Updated: The Mystery Of The G20 Hairy Legs Gets Thicker…

UPDATE: The press conference has been held, and I have identified one the the ‘hairy leg 7’. Her name is Alicia Ridge, from Hamilton. I don’t have much information yet- but, have discovered she is a member of the website of the anarchist-run Media Co-Op. More to come…


Yesterday I wrote a quick update to my story about G20 convict Kelly Pflug-Back comparing herself to Jesus. I had noticed that there was a similarity between Pflug-Back’s words and a court case that was filed by some women who were arrested during the G20- they claim they were profiled because they had hairy legs.

Here’s a quote from that story:

According to the lawyer, the provincial police watchdog — the Ontario Independent Police Review Director — found an officer wrote in his arrest notes that “all parties appear to be protesters; back packs; clothing and females all have hairy legs.” 

Something set-off my spidey senses when I read this- because, it was very similar to a line I read in Pflug-Back’s story:

“He leered at my bare legs and told me I needed a razor. Another tied my wrists with zip ties and proceeded to rifle (sic) through my purse.”

I speculated if there was a connection yesterday because all too often there is in these sort of situations- yes, the radicals are that predictable. It turns out I was right- the lawyer running the case of the hairy legs is Davin Charney. He also just happens to be Julian Ichim’s lawyer in his case where he claims to have been unlawfully arrested during the G20. It seems that Charney is making a great business serving G20 protesters!

Pflug-Back is Ichim’s ex-girlfriend. The story where she compared herself to Jesus was published on Ichim’s blog. And, to complete the connection, Ichim wrote an entry in his blog about the case of the hairy legs! Here’s a relationship chart:

Hairy Legs Flowchart

I’ll be expanding this chart as soon as the names of the women in the hairy legs case becomes public. Something tells me that they connections may be interesting. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some wholesome entertainment to balance out all this talk of the Black Bloc…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/01/the-mystery-of-the-g20-hairy-legs-is-solved/