Exciting New Occupy Documentary Premiers In Vancouver On October 15th!

Rafferty Baker and Matthew J. Van Deventer

There is some exciting news coming-up on the Occupy documentary front. The Occupation Documentary is being premièred in Vancouver on October 15th.  The film was made by Rafferty Baker and Matthew J. Van Deventer, two BCIT journalism students who were present (with video camera) every day at Occupy Vancouver. If something significant happened at Occupy Vancouver, they probably got it on-film (including someone bashing a cop on the face with a flagpole after Harsha Walia showed-up with Black Bloc.)

I don’t know a lot about the film (only what I’ve seen on the trailers), but I get a good vibe from these two guys. They seemed like two honest fellows who came to capture Occupy Vancouver through their camera. Early reviews say that they were very unbiased in their film. And, I doubt they have many connections to Michael Moore and Nicolas Sarkozy…

The show is at Vancouver’s Rio Theatre, tickets are available at the door at 6pm and they only cost $8. And, you will be supporting two hard-working students- not the Hollywood and activist elite.

Here’s the trailer:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/10/exciting-new-occupy-documentary-premiers-in-vancouver-on-october-15th/


    • The Hammer on October 10, 2012 at 10:10
    • Reply

    Unbiased eh????? Well, the far left activistocrats will hate it. Reality and the truth have never been a very good friend of their’s. The one guy there has an NPR shirt on. I can see it now. Activistocrats will accuse them of being US government agents.

    • brotherwolf1 on October 10, 2012 at 19:25
    • Reply

    Who gets to play Rebick ? Who gets to play union clowns? Will there be pay offs? I want answers

    1. Silly me- I thought Judy Rebick was a union clown!

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