(Updated!) The Story Of My Stalker, Alex Hundert (featuring Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus)

My stalker, Alex Hundert


Krystalline Kraus, of Rabble.ca decided to make my case a bit stronger today- in retaliation for this article, she decided to tweet out Alex Hundert’s website and get it more publicity. Thank you Krystalline, this shows us the quality of journalism at Rabble.ca (meaning, it’s non-existent).


November 12th, 2011 was the first day I met my stalker, Alex Hundert. I had no idea who he was at the time, I had to Google him to find out. And, I must say, I knew I was onto something important when read about his history. Obviously, I had hit a nerve at the highest levels of Canada’s violent Black Bloc community…

Hundert responded to the first story in this blog where I mentioned Harsha Walia. I didn’t say much, only posted a video someone shared on Occupy Vancouver’s Facebook page where Harsha promoted the use of Black Bloc tactics while viciously attacking a good man who had a different point of view. This video had upset a lot of people in the days before we setup camp, and I felt it was an important thing that needed to be discussed.

Had I only known what the Black Bloc would do to me because of this…

Hundert responded to my article with a long diatribe, labelling me as an agitator and a racist (without adequate explanation why), and explaining about how it was unacceptable to question Harsha’s promotion of violence because she is a long-time activist. He wrote a lot of text in his response, but it was tragically void of logic. This is a pattern I would see for many months to come.

I first met Hundert in-person on March 8th, 2012 at an Occupy Toronto General Assembly. He came especially to see me, and to physically block me from entering the meeting. It was this day that he escalated his cyber-stalking to stalking me in real life. It was strange, Hundert wasn’t part of Occupy Toronto, nor was he allowed by the terms of his bail to even be there.

Alex Hundert, blocking me from entering the Occupy Toronto GA

When I tried to walk inside the building, Hundert bumped himself against me and stopped me from going inside. Some of the Occupy marshals offered to move him out of my way that night, but I refused- it would have been hypocritical of me to support someone using violence in this situation- after all, Hundert began stalking me because I was standing-up for Occupy’s principles of non-violence.

Later that evening, while I was waiting outside, one of the two thugs who accompanied Hundert physically assaulted me. He kicked my phone out of my hand, causing a minor scratch. Many of the Occupiers who were there that night were thoroughly disgusted by what happened.

Hundert showed-up at another Occupy Toronto GA on March 26th, this time accompanied with a different group of thugs. Again, he blocked me from entering the building, and he yelled out his usual (unfounded) accusations of racism, sexism, and whatever else he could think of. As I’ve learned, this is a common tactic the Black Bloc and other anarchists have used to attack people. I know several other people who have received similar attacks.

Here’s a video from that night:

The problem is, that my calling-out Harsha Walia on her support of violence had nothing to do with her race or gender. I’d have done the same if she was a transgendered albino llama, as I’ve said in the past. Violence of all kinds is not acceptable in any circumstances. Any incident of violence reverberates through long past the original incident- to be the initiator is a disservice to all.

Those weren’t the only attacks Hundert took on me in March. He also setup a website especially made to try and damage my reputation. It was craftily made, with very ambiguous wording like this gem:

“We are not going to track down “evidence” of Renouf’s anti-native comments that he made repeatedly in Vancouver. and we’re not going to give you screenshots that are evidence of his white supremacist arguments about reverse racism, which are at the core of much of his targeting”

I wasn’t certain who made the website at first- but, being more angry than he is intelligent, Hundert made mistakes that exposed himself. He posted here on my blog using the same computer and IP address for personal comments as he did for comments from that blog:

I was discussing this blog with some friends last week when one of them made a rather interesting discovery. Alex has a common graphic he uses for a lot of his self-promotion, flying crows. They are the same crows as on the header of this website.

Here’s an example where he used the crows for promoting the actions he was arrested for During the G20:


And, after the G20, the same crows were used on t-shirts that were used to protest the arrests. Here’s a picture of Judy Rebick wearing one:

Judy Rebick, One of Alex Hundert’s long-standing supporters…

This website has been used by all kinds of people to attack and try to discredit my work. This was especially true of when I exposed Kevin Annett for his fraud and abuse of indigenous communities. The irony of this is too much really- Hundert is a man who purports to be a saviour to indigenous communities, and this website he made was used as a weapon by people defrauding them. What a long, strange, trip its been.

I thought that, once he was imprisoned, I wouldn’t have to worry about Hundert’s stalking any longer- at least, not for the next fourteen months. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Hundert made an assumption that I was the person who created a satirical website titled “Alex Hundert’s Prison Blog”- and, he had someone on the outside relay a rather gruesome threat to me on his Twitter account:

So, even from inside prison, Hundert continues to stalk me- who would have thought…

The whole situation is rather bizarre. I was on the other side of the country when Hundert started stalking me, I’d never communicated with him, and had never heard of the guy until he began writing ugly messages and accusations. But, somehow, he took an unhealthy interest in my work- almost to the point of being obsessed.

I will be heading off to the courthouse this week to file a civil suit against Hundert because of the website he setup. The site has caused me a lot of headaches, and has helped bad people like Kevin Annett & Alfred Webre to continue their deceptions against innocent people. It is time for this chapter to end…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/the-story-of-my-stalker-alex-hundert-featuring-judy-rebick/