Who Was Really Behind Vancouver Cop Watch’s Lies on CKNW yesterday?

Jennifer Allan: Liar or Pawn?

I’ve been told that Jenn Allan is a good hearted person. She’s a Christian, a former sex worker, someone who provides free food to current sex workers. An angel some would say. So, considering this, I was willing to give her the benefit of doubt. That was, until she went on CKNW yesterday, lying to the public. Now, I am left wondering, is Jenn a boldfaced liar- or, is there something more to the story. Perhaps she its a pawn? If so to who?

Ivan Drury- One of Vancouver’s biggest problems

Shortly after I published my first story on Vancouver Cop Watch (VCW) I heard back from people in the DTES that I had really caused a stir. Ruth Meta told me that she had spoken with Ivan Drury, and that he was out for my blood! I took this as a good sign.  After all, Ivan is a raging loonie Marxist revolutionary- if I’m spoiling his plans, I’m right on target!

Ivan has been running around Vancouver causing a lot of unnecessary disturbances the past few weeks. He is one of the Marxist crowd’s primary stirrers of discontent in the DTES. Ivan represents the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council (DNC)- this is the organization that runs the illegal street markets Ann Livingston was trying to protect while she contributed to the lies on CKNW yesterday. Ivan is also infamous for invading City Hall on behalf of a legitimate condo deal, and bringing people from the DTES to camp-out on the front lawn of the home of a West Vancouver developer.

It seems to me that Ivan’s whole life is based around building a fortress to keep the poor people stuck in the DTES- desperate and poor. This is perfect for poverty pimps like Janice Abbott- she needs stock to keep her bawdy houses full! So, Cop Watch seems like the prefect place for Ivan to stir-up some of his Marxist trouble. Still, I hadn’t found any evidence- that is, until this morning:

So, there you have it folks! One of the reasons that Jenn Allan’s lies were so skilful was because she was guided by Ivan Drury! So, basically, Bill Good did an interview with Ivan- only, with Jenn as his proxy. Tricky! And, I’d suggest to CKNW that they do a bit more research before letting something like this happen again…

It is also worth mentioning that Ruth Meta was in the studio with Jenn- she told me she was doing this the day before. If you listen closely to the recording of the show. Listening closely, I think I can hear Ruth coughing as couple of times as Jenn is about to start saying something the wrong way.

So, despite the fact that Jenn outright lies in her performance on the Bill Good show, I’m going to conclude that she is merely a pawn. At least, for now. She can prove it to us by making a public apology to the public who she lied to- that would be a good start….

For my next story on Ivan, I’ll get into his connections with COPE, and how he (and others) are dragging their name through the mud.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/19/who-was-really-behind-vancouver-cop-watchs-lies-on-cknw-yesterday/

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  3. […] wrote another article about this situation yesterday, where I identified that VCW was given assistance misrepresenting themselves to the public by a […]

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