Kevin Annett Partners With The Antichrist!

Jose Luis: Self-proclaimed Antichrist televangelist…

I’ve spoken with a number of Christians about Kevin Annett over the past few days. Many of them have now given-up on Kevin Annett, but a few are still on-the-fence. Well, I imagine that after this article, many undecided Christians will now make their decision. Because Annett has officially partnered with the Antichrist! I was searching through some Kevin Annett videos on Youtube last night, and along with finding some gems connecting him to Academics like Ryerson Professor Winnie Ng, and defrocked NDP radical Marxist Barry Weisleder (story coming soon), I discovered that he has partnered with a nefarious religious group Creciendo en Gracia (Growing In Grace International Ministry, Inc.).

This is a Miami based televangelist group led by José Luis de Jesús Miranda, a wingnut who has 666 tattooed on his forearm, and who claims to be the second-coming of Jesus. He preaches that the Devil was destroyed, and that 666 is the symbol of Jesus. I remember hearing about them before on Bill Maher’s documentary Religulous- here’s a video of Maher interviewing Jesus himself!
According to the UNHCR’s report on religious freedom in Honduras, Creciendo en Gracia is the only religious organization ever to have been banned from that country. Here’s what they had to say about this group:

“On April 23, 2009, the Ministry of Justice officially banned the religious group Creciendo en Gracia (CEG) and all associated foreigners from operating in the country, declaring that CEG profited from bogus religious activities and caused public disturbances. In March 2009, members of Congress voted unanimously to ban the group. CEG was founded in Puerto Rico by José Luis Miranda, who claims to be the Antichrist and preaches against traditional organized religions.”

This sounds a lot like Kevin Annett, doesn’t it? Bogus activities, public disturbances, preaching against traditional organized religions- they have the whole gambit! They even ask people to mail money to them in Florida! No wonder they get along so well with Annett!

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    • sheray on July 26, 2012 at 14:52
    • Reply

    wow… can it get any worse?

  1. […] of the Catholic, Anglican, United and other Churches)?  Lest we forget your alliance with the AntiChrist 666?  Oh, make it stop! My sides […]

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