Swamp Line 9 Protester Gary Wassaykeesic Has A Message For The People Of Westover Ontario!

The Swamp Line 9 occupation of an Enbridge pumping station took place in the sleepy town of Westover, Ontario. Media reports indicate that most of the people of Westover weren’t happy about the protesters invading their town. Protesters were marching down their streets, blocking traffic, and causing a general disturbance.

On the day of his first court appearance in Hamilton, protester Gary Wassaykeesic (who was arrested at the protest for mischief and breaking and entering) filmed a special message to the people of Westover saying:

“Westover should be f##king thanking us. For letting the world that a small shit little town like Westover actually exists!”

Someone really needs to tell these people that this isn’t the right way to get people on their side. It’s almost as if they’re intentionally trying to get people to hate their cause…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/21/swamp-line-9-protester-gary-wassaykeesic-has-a-message-for-the-people-of-westover-ontario/


  1. Mark this well, you proud men of action! you are, after all, nothing but unconscious instruments of the men of thought.

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    father of the Hegelian dialectics
    and Marxist cult

    • Gaylord on August 21, 2013 at 18:12
    • Reply

    I cannot understand just how moronic these people are. It beggars belief that this guy would say such a thing.

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