field of minority rights.

    Although Kevin Annett has gained media attention, being articulate and with
    dramatic stories, there is no doubt in my mind that he has been using
    survivors of the residential school system for his own purposes, and using
    their recorded testimonies to publish articles about them without their
    permission. I have seen enough untruths in Kevin Annett’s own E-Mail
    writings to indicate outright deception, or someone who is seriously out of
    reality. I have also seen evidence and heard reports of his controlling and
    domineering behavior towards Indians which is really another unacceptable
    form of abuse. I can also say, to the best of my knowledge of the Indian
    community in Vancouver, that he does not speak for any group nor does he
    have support from any organization or individuals since he has betrayed the
    trust which people had given him. In other words, he does not have
    credibility where it counts.

    Therefore, I believe Prof. Craven is doing a service to the Indian
    Residential School survivors in B.C. by his exposure of Annett’s doings.
    These people do not have access to E-Mail, many are not highly educated, and
    they lack the means to defend themselves when the matter enters the
    “high-tech” arena. It is to Prof. Craven’s credit that he has taken on this
    issue, following through on his responsibility as a Tribunal Judge. I
    believe his sense of outrage at what has been happening is entirely

    We have seen examples before in British Columbia and in Canada of what is
    called “expropriation of voice” by white academics and consultants who get
    involved in Indian justice issues and end up taking over, usually for some
    personal gain either material or psychological. In any human rights or
    victim advocacy work it is a basic rule that the primary subjects, their
    perceptions and their privacy must be given utmost respect and one cannot
    take seriously anyone working in these matters who fails to do so.

    I therefore commend Prof. Craven for this important work, which very few
    people would be able or willing to take on. He is certainly an exceptional
    person. Through his efforts, the Residential School survivors habe been
    greatly encouraged to stand up for themselves and I understand they are now
    taking legal counsel to deal with Annett. Prof. Craven’s intervention has
    certainly been valuable and I know of people who are impressed.

    If you wish to have any further information please contact me at phone

    (604) 432-9017 or at tkage@…

    Diane Kage, MSW (Retired)

    On the same matter as above I am also transmitting statements dictated to me
    by Kitty Bell Sparrow and by Harriet Nahane, both are unable to access fax
    or internet.


    I have spent over 50 years in activism on behalf of Indian people in British
    Columbia, USA and internationally. I am the third generation in a family of
    pioneer activists which goes back to the last century, a time when Indians
    here had no rights. My father was Thomas Hurley, the first lawyer in B.C. to
    defend Indians in court, at a time when they were considered savages.

    From my father, mother and grandmother I have learned and been strictly
    taught that any non-Indian working with Indian people must not be in the
    forefront and must in all circumstances take direction from Indians
    themselves. Non-Indian people must listen and not formulate their own
    perspectives on behalf of Indians. I have always sought to adhere to these
    basic principles in all my work. I am the founder and was editor of Indian
    voice, an internationally known paper from 1967 to 1980, and I trained many
    Native journalists and writers. This paper covered the Leonard Peltier
    trials in depth, including the extradition hearings in Canada. For 25 years
    I have been the senior reporter to the Indian Homemakers Association which
    gave voice to Indian Women on reserves. I have acted as liason to Indian
    prisoners for many years and assisted Deno Butler in gaining recognition for
    Indian spiritual practices in prisons in Canada. I am an elder of the
    Musqueum Nation through marriage to my late husband John Sparrow.

    Although I am now blind, I still receive calls and visits from Indian people
    from all over North America and I still attend and testify on many court
    cases here in B.C. on Indian rights issues. I had received information about
    the Tribunal on Indian Residential Schools from several persons and I had
    the opportunity to meet with Jim Craven on one of his visits to Vancouver
    B.C. He has consulted with me on matters related to the Tribunal. I know
    about the fraud which was carried out by persons involved with the Tribunal,
    including Kevin Annett. Unfortunately he fits the profile of so many others
    who seek to take advantage of the trust of Indian people, building their own
    careers on Indian’s suffering. If, in the Black Civil Rights Movement in the
    United States, a white person had presumed to speak for leaders such as
    Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, it would not have been acceptable to the
    black people. Indian people feel the same way here.

    I concur with the work being done by Jim Craven to expose Kevin Annett. I
    immediately recognized Jim Craven as an exceptionally able and honourable
    person who is doing the right thing. If you require any further information
    please contact me by phone at (604) 980-7680

    Kitty Bell Sparrow ——–

  18. This is a news release from the Squamish Nation

    “Gerald Johnston, claiming to be a hereditary chief of the Squamish Nation, participated in the disruption of a church service at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.

    The Squamish Nation disassociates itself with Mr. Johnston’s actions and wishes to clarify that his actions were in no way representative of the Nation. Further, Kevin Annett, who purported to speak on behalf of the Squamish Nation, is not a member of the Nation and has no association with the Nation whatsoever. More generally, Gerald Johnston has recently purported to speak for the Squamish Nation on various matters.

    This Press Release clarifies that Mr.Johnston has no authority whatsoever to act as a Squamish Nation representative in any capacity.

    The facts are as follows
    – Gerald Johnston is a member of the Squamish Nation but does not live in any Squamish Nation community
    – The Squamish Nation values all of its members including Gerald Johnston, but regrets that Gerald Johnston appears to be having personal issues and delusions
    – Gerald Johnston’s claim to be a hereditary chief is not accepted by the majority of the Squamish Nation community
    – Gerald Johnston has never been a member of the Squamish Nation Council, the elected governing body of the Nation
    – Gerald Johnston last ran for a position on the Squamish Nation Council in December 2005. He placed 64th of 68 candidates, receiving only 55 votes from a total of 2,243 eligible voters, and
    – In January 2008, the British Columbia Supreme Court held that Gerald Johnston had neither the authority nor the capacity to act on behalf of the Squamish Nation (Te Kapilanoq v. British Columbia 2008 BCSC 54).

    Respecting the actions of Mr. Johnston and his supporters in disrupting the church service, Squamish Nation Hereditary Chief and Chairman of Council, Chief Bill Williams stated- “The Squamish Nation condemns Gerald Johnston’s actions in interfering with the Sunday mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral. I expect to be given respect while in engaging in my own spiritual practices and believe the same respect should be given to others. The Squamish Nation believes in pursuing reconciliation respecting historical injustice through respectful processes. We wish to fully disassociate the Nation from Mr. Johnston’s approach. I am writing to the church on behalf of the Nation

  19. What an interesting article that analyzes Kevin Annett’s press releases. And comments from both sides. Be the judge for yourself folks. However the author brought up some fine points one of them being that the only press releases where made by the ITCCS. Which reminds me Marcie provided a link to the ITCCS members however the link does not work. Do tell. The second part of this interesting article is the author points out that they checked out Kevin Annett’s affliations and none of them have sites the only one was Six Nations and we all know that someone just posted a revealing link in which six nations set the record straight.

    It’s a story based entirely on a set of press releases and videos by the ITCCS, which is enough to raise some flags for me. More were raised as the story went on.

    It’s a story based entirely on a set of press releases and videos by the ITCCS, which is enough to raise some flags for me. More were raised as the story went on.

    For Added extra someone else on the Action Plan: Help Us Stop Kevin Annett’s Fraud! Here on this site posted this revealing link of info which continues to show a common pattern and that is Kevin Annett puts out info without the knowledge of organzations and that he falisfies information in which these folks are all setting the record straight.

    Six Nations Set The Record Straight

    Here is an excerpt from Oct/2011

    Brantford – Recently statements have been made regarding Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) providing support to Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS).

    SNEC became aware after the fact that SNEC ground penetrating radar (GPR) was being used at the Woodland Cultural Centre (WCC). Six Nations Elected Council supports finding out the truth. However, SNEC has not provided any documentation to the ITCCS, nor has SNEC confirmed any evidence or allegations made by Mr. Annett or the ITCCS in relation to the WCC.

    SNEC is in a position where it must counteract misleading information sent out by others.

    • Tehahenteh on April 26, 2012 at 17:42
    • Reply

    Curious to know, if one believes that this Kevin Annett is scamming why has he not been reported to Revenue canada or the IRS?

    1. I have, and I recommend others to do just that!

  20. I was looking at the sample affidavits on Kevin Annett’s site. It is very plausible that he scanned those signatures from blank pieces of paper. Even his own signature is NOT the same on any of them. Some of the signatures are not even legible. In fact they are all over the place. It is not just plausible, IMO upon looking at those signatures that is exactly what Kevin Annett did. Go and look at them at the end of each page. Further since Kevin Annett plotted to use those personal difficult true stories of Survivors he can’t be a witness to those affidavits by law. It created a conflict of Interest and both parties should have a their party witness either had the agreement notarized or had a lawyer. A notary is the least expensive. Both parties should have been present in view of the third party legal witness, to ensure the Survivors fully understood that Kevin Annett was going to use those stories in his self gain book. In ending the Survivors have NO REASON to lie about Kevin Annett. I believe their statements that he stole those stories, that coupled with the sample affidavits he has on his site that is very telling that he scanned signatures onto the documents of the Survivors stories. I am sure an expert could verify what I just said. The living Survivor could very well Sue Kevin Annett.

    I should add that there were three sample affidavits that he put on there that didn’t even have a signature.

    The survivors statements are above on this thread that they never gave Kevin Annett permission and again I believe them. Go look at the signatures.

  21. Did you know that Kevin Annett takes advantage of the elderly and the vulnerable? Look at the pictures he exploits and then look at the stories he stole and the elderly that he stole those stories from. This is what people support. You know I am not disputing this treacherous history, I am disputing the way Kevin Annett represents the history with lies and deceit. To take advantage of elderly people and the vulnerable is a disgrace in my view. It is nothing I support. For the rest go here. I wanted to put pictures of Elder Nahanee for people to see.

  22. This article and title is a laugh. I am wondering if Native Americans realize Kevin Annett champions them. I think most would have something contrary to say to this.

    Champion of Abused Native Americans Comes to New York

    The Rev. Kevin Annett kicked off a series of interviews, lectures, and news conferences on the abuse of Native American children,

    • paganmedia on May 5, 2012 at 11:13
    • Reply

    Here is a good insight on Kevin Annett. Titled:
    Once a Black Robe, Always a Black Robe

    • paganmedia on May 5, 2012 at 11:34
    • Reply

    Moderator/Greg, please ignore and delete first two submission,s I wanted to correct typos. Thanks. Sorry I used spell-check and didn’t notice that Métis had changed to Yetis. Sheesh. Thanks.
    I didn’t see your April 26,2012 response:
    Well Pagan it is funny you couldn’t bring up the link with some of the ITCCS members names, but bear in mind there are branches in 5 countries and this is only 1 branch besides the one you pointed out so boldly that has just Kevin and 1 other person. I knew I would need this again for you yokels so I saved to favorites and gee , had no trouble reading it again!

    Snip—-First of all, you listed the grand total of nine people. What does that prove? I recognize some of those names, two are Irish Victims/Survivors. So? All that tells me is those two known to me are active as survivors. What does that have to do with Indian Victims/Survivors? NOTHING!!! You tried to say that Kevin Annett was the reason that Ireland’s holocaust came out. Which is not true and which you admitted to in your reply response. Which is a big difference between them and Kevin Annett, who is NOT a victim/survivor. Nor is Kevin Annett the reason that Indian awareness and suffering came out on those abuses. I will say it again just for your benefit Marcie. Your pal Kevin Annett STOLE those stories from the very people that were abused and suffered!!! Your pal Kevin Annett LIES and MANUFACTURES Indian History just for his grab at five min fame. Your pal Kevin Annett is a LIAR, A CHEAT and a THIEF.

    Ok so lets go through your list of nine people, in give countries. You really think this is a huge tribunal. Who do you think your talking to Marcie! Seriously get a grip and stop trying to hoodwink people. Not that you nor Kevin are hoodwinking anyone.

    Henry Bear, LLB- Funny can’t find him on any other documents but the ITCCS. I am willing to bet if we call the bar he is not registered as a LLB. In fact I did check!! He is NOT there! Please correct me if I am wrong, would love to know why there was a mock trial and that this lawyer was not there!

    As an example here is in part the mock trial transcript that Kevin Annett sent via email. BTW trials in Absentia is a gray area to whether they are considered decorative of the rights of the accused. It is also doubtful that any judgments are applicable in the decorum of justice. Again it is a clear mockery of the pain and suffering that Indians have suffered and experience to this day! Further in Canada trials by Absentia are not governed as legal or bindable!

    “[a] person
    who is alleged to have committed an offense under section 6 or 7 may be prosecuted for that

    9offence if… after the time the offense is alleged to have been committed, the person is present in
    Canada [emphasis added]
    16 Higgins, Kooijmans and Buergenthal, supra note 8 at para. 33. For other examples, see Guillaume, supra note 15
    at para. 8.
    17 Van Den Wyngaert, p. 27, Higgins, p. 8.
    18 Higgins , supra note 8 at para. 31.
    In the Supreme Court of the Federated Republic of Kanata, in Winnipeg, Anishnabe sovereign territory, in the former province of Manitoba

    Here is Kevin Annet’s Mock Trial in part that he sent to me as a response to the fact that he LIED about being armed with the power to arrest and sentence the pope, the queen and the pm. From that moment on, I knew that Kevin Annett was a liar, a farce and a con artist that uses Native suffering as a way of living. The bones that he stole and carries around waving them around further confirms that he is a liar and that he is disrespectful to Native struggle and abuses nor does he care about the suffering of Residential school victims, those bones that he waves around and keeps says so! Its right in a video, with Kevin Annett present waving around bones without any decency or respect for the suffering of a human being. That is if the bones are human! Kevin Annett will lie to continue his ruse!

    Kevin Annett sent this to me, again in part!Total BS!

    Docket Case 32114: 01-13-2021:

    The People vs. The Roman Catholic Church, Inc., The Anglican Church and the Former “Crown of England”, Inc., the former United Church of “Canada”, Inc., the former Prime Minister of “Canada” Citizen Steven Harper, and others in absentia

    In the matter of Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes committed by said parties against the People of the Nations

    This is an official court transcript and as such a public record that may not be tampered with or altered.

    Judge Laura Standing Bear presiding

    The opening session of the State’s case against the defendants commenced at 9:03 am on January 13, 2021 in the Peoples’ Hall of Justice.

    Who do you think your talking to Marcie. Seriously, can you and Kevin Annett stop playing investigators, when neither one of you have the professional background or experience. You and Kevin along with some others are making a mockery out of this past. You support Kevin but you deny the true Victims/Survivors your support. You deny those victims/survivors of Indian Residential Schools justice when Kevin Annett stole those stories from the Survivors. What a disgrace and clearly disrespectful. Kevin Annett managed to blindside and hoodwink a lot of people including Survivors for some time, that is over now and all he has left is his desperation. He was so desperate I read an article that he claimed to be Métis. Funny Kevin Annett once emailed an article in which he spoke about his Ancestry, he never mentioned Métis or being Indian. Just another lie…. to try and get Indian Support. It didn’t work then, so he was forced to abandon that lie and then claim his Irish Ancestry if that is is even true. No one can be sure with Kevin Annett, he lies and deceives all the time. I find it strange that he very rarely mentions Irish Abuse and suffering, since he has Irish Ancestry.

    So 9 people are the ITCCS, really, don’t make me laugh Marcie. Seriously you better start getting a little more brainy.

    I was able to prove Kevin a Liar on YOUR statements and confirmations along with another. You think about that Marcie. You think about that you nor Kevin have a legal claim to those bones. You are just as bad as Kevin and I don’t respect Kevin Annett or anything he stands for. Thank-you Marcie you continue to help me confirm that Kevin Annett is a liar.

    You can keep supporting Kevin and I WILL keep speaking about the fact he is a CON ARTIST, A LIAR A CHEAT And a Thief.

    • paganmedia on June 7, 2012 at 21:23
    • Reply

    The Truth At Last About the Bones That Kevin Annett LIED About.

    I don’t know if anyone has read Annett’s latest self gleaming while he plucks his over rated peacock feathers and personification of himself as being the one and only savior of Indians, however, his most recent literary work praising himself included the actual findings of the first dig, the first bones. Turns out Annett states the bone samples was animal remains MIXED with PROBABLE Human bones.

    Hellooooooooooooooo animal bones mixed with probable human bones. In other words the bones were animal bones as most suspected and Kevin Annett and his crew ran around for months making statements of conspiracy, that they couldn’t trust official professionals, sent the bones to USA etc… and yet the first archeologist in Canada was right, they were Animal bones. I mean Annett was careless in how he handled those bones, he really didn’t care because he knew all along they were NOT human.

    Here is what Annett has said in his own recent address on the ITCCS website.

    The first successful uncovering of apparent mass graves at a former Indian residential school in Canada began in October, 2011 at the “Mush Hole” Mohawk Institute: the former Church of England (Anglican) facility in Brantford, Ontario.

    Based on this discovery, the ITCCS teams sunk two small test digs which revealed positive evidence of burials. These included remains of clothing and buttons positively identified as coming from school uniforms, as well as bone samples which turned out to be primarily animal mixed with probable human remains of small children.

    The truth at last Kevin Annett LIED! After months of holding up people, assurances and sending his peanut gallery to argue with anyone that dared questioned Annett on those first bones they were conclusively animal bones with probable human remains. Give me a break please. This ends the fact that Kevin Annett is a fraud , a liar, a cheat and a thief in my opinion.

    1. Yeah, I saw that. I noticed it after seeing I got a lot of hits on this site from people searching about Kevin. I’m working on a story about it now. No surprise there, it was always quite clear the guy is a con artist! Lol

    • paganmedia on June 10, 2012 at 12:10
    • Reply

    I saw your article and commented on it. If people are searching about Kevin Annett, I am glad to see them come here. Then they can make their own decision, but they can’t say they were not warned before hand. He is a Con Artist, A cheat and a thief. I.E. The bones were animal mix with probable human. Right. Then if you recall he asked for money to be sent to his money based on the fact that he lied and said the bones were human. He had to know that they were not human, the first archeologist knew they were not human and said that one out of the sixteen bones may have been human but he could not even conclude that the one bone was human because Annett took possession of the bones as you know and as you also know he then proceeded to parade those bones around at occupy movements, on videos and his tabloid proclamations of lies.

    It is disgusting that he was so deceitful that he held up families waiting to to see if the bones were human and waiting to see if they could find out if those remains were their missing loved one. He knew that is why he made up all that BS that was written here. It is interesting that the bones results were extended from March to Sept of this year and then he wrote that article recently. Annett counts on people forgetting what he wrote previously.

    Thank-you for daring to put this all up on your site.

    • paganmedia on June 13, 2012 at 13:44
    • Reply

    Apparently Kevin Annett is courting another fraud one that goes by the name of Alfred L Webre. They put out a youtube video. How unusual that someone that is suppose to be a judge has several videos of conspiracy theories on youtube.

    I did a little research on Webre. He is suppose to a a judge but has no authority . Pretty similar to Kevin Annett who lied that he was armed with the power to bring the pope etc.. to trial.

    Like Annett he makes lists of demands or at the very least he has now buddied up with Annett to make the same list of demands that Kevin Annett feigned a year ago with his ITTCS tribunal that never happened. It is the same list of demands. ( Odd that Annett would have to do this because… another lie unearthed, because if Annett had been successful as he articled there would be NO REASON to make the same list of demands, a year later.

    Webre is into into Alien and Government conspiracy theories. Articled that Obama was going to come out and admit that there is Aliens amongst us.

    Claims that Obama time travels to outer space to visit with Aliens. That there is a CIA program involving Aliens, further claimed in 2011 that Obama was suppose to hold a news conference and admit that Extra Terrestrials from Mars were alive and well so to speak and amongst us. According to Alfred he claims that President Barack Obama tel ported to Mars at the age of 19.

    Some have commented that Alfred is into Satan Worshiper, I don’t know if that is true or not, however… I would be more then amused to find out what the real bench judges thought of that if the persons statement is true. Again not sure about that as it was a comment and I don’t have enough strength into me to sift through all this nonsense/garbage of Webres.

    Webre’s articles is based on several conspiracies that he tries to make into phenemens.

    Webre is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, which is an NGO organized in Malaysia to investigate alleged war crimes, particularly in the Middle East.This body holds no official standing nor the ability to enforce its decisions.

    It is NOT usual for a judge to be on youtube so willingly. As usual Annett is running out of people so he got with Alfred to make the same demands he made with his two man show ITCCS org. Grin.

    Webre is a judge in the same status and is pretty similar to Kevin Annett’s status to bring the pope the queen and the PM to canada to justice. He has no power or authority. Oh yes some of the articles from Webre’ is suppose to be from Brussles like Annett.

    little on Webre.
    I met born-in-America and Vancouver BC resident Alfred Webre at the so-called 9-11 “truth” conference in Vancouver BC late June of 2007…because I expressed to Webre my “extreme” animosity to the UN,expressed my very great dislike of Webre’s very deep and extensive involvement with the UN,and my comments about the VATICAN and most especially the JESUITS…Webre made a VERY interesting admission to me that evening of the conference’s first day and thereafter, he made sure the very next day to have me BANNED from the conference and TRIED to have me arrested by the RCMP and deported…I’ll send out a new exposure of Webre written by Eric Jon Phelps (just being finished up now by him) to detail just what Webre told me that evening…and then some…

    Like Annett Webre tries to invoke outrage on non truths, conspiracy, and he seems to be interested in government connections and conspiracy with extra terrestrials. He wrote article claiming 9/11 conspiracy etc. He and Kevin Annett are twins.

    This is someone’s opinion on Webre

    The guy is a train wreck with no respect within the UFO movement. He uses wild attention grabbing headlines and stories to make money! He gets 10 cents a click! The high stangeness book makes very little mention of 911. No where near what the article seems to imply. My friend had written an article reflecting his honest assessment of the work the author and her physicist husband and others were doing. They asked him if they could use it for the intro to their book, and for that he has paid a price. He does not believe that they are lying and stands by his assessment. However the Alfred Webre piece may very well not be deliberate disinfo just the rantings of someone trying to turn clicks into cash.§

    Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF)
    Concerned Citizen,Researcher,Investigator,Whistleblower

    Just look up Alfred Webre in full name and then compare him to Kevin Annett’s bullshit.

    Here is an interesting amusing piece on the so called legal eagle self promoting judge Alfred L Webre. I mean with Annett this gets more and more ridiculous. He lied about finding bones in Canada. He just recently admitted that on his two man show ITCCS site. Now he and Webre are courting each other. What’s next is Annett going to start making demands to Webre’s aliens that they stop conspiring with the Governments. Holy shit, this ladies and gents is Kevin Annett. It seems Annett and Webre promote themselves as judge, jury and executioner. They make lists of demands, say they are part of organizations yet they have no authority whatsoever over those they accuse. Thus they cannot bring anyone to justice. It would be amusing if it was not so pathetic and if Annett wasn’t using a human rights cause that caused grave harm to people for his own gain and a grab at fame.

    JULY 4TH, 2008?

    Again just look up Alfred L Webre or Alfred Lambremont Webre and you will get to read all his articles on this and other things as well as his videos. Once more a judge that has several videos on youtube with conspiracy theories on Aliens etc… Really. You be the judge for yourselves folks. Grin. I sense desperation on Kevin Annett’s part.

    • Paganmedia on June 14, 2012 at 00:19
    • Reply

    So just a few more notes on Kevin Annett’s new friend then I am done. Simply I don’t want to spend a lot of time regarding Alfred L Webre.

    Just recently as short as two months ago. Webre himself posted on his blog/site that Wikipedia was considering dropping his Wikipedia entry. Wikipedia sited to Weber because of ” lack of notability!
    That is pretty bad in my opinion when Wikipedia is thinking of dropping a person that comes with the endorsement that Webre has on himself including his education. Lack of notability means that they don’t’ think he is credible, that he is NOT worthy of mention. Lack of sources etc..

    Webre’s reason for Wikipedia dropping him is as follows

    “The original entry was not prepared by me. My view is that Wikipedia’s action continues to be part of the CIA time travel controlled US Presidency’s retaliation against me for having exposed Soetoro/Obama’s participation in a 1980-83 secret CIA jumproom project. ( Sounds alot like Kevin Annett’s accusations about anyone that disagrees with him or disapproves of him I.E Black ops, RCMP, Police informants, working with the Government is Annett’s allegations and accusations when people don’t see it .)

    Again with Alfred’s resume Wikipedia considering dropping him should give a person red flags. Lets see he is suppose to be a lawyer, a judge that like Annett ( who said he tried and convicted the Pope, The Queen and the PM of Canada) Alfred Webre claims that he and others in Malaysia court tried and convicted former President of the USA George W Bush Jr and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. ( notice the similarities between Annett and Webre in their tribunals and courts, yet nothing becomes of it)

    Like Annett’s mock trial at the alleged supreme court of Kanata, the two former leaders in Bush and Blair didn’t show up for their war crimes trial in Malaysia. In which if one searches high and lo on the net you can find a picture with Weber and others in Malaysia looking very astute as judges. However the problem is not one of those persons in Malaysia that held court possessed the authority or the power to legally enforce their decisions on Bush and Blair and they had no official recognizable standing with this alleged court and looking into war crimes. Again that is pretty similar to Kevin Annett’s antics.

    It really defeats the purpose and is pointless of holding what I call a mock trial and finding people guilty of any crimes without the defendants being there and that the defendants have legal representation. Annett’s two man show into crimes against humanity and Webre’s crimes into war crimes really does more to mar the truth from coming out then it does to help these causes. Further when the people holding court are not recognized as a legal function even with the UN, they then become just as bad as the people they accuse because in turn they become the singular body of being judge, jury and executioners. The Term” Due Process Of Law” should be something that Webre knows about. Due process is the very foundation to assure that all those accused get a fair trial. Further the tribunal found Blair and Bush guilty of crimes against peace. Christ Kevin Annett could be found guilty of the same IMO. Grin.

    Nowhere did I find in Webre’s resume that he puts out on himself any time that he was using his skills and degrees to help his own people.

    Webre is into extra terrestrial communication and conspiracy and has wrote an article that now President Barack Obama was transported and zoomed up to Mars when the President was 19 years of age.

    I am NOT into the Alien movement, and usually don’t care if that is what floats another boat. However a man that has on his resume that he went to Yale, and has such an alleged astute background with degrees, surely could find better use of his knowledge and time then hanging around with Kevin Annett only to help him make matters worse and to cause unnecessary hardship to the true Indian Survivors/Victims and to the true Indian heroes and heroines some that worked 50 plus years to bring this awareness of their abuse and suffering to light. Some who have sadly passed away after Annett stole their personal difficult stories from them.

    On a small note of total amusement it is alleged that Webre is a Satan Worshiper. I would dearly love to see how the Xian bible belt would react to a person that proclaims himself to be a International War Crimes Judge who focus’s on Aliens.

    Again all you have to do is plug in Alfred’s name and you will find all you need to find. You be the judge folks.

    Now I am done on Kevin Annett’s new pal, simply I have better things to talk about aside from focusing on two people that want to run around the net and in outer-space articulating conspiracy theories between governments and Aliens with Annett’s need for attention and a grab at fame and gain off of Indian suffering.

    I asked earlier, what is next for Kevin Annett is he going to create a list of demands for Alfred’s aliens to stop communicating with governments? I am sorry I can’t resist. Will Annett and Webre now have a mock tribunal on alleged criminal aliens that conspire with earth’s governments. On an even more amusing note if there are Aliens they are probably staying away from the people in this world, we probably frighten them with our primitive thinking and blood-lust of wanting to kill anything different. They most likely would not want to have anything to do with us. J/S-Grin.

    Oh yes Alfred has joined the Republic of Kanata with Annett. Yet some Indians argue there is NO Republic of Kanata. Well perhaps in outer space there is one. Grin

    Here is Alfred’s entry on Wikipedia wanting to drop his entry.

    EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Wikipedia considering dropping entry of ET/UFO author, founder of Exopolitics, and judge who convicted George W. Bush and Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq for lack of “notability”

    • MySaskCan on July 22, 2012 at 23:36
    • Reply

    I used to be a supporter of Kevin Annett and his effort to raise awareness about aboriginal genocide at the residential schools. In researching this issue more, because I do not know a lot about the details, I found a lot of things troubling. First of all, the ITCCS regularly produces action alerts, press releases, ect. claiming to originate from the Brussels office and yet no such office exists. When you visit the website, the secretariat and sole member of the tribunal is Kevin Annett. The dig at the Ontario residential school, where Annett allegedly found the bones of children has yet to be fully excavated (this is a crime scene and it is Kevin’s duty to report the finding of human bones to the proper authorities). The ‘human bones’ have not been examined by a medical examiner or anthropologist and have not had any form of genetic testing to determine who these bones may belong to. These tests would provide a database through which surviving relatives could be contacted, notified and added to the list of plaintiffs in the case. Kevin Annett cannot list himself as a plaintiff as no wrongdoing has been committed against him as outlined in the case. The same can be said for Jason Bowman. Kevin Annett has on numerous occasions published press releases and action alerts warning of so-called black operatives looking to subvert his efforts, when those who question his actions are looking for transparency regarding some (and more) of the aforementioned issues. In my opinion, Kevin has not represented the interests of the real victims of this case (the children and the survivors of the residential schools) and instead portrays himself as the victim. If Kevin’s actions were consistent with good evidence collection, the protection (and not harm) of witnesses and transparency of all of his actions, no such ‘black-ops’ would stand against public scrutiny. However, Kevin uses the public’s negative opinions of the Royal Monarchy and of the Vatican to gain sympathy for his cause…. a cause that serves no one, but Kevin Annett.

    As well, Kevin has a duty of care in his representation of the victims he claims to represent. He is in fact, acting as a lawyer, on behalf of residential school victims and so his libellous behavior as of late puts him in jeopardy of being negligent and being sued for same. Certainly he is guilty of misfeasance and defamation of people he previously used to build his movement and has since publically smeared. His approach to prosecuting Church and State leaves a lot to be desired…

  23. Carollois65, rather Kevin…shame is not something I live with. The only semblance of shame I do have is being duped by you..for 12 years. That is quite the embarrassment from hell, where according to Dante, you already reside. I comply with Dante. Remember?? You tried to welcome me there once…wishful thinking that I would join you any further in your hell, your insanity, the horror of you and your life. Shame is not the word for you…and you will never never own it. You will die mumbling your mad delusions to whoever will listen. We can start with shame, but we need a much much stronger word for you.

  24. Annett’s defenders here seem to hold to the same logic that Annett does, that supposition ans assertion is the same as evidence. Itb isn’t. The burden of proof is on Annett and other’s making the claim. This is the legacy of kant and of mysticism, that what one thinks up in their minds can somehow become reality, whether they are aware of this irrational process or not. Reality is observable, and contradictions do not happen in nature, only in the minds of men. This Annett fellow seems some what smart and seems to be very good at what he does. he also seems to have quite a few psychopathic traits. Of course I cannot diagnose him, but recognizing these traits and being aware of them is the first step in protecting yourself from these ancestral enemies of humanity. Psychopaths are not necessarily human, sorry to tell you. They lack empathy and fMRI scans of legitimate socialized psychopaths show severely reduced cognitive activity in the frontal cortex. I wonder if Mr. Annett would submit to a psychoanalysis or a fMRI scan….Regardless people need to use clear reasoning when dealing with these types of unfounded conclusions. I use the the only time tested method (2500 years old) known to man, that being the integrated Trivium method, not to be confused with the classical trivium methodology of the church and the oligarchs control grid. We can understand truth, and the reality around us, and it isn’t all some abstraction in our minds. Annett and those like him seek to turn the naive into their unwitting dupes to fool you about the nature of reality, and in course rob you of your self esteem, your money, your piece of mind and your soul ultimately. Don’t be fooled. If he had solid evidence he would show it.

  1. […] My Response To Kevin Annett About The Bones (and a few more issues) ( […]

  2. […] My Response To Kevin Annett About The Bones (and a few more issues) ( […]

  3. […] three articles, and a very long debate, Kevin Annett’s credibility is no longer. He has been uncovered for lying, changing his story multiple times, and his rather dodgy […]

  4. […] It all began with David Eby, his connections with the Black Bloc and his history of cop-baiting. Then onto Toronto where I learned about Judy Rebick and her support of the leaders in the Black Bloc movement. And the latest, and probably most significant connection of Kevin Annett and his fraudulent bones. […]

  5. […] Annett, an International Socialist who has convinced indigenous communities across the country that he has identified numerous mass graves caused by “the Queen of England and the Holy See”. He is also making allegations that […]

  6. […] the bones ‘of children’ out of his pocket and waved them around like a fool. If you read the comments section of my letter to Annett, you will see there is no doubt that he is pulling a con. Con Artist Kevin […]

  7. […] took a lot of abuse from people after suggesting Kevin Annett is a con-artist. I had people sending me hate mail, abusive messages on Facebook, and an article or two written […]

  8. […] of the bones had been rolling around in my brain (and others like Greg Renouf who first wrote an article about the bones) so, I took the opportunity to bring it up again in last weekends chat room. I asked […]

  9. […]… […]

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