A Funny Video By Patrick Ross About Last Week’s Black Bloc Attack…

Conservative Alberta blogger Patrick Ross has made a funny video in response to the attack I got from the Black Bloc guys at last week’s Toronto Casseroles march. It isn’t very flattering to them- but, I couldn’t resist sharing…

FYI, the woman at the end of the video, Megan Kinch of the Toronto Media Co-Op is the person that Anglican Priest (and daughter of former Poet Laureate & Order of Canada holder) Maggie Helwig went to and consoled after the attack. What is an Anglican priest doing fraternizing with the Black Bloc? Things that make you go hmmm…


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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/30/a-funny-video-by-patrick-ross-about-last-weeks-black-bloc/